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Stolen Moments

Posted on Tue Dec 20th, 2011 @ 11:41pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

1,737 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: U.S.S. Alabama
Timeline: Current

Krang stood at the airlock where the Alabama was docked. He was wearing civilian clothes and was going through the 'visitor' security protocols. He didn't want to use his position to get aboard in case something important was going on. He didn't want Anna to feel like it was an official visit.

Anna received notice that a civilian was requesting permission to board. She knew Jana was already on her way to Earth so she made her way to the air lock to see what was going on. When she saw who was standing there she smiled, "He has clearance to board." Anna said.

Krang gave a nod, "Thank you, ma'am. That is ever so kind." he tried to say it with a straight face and failed, breaking into a quiet laugh.

Anna smiled, "It's good to see you again." Anna said as if it had been months rather than a day or two since they last spoke. "Come on up to my quarters where we can talk for a bit. That is if you have the time to stay a while."

"I told my yeoman that I was to not be called unless it was a major emergency for the next twelve hours, so I can visit for a while, yes."

Anna's smile grew bigger and she took his hand in hers, "Excellent," She said then tapped her com badge, "Claudia will you please take messages and not interrupt me for the next twelve hours unless there is an emergency. Any new crew can wait and meet with me after then."

"Understood ma'am," Came her reply.

"Now that our schedules are taken care of." Anna said with a smile as she opened the doors to her quarters, "What do you want to do?"

"I was thinking we could do nothing, followed by a bit of not much. I hear the replicator has a great vintage of wine and the computer has an endless supply of movies fit for wasting two hours."

"Wine, cheese, crackers and some raw veggies for you while we watch movies sounds good." Anna said as she moved to the replicator to get the food.

Krang pulled up the controls for the video display and found the movie he had in mind. "I discovered this great old movie completely by happenstance. It's called 'cowboys and aliens' and it's much better that the title would lead you to believe.

"Whatever you want to see is fine." Anna said as she set the food on the table and moved to the cooler to get some wine.

The lights in the room turned down as the film started. Krang sat down on the couch and grabbed a handful of the baby carrots from the tray.

Anna smiled and fixed some of the cheese and crackers on a plate then snuggled up against Krang to watch the movie.

As the movie ended Anna looked at Krang, "That was different but I liked it." She said with a smile, "So what next? Something in the holodeck or maybe a stroll through the arboretum?"

"The arboretum sounds nice. I read a report that says the one here has been taken quite good care of."

"And my botanist has been decorating it since an Earth holiday is coming up." Anna added, "I checked in on it earlier today in fact."

"Sound lovely. Lead the way." Krang said with a broad gesture with his arm.

Anna reached for his hand once more and walked toward the lift and then toward the arboretum. Christmas music played and the fairy lights twinkled in the trees among the other decorations that were there. In several locations there were benches under the shade of trees where people could sit and enjoy the view and in one area the was even a large swing.

"That swing looks like fun, but I'd be afraid that I'd break it." Krang commented.

"I think we can risk it." Anna said and pulled him toward it.

They took a seat in the swing together. The chain holding it up groaned a bit, but seemed to hold. "The small floating lights are pretty."

"They are called fairy lights. They do add a nice affect." Anna agreed.

Krang looked confused, "Fairy? What's a fairy?"

"It's a mythical creature from Earth's mythology. A small human shaped creature that can fly." Anna said.

"And I'm guessing they glow?"

Anna nodded, "They sparkle yes." She said with a smile.

"It was a same guess. They had to have something to do with light." Krang said with a smile. "Tell me about this 'christmas' thing."

"It started as a religious holiday. To celebrate the birth of the person many people believed to be the savior of our planet. Belief in him would promise you a place in heaven in the after life. It then became a gift giving holiday and many people forgot the original meaning behind it. It became more and more commercial and less about the savior except for a few that kept that tradition alive. Its a time to gather with your family. People often put up evergreen trees or at least artificial versions of them in their homes to represent life, they decorate them with lights and other trinkets and it is under this that the gifts are placed to be opened on Christmas Day which is December 25." Anna said.

Krang nodded slowly, listening carefully. "It sounds sort of like our 'majira ya machipuko' celebration. We gather with family and decorate with fresh plants."

"It tends to bring out the best in people. They seem to be nicer to each other during that time of year." Anna said.

"That's a good thing. Any excuse for people to be nicer makes me happy."

"Yes but it only applies to people who know the tradition. Not even every one on Earth celebrates it and some celebrate other traditions depending on how they were raised. Some don't celebrate anything that might be related to any religion." Anna said.

"Our 'majira ya machipuko' festival had nothing to do with religion. It was just a celebration that another growing season had arrived after our cold season."

"Some people on Earth have a celebration just after the harvest time to give thanks for a good harvest so its kind of the opposite I guess, but that is a different celebration." Anna answered.

Krang just nodded. "It's amazing to me how different our individual cultures can be and then how similar they are at other times."

"It just shows that maybe we all aren't as different as everyone wants to think we are." Anna said with a smile.

"Quite right." Krang agreed. Then after thinking a moment he asked, "Didn't Captain Picard and his crew discover a race that claimed to be the common ancestor of the whole alpha quadrant?"

"I think so but I find that a bit hard to believe." Anna said.

"Why?" he asked, turning to look at her. "We have so much in common physically that there would have to be something common, would there?"

"But there are also too many differences, blood types, even DNA markers are not quite the same. If you believe in creation and that some higher power was behind it then perhaps all of these different deities are really the same one and the one who created all of us. It would explain both the similarities and the differences and why at first we were separated, to develop in our own ways." Anna suggested.

"An interesting theory." he answered quietly. "I'll have to give that some more thought. It's a bit more philosophical than my usual fare, but intriguing none the less."

"Just a theory. Seeing as how most races that do have a higher deity don't see him, her or them until after they have died its a bit hard to prove." Anna said.

"We don't have deities per se. We do give thanks to an animal when it gives its life to sustain us, or when the ground brings forth a crop, but it's never to any one person or thing as just thankfulness in general."

"I didn't think you ate a lot of meat." Anna said.

"Mostly fish, and only when we have a bad harvest." He answered.

"I was wondering if I had been fixing vegetarian for you when it wasn't needed." Anna said with a laugh.

"Vegetarian is a choice for the most part. I don't much like meat most of the time." Krang answered.

Anna nodded, "Just wanted to be sure since I've always fixed those for you. I do know some really good meat dishes as well." She said as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"So what's next? You climb on your big starship and go gallivanting?"

"It would look that way yes. Well that and keeping the two parts of my crew from fighting." Anna said with a laugh.

"Good luck with that. I hear those Klingons can be a handful." he teased.

"I met the XO back when I was an Ensign though he doesn't remember me. I think he can help keep them in order." Anna said.

Krang nodded, "I've heard stories about him. Definitely not someone I would want to piss off."

"I'm up for the challenge of working with him. It should be fun and give me the chance to learn more about their culture." Anna replied.

She took in a deep breath and smelled the aroma of the plants around her. "I'm guessing its about time for you to head back isn't it?" she said sadly.

"Sadly, yes, it is. Things are kind of crazy on the station and I sort of have to ride shepherd on the staff to keep them moving forward. Now I understand why you stayed so stressed."

"It's a big responsibility." Anna nodded, "You not only have the station crew to worry about but you have to make sure the ships that dock get what they need. There is always a chance one of the ships will bring something onto the station that causes quarantines until you can be sure it doesn't get all over the quadrant. I'm kind of glad I was given a smaller crew to handle for a while. Except for the fact it means leaving you." Anna stood as she said that last part and took Krang's hand to walk him back to the air lock.


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