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Days of Leisure, part 1

Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2011 @ 7:38am by Commander Raven Adams & Alvar Walder

945 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Typhon


Bennett stirred, and looked at the chronometer. It was 0800. Early enough for him not to want to get up just yet. Laying his head back on the pillow he scooted up close to Sam and put an arm around her.

Since their fight and reconciliation the day before, he had not left her side for longer than was necessary - and the only necessary thing had been to arrange for his stuff to be carted down to her quarters. They currently lay in piles and drifts in the outer room.

Sam was only half awake when she felt his arm around her. She snuggled closer, not ready to get out of bed. "Morning, love."

He kissed her shoulder and her neck, 'morning,' he whispered. Bennett did not want to move. It was comfortable here. He thought it was a perfect set up where they were. He kissed her shoulder blade.

"Keep that up," Sam teased, "and I'm not going anywhere."

'That's the idea,' grinned Bennett kissing her neck once more.

Chuckling softly, Sam rolled over and kissed Curzon properly.

Returning the kiss passionately, Bennett let his hand trail down her body to her hips on top of the coverlet. He stayed that way for a long while after finishing the kiss, looking deep into her eyes. He smiled.

Sam gazed back at him lovingly. She ran her fingers through his hair. She considered getting out of bed, but they were on shore leave and it had been a long timesince she'd spent a lazy morning in bed.

Catching a stray strand of hair, he put it behind her ear and kissed her forehead. He wanted to say sorry once more for what had happened, as he had done a thousand times before they went to bed last night, but now was not the time. Not in this perfect moment. So he just held her close.

After a while Sam sighed. "We should probably get up. It won't be long before someone comes looking for you."

'I don't have to be anywhere - no meetings, no briefings, no glad-handing,' Bennett smiled widely, 'I'm all yours for the day.' He shifted so he was lying on his back against the headboard, and Sam's head on his chest. 'But we're awake now ... we should probably do something,' he suggested.

Sam ran her fingers up his side in a gentle caress. "Oh, we can always do something," she teased. "What do you have in mind? Is there some place of interest you'd like to visit today?"

He chuckled at her teasing tracing small circles on her back, 'well we could do something first, and then head on out afterwards. I was thinking we'd go somewhere you wanted to today?'

Sam kissed his chest and giggled. "I think we're about to go somewhere I want to go today."

'Well, then Captain give me the course and heading and I'll readily comply,' he grinned wolfishly as he pulled her on top of him, eyes flashing with desire as he kissed her deeply.


Sam chose to dress casually in a pair of jeans and a blouse in dark honey. She brushed her hair and let it hang loose. "Now, querido," she said, turning to face Curzon. "What would you like to do next?"

'Well,' Bennett paused to consider, one leg in his chinos as he contemplated, 'perhaps we could go back to the tea room? And then perhaps a book shop?' It seemed a safe bet, a place where they both had fond memories. As he spoke, he continued dressing, pulling on a dark shirt and slipping into some boat shoes. Muted colours as usual.

"Oh, I'm sure I could find something to do in a book shop," she replied, her tone light. "I think that sounds like fun."

'I'm glad you agree,' Bennett ran a hand through his hair and held the other out to Sam. 'Shall we?'

"Absolutely," she replied, taking his hand. "I must admit, I'm feeling decidedly spoiled right now. I have you all to myself and I'm quite enjoying it."

Walking out of their quarters, Bennett simply shrugged and smiled, 'it's the least I could do. Besides, I get you all to myself too. I think that's consolation enough for me,' he grinned.

"I still think I got the better end of the deal." She stopped to kiss him before continuing on.

He would argue, but he knew it was pointless. They had mock-fought the point time and again. Bennett was simply happy that everything had settled down into something comfortable. He felt none of the crippling nervousness as before. As they approached the turbolift he let go her hand and instead encircled her waist with his arm, letting his hand lie on her hip.

Sam slipped her arm around his waist and smiled. She was happier than she'd ever been. "How long do we have for shore leave?" she asked quietly once they stepped on the turbolift and were on their way to the promenade.

'A little while longer. I may have found a ship,' he replied with a quiet smile, recalling the tour he had taken around the Jefferson yesterday with that Scottish Lieutenant. He told her about it, concluding with, 'and I have a meeting with some people about it tomorrow. Hopefully everything will start moving once again.'

"That would be great." At the same time, she would go through serious withdrawals when she had to sleep alone in her quarters again.

(To be continued...)

Captain Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Jefferson

Commander Samantha York
Executive Officer
USS Jefferson


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