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Dinner with the Marine Colonel

Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2011 @ 1:37am by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,489 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Marine CO's Quarters


Jane dressed carefully, not sure what to expect -- or what was expected of her. She chose a simple brown skirt and white blouse with a lacy collar. Simple, elegant and practical. It should suit most occasions. She hoped.

A spritz of a light floral perfume and an old bottle of French wine as a gift and she was on her way.

Jane was a little nervous, so she hummed softly to herself as she made her way to the Marine CO's quarters and rang the door chime.

Wilhelm met Jane at the door wearing a simple maroon dress shirt and black slacks. "Well hello Jane, please come in."

Jane smiled as she stepped in. He looked good out of uniform. "A gift," she said, handing him the bottle of wine.

Wilhelm looked at the bottle approvingly, "Hmm, Chateau D'Albion, good year to... A very nice white wine." Wilhelm said then looked to Jane, then made a quick glance around his quarters just to remind himself everything was in its place and neat. "So Jane are you a vegetarian or a carnivore, or a vegan?"

"A carnivore. Although I don't eat large quantities of meat, I do enjoy it." Jane let her gaze follow WIlhelm's as she perused his quarters. "And you?"

"Ohh definately a carnivore. Though I will try just about anything at least once." Wilhelm said moving over to his attached personal kitchen. "One of the perks of being a senior officer on a Starbase. Two bedroom, two bath, with a FULL kitchen and replicator, I even had a fireplace installed over there." Wilhelm said pointing to a wall underneath a display monitor. Wilhelm reached into his refrigerator and pulled out some potatoes and started slicing them. "Since your a Britisher, I have a particular treat for you." Wilhelm said with a smile.

Jane /gvwas fascinated by the fireplace. A real fireplace. She turned back to Wilhelm. "Sounds delightful. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No I think I can get it... There is silverware in this drawer over here and wine glasses in this cabinet in the corner." Wilhelm asked.

Jane got out the silverware and glasses and finished setting the table. "Does a fire in the fireplace cause problems with the internal sensors?"

"Not the way its vented, plus there is a forcefield there that keeps the fire contained and lets the heat out but not excessively." Wilhelm said as he took out a large bowl and put in flour, real eggs, a bottle of a German beer named Becks and a couple other ingredients and started mixing.

Jane found a seat nearby and watched Wilhelm cook. She was impressed by the ease with which he worked.

Mixing complete, Wilhelm then took some fillets out of the refrigerator and turned on two pots on the counter. Dipping both the potatoes and the fillets in the batter he put them in the pots and the unmistakable sizzle of fryers could be heard. Going over to the replicator he put in a code an a stack or paper appeared. Going back over the the kitchen with the paper he took out a couple of large baskets. Lining the baskets with the paper he looked into the fryers. Reaching a certain point, Wilhelm then took out the food and turned off the fryers, and loaded up both baskets. Wilhelm then took them over to the table and put one in front of Jane, making sure the London Times headline was clearly visible. "My own rendition on fish and chips. The Cod I got from a little farm collective on Tiberius V. Careful though, it's still a little hot."

"I adore fish and chips@" she said, delighted. "And the London Times!" She grinned at Wilhelm. "It smells heavenly." She picked up a piece of fish and took a bite. "Perfect."

Wilhelm gingerly took a bite out of a hot chip, "I think i've outdid myself. Just don't go advertising where I got the cod. Those agraians don't wish to make their products known I just get some because I have a 30 percent share in their colony."

"You're secret's safe with me," Jane assured him. She took another bite and sighed happily. "I haven't had fish this good since I was in England. What other hidden talents do you possess?"

Wilhelm took a sip of the white wine then said, "Well I do happen to like fencing though in combat I use a saber, similar to the the eagle handled one on the wall over there." Wilhelm said tilting his head towards a nearby wall decorated with family memorabilia. "I also am very good at puzzles. Very good at sharpening the mind. Other then that not much else I'm afraid."

Jane looked at the wall for a moment, admiring the weapons. "I've never fenced, but it's an elegant sport. What sort of puzzles?"

"Usually anything that involves outside-the-box thinking though I do like simplistic ones as well. Do you have any hobbies?"

"Mmm hmm." Jane wiped off her fingers before she spoke."Reading. History, mostly. I love historical recreations on the holodeck. Classical music." She grinned broadly. "And of course, gardening."

Wilhelm grinned, "But of course. What sort of history or a particular time period perhaps?"

"British and European. Primarily 1500 - 1800. It was a fascinating time."

"That it was. Also a little bit after the 'von' was added to my family name." Wilhelm made to get up, "Here! Let me go get my powdered wig!!" Wilhelm said then sat back down with a big smile on his face, "On second" Wilhelm said still smiling.

Jane stood in front of Wilhelm, arms folded across her chest, pretending to be fierce. "One of these days, I will see you in a powdered wig and proper leggings," she teased. "I think you'd look dashing."

"Well maybe...but on that day I'm going to find you a nice four or five layer dress, complete with corsets, and then we'll get your hair done up in the traditional style so it'll reach towards the moon!" Wilhelm said with a chuckle.

"I've worn such a dress before. I think you're simply digging yourself deeper into a hole. Should we set a date? I'm quite captivated with the idea of you dressed to the nines."

Wilhelm stands and bows in defeat. "Very well. Unless some catastrophe occurs you shall see me dressed in my Easter Sunday best." Wilhelm says with a smile.

Jane grinned. "I can hardly wait." She glanced at the table. "In the meantime, would you like help clearing the table?"

"If your offering miss I accept." Wilhelm said with a grin and poured himself another glass of wine and picked up both greasy, empty baskets and carried them over to the sink.

"I'm offering. It's the least I can do after you fixed that lovely meal." She began to clean and tidy as she spoke.

Wilhelm worked quickly and got everything cleaned and put away. Afterwords he turned and with his back to the counter watched Jane at work with a smile on his face, "You know I never did make a comment on the simple yet very elegant outfit you have on."

"And what would your comment be?" she asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Wilhelm noticed Jane's look that he could only categorize as predatory, "Well I think it fits your personality and......figure very well." Wilhelm says not moving a muscle against the counter.

Jane curtsied. "Thank you. I hope that didn't hurt too much." It was an odd reaction and she wasn't quite sure what he meant by it.

Wilhelm shrugs, "Didn't hurt one bit. I just think you look absolutely lovely."

"Thank you, kind sir," she said, her smile warm. "Now that we've tidied up, what does the gentleman wish?"

"More importantly. What does the lady wish?"

"The lady wishes to please the gentleman."

"Well..." Wilhelm said slowly strolling towards Jane slowly and thinking Frontal Assault does sometimes work... as he brought himself to within about a meter of Jane with a hesitant look on his face. He did notice that twinkle was still there in her eyes....

Jane raised an eyebrow, not quite sure what he intended.

"Well, consider this gentleman as a little bit forward." Wilhelm said then leaned forward a kissed Jane.

Jane returned his kiss before looking up at Wilhelm and smiling softly. "How is the lady to know what the gentleman wants if he's not just a wee bit forward?" she asked softly. The fact that the lady was enjoying this particular turn of events was a bonus.

"Very true their lass." Wilhelm said with a smile and his best Scottish accent which sounded quite horrid mixed with his German, and kissed Jane again.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon


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