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The Aftermath

Posted on Mon Nov 14th, 2011 @ 10:05pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

451 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Secondary Ops
Timeline: Current

Krang was coordinating reports as they filtered into the secondary operations terminals.

Anna had reported the situation to Starfleet Command and had been in the office she had commandeered for several minutes.

When the report came in that the Marines had successfully cut through and accessed deck one, the news was not good.

Most of the staff had been killed in the explosion. Captain Hawkins had been critically injured, but the medical staff said he would likely survive. The prognosis was bad, but he wasn't going to die today.

Darkmoon was monitoring the internal sensors when they suddenly came back on line. "We've got eyes." he shouted to those gathered around the other terminals in the room.

"Confirmed." came a reply from the engineering station to his right.

The huge hole the Marines had cut in the deck was minor compared to the blast damage.

Anna stepped out. There were circles under her eyes and her normally tight braid was falling loose in places. It was obvious the stress of the situation was taking its toll on her.

Skylar walked in and Krang asked him. "Now that we have sensors and access, any clue how long it will take to get Ops back on line? The blast damage looks like the blast was more anti-personnel than structural to me, but I'm no engineer."

"Commander Darkmoon, we are in perfect agreement. I would nearly go so far as to say this appears to be an assassination attempt. " Skylar said with a nod. "But, then, I am no security guard."

Krang gave a chuckle. "Let's make the transporters a priority to get any survivors out of there."

Skylar held up a fist. He then put one finger up. A second finger. Then a third.

"Chief Warrant Officer to Bobgdonovich to Lieutenant Commander Skylar. The Transporter Network is operational, as per your orders sir." Skylar's Comm-badge stated. "Next item on the list will be completed, at once."

Skylar nodded. "Good, as you were, Mister Bobgdonovich."

Skylar put his fingers down. "The Transporter Network is operational, Commander Darkmoon."

"Keep that up and I may have to give you more paper work." Krang said with what passed for a smile. "Can't have you looking like a miracle worker in front of the minions."

"At this point miracle worker is fine by me." Anna said.

"It's in the job description." Skylar said, nodding. "Especially with available staff."

"I thought you were always short handed." Anna said, "Did they finally get you enough people?"

"No." Skylar said, with raised eyebrows. "That was the entire basis for an attempt at humor. Forgive me, I will refrain, in the future."

Anna smiled, "The humor was understood. Apparently mine was not."


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