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Diplomatic Intel

Posted on Sat Oct 29th, 2011 @ 11:24am by Commander Raven Adams & Alvar Walder

1,647 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change


Raven was on her way back from Engineering when she noticed someone looking a little lost. Well, not exactly lost. More like he was looking for something or someone. "Excuse me," Raven said, walking up to him. "Can I help you?"

'Ah yes,' Walder smiled brightly, eyes sparkling under his mop of sandy hair, 'Alvar Walder, newly-minted Federation Ambassador for Typhon,' he caught himself, 'that is, if the Commanding Officer will accredit me ...' he trailed off a moment then said, 'I couldn't find him on the manifest.'

"Captain Hawkins is ... busy," Raven said, choosing politeness. She didn't want to come right out and say the Commanding Officer was rude and obnoxious -- even if he was. "Captain Johnson is around. She's the executive officer. Or, if you get desperate, I'm the second officer."

'Well ... I'm not desperate, but I'm sure that Starfleet will accept your signature, considering the circumstances,' Walder was far too polite to enquire further as to the nature of Captain Hawkins' busyness. He gave her his most winning smile, 'could we move this to a more sociable scene? Doing it in the corridor seems to lack, ah, the appropriate air of gravitas.'

"It does indeed," Raven agreed. She led the way to a small tea shop and sat at a table. "This is a little better. And it gives me a chance to learn more about you -- if you don't mind?"

Walder smiled easily, 'it's my job to be known. So, the basic facts you already know. As an intelligence officer I guess you'll be asking some more ... probing questions now? Ask away.'

"What brings you to Typhon? Is there a reason beyond a transfer from Starfleet?"

Walder shook his head, 'I don't work for Starfleet, at least not directly. The Diplomatic Corps is attached to the chain of command, but we're civilians mostly. My appointment comes from the State Department.' He smiled, 'but as for my reasons. Well, to be frank, ambition does play a part.

'To be the senior Federation official in my field aboard such as place as Typhon will be beneficial to my career, should I be equal to the task of course. Second, I've spent much of the past few years on Cardassia, helping them to rebuild and smooth over relations with ourselves. There are a lot of ... uncomfortable memories from that posting, and I wished to be removed from them.' His smile flickered, but returned momentarily.

'So, is there more you need to know, Commander?'

"As someone raised on Bajor during the occupation, I'm sure you're looking forward to a change," Raven said, her voice cool and impartial. "Need to know? Anything I need to know I can most likely find. I prefer this to be a friendly meeting. You can't always get to know someone by their personnel files. Or their history." She shrugged noncommittally. "There is a great need for diplomats and diplomacy here. It's been a while since our last diplomat ... departed." Been killed, but she didn't want to go into that. He probably knew already.

A waitress arrived and Raven ordered tea and a sandwich.

Walder ordered a sandwich and some fries, and asked that there be a healthy amount of pickle served too.

'Indeed. There were precautions to go through before the Corps and the Council were willing to send another official.' He was tempted to ask about the Occupation, but knew that it was a sensitive period for most of those involved, 'so how long have you been aboard Typhon?'

"Just over a year and a half." Sometimes it seemed like forever. Sometimes it seemed like she'd only just arrived. "I got here just after Commodore Fannin."

'Hmm. Commodore Fannin, I'm not familiar with him,' replied Walder as their food arrived. It was indeed a healthy serving - he doubted he had ever seen such large portions this side of Betazed. He crunched on a pickle. 'He was the first Commanding Officer I take it?'

"He was. He married and took a position overseeing the colony on Tiberius V," Raven said. "Now we have Captain Hawkins. He's been here a few months." She picked up her drink and took a sip. "You will find him ... an interesting person. He knows his mind and how he likes things done."

'I like people like that - makes it easier to deal with them, especially in my field,' Walder took a sip of his soda. 'And I imagine if people were more direct it would make your calling simpler too.'

"Yes. It is easier when you know who you're dealing with and what they expect," she said. "But, well, you have to meet Captain Hawkins to appreciate him."

