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Changes, Changes Everywhere

Posted on Sun Nov 20th, 2011 @ 1:42pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Anna's Quarters
Timeline: A Week before the Alabama arrived

Anna was in her cabin packing everything away. Jana was packing as well but she would be heading to the academy instead of following Anna to her new assignment. Anna let out a sigh she had gotten use to having her around and then there was Krang. She was trying to figure out how to tell him about all this.

Krang had just got off the line with Starfleet Command. He was still stunned at what they had told him. He was eager to talk to Anna, but wasn't sure how to breach the subject. He refilled his mug of coffee and tapped his commbadge. "Darkmoon to Captain Johnson, Do you have a minute?"

"Sure did you need me to come to you or can you come here?" She asked as she placed her books in the crate in front of her.

"I can come to you, no problem. Be there in ten."

He closed the link and made his way through the station to her quarters. He rang the chime and waited for one of the ladies to answer the door.

"Come in Krang," Anna said guessing it was him she looked up as she placed another stack of books in the crate and straightened up as she stepped through the doors. She moved over and wrapped him in a hug without another word just yet.

Krang returned the embrace. He looked around the room and saw that they girls were packing. "I just heard you were leaving." he said, a bit sad. "I didn't figure it would take them long to recognize your genius and give you your own command."

Anna smiled, "I just wish you could come with me." She said, "Jana is going to the academy and I don't know that I'm going to like being alone again." She said with a sigh.

"When I first heard you were leaving, I thought about applying to go with you, but Command just told me that won't be possible. With Hawkins needing long term medical care, they have given me command of the station."

Anna looked at him and smiled, "I guess they had given me my own command just a little too soon." The smile faded, "Though I think I'll be happier commanding a ship over a station. Much less stress after being here for so long."

"Tell me about it. I've been in command for..." he looked at his chronograph, "...half an hour and my terminal has nearly blown up with a flood of minutia."

Anna smiled, "Welcome to my world."

Krang gave his shoulders a shrug. "Gee, thanks." he said with his best attempt at sarcasm.

Anna took his hand and led him to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" She asked him as she poured a couple of mugs of coffee.

Krang thought about it and realized it had been a while since he ate last. "I didn't think about it till you asked, but yeah, I am."

Anna handed him one of the mugs then moved to the replicator. She then turned and set on the table veggie egg rolls, and veggie lo mein for both of them then sat down beside him. "I guess a long term relationship just isn't in my cards." Anna said with a sigh.

Krang's face took a dark turn. "Now wait just a minute. We won't be the first couple to ever be separated by assignments. Lots of people do perfectly fine apart for a little while."

"Every time I've left or the other person has left they have disappeared from my life in one form or another." Anna said as she picked at her food.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." he said, placing one hand gently on her's.

Anna smiled. She could only hope that he was right but she wasn't going to get her hopes too high just yet. "I hope we can stay in touch."

"I will make it a priority." he promised.

"I'm going to hold you to that." Anna said.

The large primate took several tastes of his food. He made appreciative noises, then washed it down with a sip from his drink. "How's Jana handling the news?"

"She applied for early application into the academy and was accepted. So she will be heading back to earth and will get more time with her brothers." Anna said, "She'll be fine."

"Good to hear." he agreed. "When does the Alabama arrive?"

"They have a few more loose ends to wrap up with their current mission. Then they have to head this way so at least a week maybe a little longer." Anna said. "So I can help with things until then if you need me to or at least until you get a new XO." Anna replied.

"That would be really appreciated. This is going to be a really 'interesting' ride in the near future." he said, stressing the word interesting.

"Why do you say that?" Anna asked.

"Well, I have to helm this beast through a disaster and find a replacement for you at the same time."

"Not too much of a replacement I hope," Anna said with a wink.

"Some things are irreplaceable."

Anna smiled and he cheeks blushed ever so slightly. "So after we eat what do you want to do tonight?"

"Don't really have any plans. I was hoping to hide for a while, but I expect my commbadge to go off at literally any second."

"Well you can 'hide' here for as long as you like." Anna said with a smile.

"You don't realize how much I appreciate that." he said giving her a hug.

"I figured I may as well steal as much of your time as I can for now." Anna said with a smile returning the hug.

"Computer, lights to fifty percent and play Darkmoon library item twenty three alpha, fifty percent volume."

Anna raised an eyebrow, "I thought you didn't have any ideas." She said.

"I was thinking of just doing nothing, thus the low lights and soft music."

"We could always dance." Anna suggested. "Though some cuddling on the couch could work too." She said as she took his hand and led him to the couch to spend the evening with him.


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