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Saying Goodbye

Posted on Sun Nov 20th, 2011 @ 3:20pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Jana Johnson

421 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Transport Waiting Area

Anna stood beside Jana who carried a duffel bag, her guitar case and Elenore who was in her cat carrier. Jana was already in her cadet uniform and had her hair braided tightly. All signs of the 'goth' girl that had stepped off the shuttle a little over a year ago was gone.

"You've grown up little sis." Anna said with a smile. "You are going to make me proud." She added hugging the girl

"Hey you were the best role model our brothers and I had. Thank you for caring even when you weren't able to physically be there. Mom tried but. . ."

Anna looked Jana in the eyes, "Look I know things at home weren't the best but look at you now. You aren't trying to blend into the back ground anymore. You aren't always feeling sorry for yourself and you are heading off to the academy to join Starfleet yourself now. Dad couldn't hold any of us back."

Jana nodded, "I'm sorry you took most of his anger though. I mean we got it some when you left but never as bad as you. I still loved the look on his face that time you got shore leave and actually punched him when you found out he had started in on me and he tried to hit you. He never touched me again after that. Every time he tried Jason and Jackson would stand in the way. We stood up for each other and that was all it took."

Anna nodded, "Just like the bully he was." She said, "He did love mom though." She said. "Jason and Jackson will be waiting for you when you get to Earth and will show you around campus, help you get settled in. Keep in touch with me okay."

Jana nodded, "Thank you for being there when I needed you the most." She said hugging Anna once more.

"That's what a sister is for." Anna said as the announcement for boarding came over the intercom in that area. "You'd better get going."

Jana nodded wiped the tears away and pulled out of the hug. Making sure she had everything in hand she turned and showed the person at the gate her orders and she moved on board for her trip back to Earth.

Anna watched her a moment and then picked up the duffel back that she had with her and took the PADD out of it. Looking at it she smiled then turned go find the USS Alabama, her new command.


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