Walder smiled, 'I find that's the case with most people.' He looked about, outside the cafe there were a fair number of people milling about, conducting their business, whatever that may be. He cast about for a topic. 'So ... do you know anyone from the staffs of the other embassies?'

"I've had occasion to meet the Romulan Ambassador. She's relatively moderate -- for a Romulan."

'I'll take that any day over the last one. He was a Romulan's Romulan,' Walder grinned, 'the Empire wouldn't stand for this, that or the other - it was near impossible to get them to agree to anything unless we made it sound like their idea, and acknowledged that in all the dispatches.' Despite the trouble he had caused, Ambassador Parenor had not been all that bad - and quite liberal with his Romulan Ale.

"Miral has her moments, but she's generally logical and reasonable. I'm still not sure what her motives are."

'We never are with that lot,' said Walder with a grimmer look to his face. 'Always out to gain something. You don't happen to know anything about the other powers here - Klingons, Ferengi or Cardassians?' Personally he thought it unlikely that the latter would have a major presence here, but there might be a consulate or office of some sort.

"She's the only ambassador I've dealt with. Sorry." Raven continued to eat. "But I can find out if you need to know."

Walder shook his head, 'no need to worry - Diplomatic Intelligence should be sufficient for now,' he smiled, 'I'm sure in running a department on a Starbase you have plenty enough to do without me adding to your burden.'

"Yes and no. I don't do much with the military side of things, and I'm not involved in Project Athena, so I'm not as busy as most." She shrugged. "I'm sure you'll be up to your ears once you settle in."

'I hope so - I have great plans for our offices here on Typhon. You know, we're the most significant settlement in the sector? None of our colonies can match us for manufacturing and manpower capabilities. I want Typhon to become the natural hub of the area. And the Council agrees with me,' Walder grinned, 'I think it's exciting anyhow - I'm sure it's humdrum for someone with as exciting a career as you!'

Raven laughed. "Exciting? I spend most of my time doing research. I'm not complaining. I love my job, but I'd hardly call it exciting."

He chuckled along with her, 'Really? I don't know. To get my hands on what Intel knows ... to do a day's work without having to second-guess our stances and positions because we know what the other guy is up to - that would be brilliant. Don't get me wrong, we get updates, but redacted. Just the essential stuff.'

"Yeah. My department is most likely doing the redacting," she admitted with a grin. "I can put in an official request to get you more access. That should help a little."

'Why thank you,' smiled Walder as he took another bite out of his roast chicken sandwich. It was really quite delicious, 'so what's life like aboard Typhon? Socially, I mean, any good places to go eat and hang out, that kind of thing?'

"Typhon is eclectic. You can find a bit of everything. Opera, theatre, concerts, dances. There are over two dozen eating establishments. I don't socialize much, but there's a lot out there for those who do."

'That sounds excellent,' smiled Walder as he briefly wondered what she meant. At first glance she was a striking woman, if a little eccentrically dressed, and she seemed nice enough. Was it that she chose not to socialise? A question for another time, he thought, it was hardly an appropriate topic during a first meeting. 'I do so like the opera.'

"Then you'll have to check out the one here. I hear it's quite good. I'm sure there's some sort of arrangement with the opera and the diplomatic detachment."

'There probably would be - or should be, if it's not the case. And, of course, should you ever feel the urge for some Wagner, you would be most welcome to accompany a group of us if we were going.' Walder smiled, 'as thanks for your help today.'

"Thank you for the offer. I may take you up on that sometime. Especially if they're playing Mozart." Raven finished her tea and sat back. "Is there anything in particular you need to know?"

He shook his head, 'no, you've been more than helpful. I have my welcome pack, so everything should be fine from here on in.'

The two finished their tea and walked to the front, where Raven thumbed the PADD. "This one is my treat. Welcome to Typhon." Raven bowed slightly to Alvar. "See you later."


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Alvar Walder
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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