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The SCE Presents Conference planning

Posted on Tue Dec 13th, 2011 @ 3:41am by Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Edited on on Tue Dec 13th, 2011 @ 3:45am

1,235 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Starbase Typhon - Chief Operations Officer's Office

T'Yuna approached Selith Vi'ir's office, with a severe frown, the first easily noticed emotion readable on her face, set firmly in place.

Admiral Ongaku-Chi, and a tall man, wearing a Commodore's pips entered. "So, ah, you believe that this Lieutenant Commander, ah, Vi'ir, will be able to assist in, ah, setting this up?"

T'Yuna nodded. "I have heard good things about him. In addition, Lieutenant Commander Vi'ir is the Chief Operations Officer. We will require his signature on some paperwork."

"Are you certain Typhon is the appropriate place for our conference, Commodore Watkins?" Ongaku-Chi asked. "With the recent attacks on the operations center-"

"We'll bring in extra, ah, security, if it will, ah, make you feel better, Ma'am." The man, apparently called Watkins, said, as they continued walking towards the Chief Operations Officer's office. "In addition, ah, it's the only facility in quite a few, ah, days travel, with the required seating, and viewing, ah, facilities available."

T'Yuna simply nodded, and pressed the door chime. She patiently waited for a response, while Ongaku-Chi, and Watkins continued.

"But the Captain of this Starbase was nearly assassinated." Ongaku-Chi said, with a frown. "And, worse, still, the test-"

"Yes, yes, I know." Watkins said, hastily. "The test-ship for several of our projects appears, ah, to be lost. That doesn't, ah, mean that, ah, we cannot put on display, ah, the science behind the projects."

"That is probably not appropriate discussions for our current company." T'Yuna said. "You are not aware of who is, or is not listening. I suggest refraining from continuing that argument."

"Hey, lady, you are the, ah, lowest rank person here. Who asked you?" Watkins said.

"Careful, Commodore." Ongaku-Chi said, with a chuckle. "You don't want to tickle that dragon."

Selith sat at his desk, adjusting schedules to accommodate the further loss in personnel when the door chime sounded.

"Come in."

Ongaku-Chi entered. She nodded, and moved to the side. Commodore Watkins moved next. He did the same. T'Yuna entered, and saluted Vi'ir, in traditional Vulcan mannerisms. "Live long, and prosper, Lieutenant Commander. I'm Captain T'Yuna, of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. This is Admiral Ongaku-Chi, Dispatching Officer, Starfleet Corps of Engineers."

Ongaku-Chi nodded to Vi'ir.

"This is Commodore Watkins. He's the director of Information Management for several departments. He's technically an Operations officer." T'Yuna said, with a nod. "We'd like to discuss something with you, if you have time. If you do not, it can wait."

"Sure. I can make the time. Please, have a seat." Selith said, standing and moving over to the replicator next to a small seating area. "Can I offer anything to drink?"

T'Yuna nodded. "If memory serves, two cups of Green Tea, one cup of Raktajino." T'Yuna said, looking from Commodore Watkins, to Ongaku-Chi.

They both nodded.

"To, ah, the point, Miss T'Yuna, I, ah, believe that, ah, Mister Vi'ir's time is, ah, a little on the, ah, restricted side." Commodore Watkins said. "We'd, ah, like to host a, ah, conference on technology, and, ah, scientific breakthroughs, here on, ah, Typhon."

Ongaku-Chi nodded. She looked to Vi'ir. "It comes with additional Security personnel, if you require it. You'll also be receiving Beta Testing rights to any technologies that you, or other members of Typhon, think may be useful to the Station, at large, as per usual, with the SCE Presents Conference. That's why we don't hold it at Utopia Planitia anymore."

Vi'ir thought for a moment, and inwardly groaned. All he could think of this was another demand for more people. People he didn't have.

"I'm hesitant for one reason, Admiral. We are severely short-staffed; more so after the attack on Ops. Security personnel would be great, but we also need engineers, and I could definitely use some added operations staff. Especially if we do get the opportunity to beta-test." Selith explained, handing out the drinks, keeping a Hot Chocolate for himself.

"I can make the SCE Vessel Tesla's staff available, once they arrive with some of the guest speakers, however it's an SCE vessel. I believe there are about 5 operations officers available. They are supposed to be assisting the Athena Project, so I'm certain that, once they finally arrive, we can have the teams do some finishing touches, once they arrive." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod.

"Do, ah, you have some reason to believe, that, ah, the current Engineering staff is, ah, incapable of handling this incident?" Commodore Watkins asked.

T'Yuna frowned. She refrained from commenting.

Selith shook his head at at the suggestion. "No, they are perfectly capable, but the department is severely understaffed and some of our normal operations have had to be suspended to address damage and needed upgrades. The Tesla's staff would be a welcome help, but I still can't guarantee all the help you would need, especially if we have another incident."

T'Yuna awaited. She was, after all, little more than a third wheel.

Commodore Watkins nodded. "There will be civilians, ah, present. Not all of them will be civilians." Watkins said. "I will do my best to, ah, get you some, ah, more staff."

Selith nodded. "Any help would be appreciated. I've been trying to request replacement personnel, but have been getting nothing but bureaucracy. I'll make sure my staff knows to help you as they can, but my first priority is to get this station back to normal operations."

Taking another sip from his drink, Selith sat back. "Is there anything else I can help with?"

"No, I do not believe so." T'Yuna said.

"Actually, yes, there is." Admiral Ongaku-Chi said.

"Ah, if you would like, Admiral Ongaku-Chi, and I, ah, could apply quite a bit of, ah, pressure, to the personnel department. It is quite, ah, apparent, that the Admiral, in, ah, charge, has some kind of, ah, issue with this station. We would be, ah, more than happy, to remedy it, if you, ah, were to assist us with this, ah, conference." Commodore Watkins said. "Who's the Personnel Admiral for this, ah, sector?"

"Willoughby, I think." Ongaku-Chi said.

"Please let me know if I can help in any way." Selith said, then turned to Admiral Ongaku-Chi. "Anything else?"

"I believe that will be all." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding.

Selith stood with his cup and placed it in the replicator. "I hope I was able to help, and that your Conference is a success. And we get some new toys to play with, of course." He said, smiling.

"I hope so, as well." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod.

"I'm certain that you will enjoy some of the items, on display. Some of them have no practical applications, on a station, ah, of this magnitude, though some of the micro, ah, matter-antimatter combustion devices, ah, can be set up, securely, and safely, in about twenty minutes, in a standard cargo bay, for example." Watkins said, with a smile. "Really easy to tie into an open EPS grid, too."

"Great. Well, let me know if you need anything else, and I'll try to accommodate you." Selith said, putting the other cups in the replicator tray and hitting the recycle button.

"Will do." Watkins said, nodding.


Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief of Operations
Starbase Typhon

Captain T'Yuna
Starfleet Corps of Engineers Typhon team leader
SCE Dispatch, Starbase Typhon

Commodore James Watkins
Deputy director of Information Management(On loan to Admiral Ongaku-Chi's office)
Starfleet Command

Admiral Ongaku-Chi
SCE Dispatching Officer
Starfleet Command


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