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Once Again, It All Begins

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2011 @ 9:21am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S.

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Conference Room 1
Timeline: 48 Hours After Explosion

Krang had changed into his new uniform and had summoned the staff to let them know what was going on. He and Anna had discussed the situation at length and now needed to make things official with the rest of the crew.

Anna walked in with two cups of coffee in hand and gave one to Krang as she took a seat.

Raven slipped quietly into the room. She nodded to the others but said nothing.

Leo had been bombarded by reports and other such paperwork as he was filling in for Security Chief Darkmoon, temporarily. The assistant chief had no idea what was going on with the N'gagi save for him telling Leo to take over running Security and Tactical until further notice.

He entered the conference room behind Raven and took a seat still reading the reports in his hand.

Wilhelm walked in carrying a cup of tea and smelling like smoke. How that smell always made it through the EVA suit's filters he never knew. Going to the table he took his seat. "Ladies. Gents." Wilhelm said with a curt nod to everyone.

Skylar was assisted, in his walking, as he entered. "I told you, Lyra, that I don't need any assistance walking."

Lyra Walsh looked down. "I know sir, I'm just-"

"Sorry. Yes. You have said that. 9 times. Next time, when I tell you to empty the anti-grav, do it with the grav-lift, and not by just turning it over, on it's side, where people have feet in the way." Skylar stated.


"Just go, Lyra." Skylar said, as he carefully walked over, and took a seat.

"Are you all right?" Raven asked.

"I am fine." Skylar said, with a nod.

Basil walked in, looking a little tired. He grabbed a cup of coffee, and sat down without a word, pulling out PADD and preparing to take notes.

Krang stood from his seat at the head of the table. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'm sure there are a lot of rumors kicking around the gossip mill and I want to set the record straight before things got out of hand." He made eye contact with each officer at the table, took a deep breath and then continued.

"First, Captain Hawkins was gravely injured in the explosion. He has been transferred to a critical care unit and will be out of commission for several months at least. Second, Captain Johnson has been offered her own command, the U.S.S. Alabama. After a lot of discussion, she has decided to accept and will be transferring there as soon as they arrive. Third and most shocking, I am been promoted to Captain and have been assigned command of the station for the foreseeable future."

Raven knew about Anna and the Alabama. Intel informed her of the change. But she hadn't heard about Krang. It promised to be ... interesting.

Wilhelm just sat back and showed no reaction. It merely confirmed the scuttlebutt the Marine Ranks were gossiping about. "Worse then a pack of old ladies in a coffeeshop those Marines." Wilhelm thought quietly to himself.

"And the Engineers, if by, a pack of old ladies in a coffeeshop, you mean to imply that they have nothing better to do than spread rumors, and gossip, which is a decidedly logical metaphor." Skylar said, taking a seat next to Wilhelm, and nodding.

Leo was surprised by the developments and then realised that he was left to run Security and Tactical on his own. Panic welled up inside but he needed to remain in control at least until after the meeting.

Selith nodded, acknowledging what he had guess might be the case. He was still so busy he probably wouldn't be able to react fully until later. Operations was overwhelmed, and now severely understaffed.

"I would like to introduce you all to my replacement. Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon has served well under my command and I think he will make a more than adequate chief in my place."

"A pleasure Commander." Wilhelm said with a tilt of his head.

"Col-nel," Leo returned the gesture a little uneasy.

"Welcome, Commander." Selith said, one eye still scanning a PADD.

"Thank you Commander." Leo replied.

Skylar simply inclined his head.

"Captain," Wilhelm said looking towards Krang with some minor hesitation being that Krang was now his superior and also equal in rank. "My boys have finished their analysis of the device that was used on Ops if your ready for that report?"

Krang looked at the Colonel and nodded, "Go ahead Colonel, let's here what you've figured out."

Wilhelm hit a command on a interface pad on the table and a large monitor at the end of the table lit up displaying a cube shaped device. "First off. This was meant as an anti personnel device. Personally, I would've found a black market micro torpedo and took the top off of the station effective, messy, lethal, but I'm getting off topic."

Wilhelm stood up and walked over to the monitor and started indicating little lines along the casing of the device. "These are seam lines. When the device detonates these lines separate and you get shrapnel in all directions. Fairly nasty, though easy to survive to get behind cover. The casing of this device was of Orion materials. Fairly easy to get you hands on being how they like to sell anything not bolted down. On a similar note we've identified the detonator as Ferengi in manufacture from some debris we've picked up. The real interesting part is the explosive compound used.

From scans of the burn pattern and chemical analysis, the device used some sort of compressed plasma charge, very high energy with lots of flame. Which explains the atmospheric conditions in Ops. The origin of the explosive itself is not yet known. The blast pattern and energy yields along with other data does not match anything we've seen before." Wilhelm returned to his seat. "This includes yields from Romulan and Breen Plasma Torpedoes, a very very different type of explosive."

"As, per regulations, regarding acts of sabotage, we've begun doing extensive analysis of all transporter networks within Typhon's shielding, including docked vessels, much to the chagrin of several of the Civilian Captains, we've yet to uncover that such ships have engaged transporter systems, around the time of the explosion." Skylar said, nodding. "Though I must say, some Civilians, such as the group known as Trans Galactic Trading, and Callisto Salvage, were much more appreciative, and flexible, regarding Security issuing warrants, for the technical investigation of their vessels, especially once informed that only transporter networks, and energy usage networks were covered. Sadly, I have yet to match energy uses, with a transporter at the time. I suspect someone was very clever, and used a quick deployment combat transporter, which was then, likely recycled, through their ship's personal recycling system. Though, that's just a theory. We can't even conclusively prove that the originating transporter pad was actually docked at the station, because the matter-transferal aspects of the shields were not activated until the attack put the station on automatic red alert."

"I'm looking into all those who have a reason to attack the station or be upset with any key personnel here. The list is long," Raven said wryly. "It will take time."

"I'll help you Commander, if you don't mind that is." Leo offered to Raven.

Selith tapped the panel in front of him, bringing up an image of the Typhon and surrounding space. "I've been going over the sensor record at the time of the attack. So far, I haven't seen anything abnormal, but some of the records damaged from the blast. We're trying to recover them now."

Raven nodded to Leo. "Sure. I think it would be a good idea to combine our forces on this."

Leo waited for the senior officers to be dismissed after he nodded back to Raven.

Krang clapped his hands together sharply. "Alright then. We planned our work, now let's work our plan. You're all dismissed. Keep me in the loop and let's try to get traffic patterns back to something resembling normal as soon as possible."


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