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An Encounter in the Arboretum, part 2

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 8:47am by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Alvar Walder

1,005 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Typhon Arboretum



'This is a curious place, Thirteen.'

Thirteen nodded. "It is not as conducive to attempting meditation, as originally deduced."


'This is a curious place, Thirteen.'

Thirteen nodded. "It is not as conducive to attempting meditation, as originally deduced."

'Unfortunately it seems that way,' said Bennett. He looked about, and saw the technician's retreating back. 'I hope you'll excuse me, Thirteen, but I'm rather curious about this place. Perhaps we'll be able to find you a better place to meditate.' He jogged up to the tech, 'actually, I have a few questions - and I think my companion might too. Do you have time for a tour?'

Thirteen finished the last of her repairs on her foot, at least, so that it would function. It was not perfect, and would require a bit more indepth work. She collected the spare parts, and placed them in her pocket, then she quickly caught up with Bennett, and the woman. "Perhaps. The Captain's first."

Jane turned to the Captain. "Of course."

'Splendid,' smiled Bennett, 'I suppose it's the leas we can do if we distressed the trees,' he joked. 'So ... what kind are they?' he asked, indicating the nearest copse.

"Aspen, oak and walnut. The cluster behind them are tirelle, teak and mahogany."

'I see,' replied Bennett, 'is it hard to grow trees on a Starbase? We had an arboretum with a few - we had to cut a section out of the deck of our ship for it - and they seemed to take to it like a duck takes to water.'

Jane smiled at that. "Once the infrastructure is properly established, it's not difficult. But the plants need constant care. Water, lighting, grooming."

"And music." Thirteen added. "There appears to be low level sound vibrations coming from areas of the deck. Which makes sense, depending on the theoretical dogma you read on the subject. Many plants appreciate various forms of music, and are statistically grown better, with it present."

"Very true." Jane was surprised as Thirteen didn't appear to be the type who interested herself in music. "Studies have shown that certain types of music affect plant growth."

Bennett grinned as he listened to the conversation, 'and the techniques for transplanting trees to ships are fairly standard now? So there wouldn't be an issue say with creating the same sort of environment aboard an Ambassador-class vessel?'

"I shouldn't think so," Jane replied. "It all depends on the space you have -- and the resources."

'That's excellent,' replied Bennett a small scheme hatching in his mind. Since seeing the Jefferson the other day with Lieutenant Hamilton, a plot had been forming. If all went well at his next meeting he would be able to act on it. He turned to Thirteen, 'you have an interest in botany, Astrid?'

"Thirteen." She corrected. "And no, just a few databases on it."

'Interesting,' said Bennett lightly, noting the correction. 'So is it just trees you have here in the arboretum? Or do you have other, more exotic plants?'

"I have a variety. This level is mostly treas and undergrowth. The ledge above is for flowering gardens," Jane said. "I have workrooms in the back for herbs and medicinal plants."

"Inquiry. Do you separate them based solely on type, or do you also separate by genius?" Thirteen asked.

"I base them on geographic and topographic needs and aesthetics," Jane replied. "So it can vary greatly."

Thirteen nodded, looking briefly thoughtful. "Logical." Was all she said on the subject.

Jane nodded. "I'm glad you think so."

"I do not see how one could not." Thirteen said, with a slight shrug. "It is, after all, the organizational pattern that works for the keeper, that makes the garden aesthetically pleasing. If it did not work for the keeper of the garden, the plants would not receive appropriate care, and thus, wither."

"A good gardener would care for the plants regardless," Jane countered. "Else why become a gardener at all?"

'It would be a curious choice indeed,' replied Bennett. 'Though, do you have a scientific aspect to your duties? Or is caring for the arboretum a full-time endeavour?'

"I spend all my time here," Jane explained. "Working with the plants and trees, growing herbs and medicinal plants and their clippings, working on new hybrids for future use. It does take time."

'Hybrids? For different types of planetary environments I assume?' asked Bennett. He had developed an interest in the field since encountering the Chrysammer and it was always a pleasure to meet someone who practised it.

"Sometimes for medicinal reasons. Sometimes for aesthetic ones," Jane said. "Sometimes I work with Starfleet on creating heartier hybrids for startup colonies."

He nodded in response, 'makes sense I suppose - and Typhon is close enough to the frontier that there's plenty of call for your products?'

"I wouldn't say plenty of call, but there is an occasional request."

'I see, I see,' he looked round at Thirteen to check whether she was bored with the conversation or not, but as usual she was inscrutable.

Thirteen turned her head. She watched the plants, her face, impassive. She refrained from commenting.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Jane asked.

No,' Bennett smiled, 'you've answered all the questions I had.' They continued walking for a little bit at an easy pace. He drank in the arboretum - it was really quite impressive.

Jane continued with them until they reached the entrance. "If there's nothing else, Captain, I will take my leave. Enjoy your stay on Typhon."

'Not from me, ma'am,' smiled Bennett in reply, 'Ensign, anything at your end?'

Thirteen shook her head. "I do not believe so." She said.

Jane bowed to the two and dissappeared into the woods.


Captain Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Jefferson

Ensign Astrid Thirteen
USS Jefferson

Lieutenant Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon


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