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Scoping Out A Mess

Posted on Mon Nov 14th, 2011 @ 10:04pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart

678 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Deck 2 and Main Operations

Wilhelm jogged into a corridor on Deck 2 after having climbed up a deck from the nearest shuttle bay being that site-to-site transporters were still down. Up ahead he seen Marines double checking their EVA suits and setting up portable force field generators. Coming from the other way he seen a group Security and Medical personnel jogging up wearing the fleetie version of the EVA suits. Reaching the cutting crew first Wilhelm went up to Sergeant Krupp, "Are we ready Otto?" The Sergeant nodded, "Almost sir. Just waiting on the others. Grav lifter is in place, cutter is ready and the force fields are ready." Wilhelm responded, "Very well." He finished as the Security and Medics came up.

Ivanovich slowed to a walk and approached the group. "We're ready when you are, Sir." he said to the Colonel.

The medics stated that they were ready.

Wilhelm nodded to Otto to proceed. Otto responded, "Very well sir." Otto then took a long torch with a probe attached to the end. Under the glare of a bright light the tip of the cutter and the probe disappeared into the deck above. Otto shouted over the roar, "Due to the heavy shielding and armor around Ops we can't get accurate tricorder readings. The hole will reseal around the probe as it cuts and we can then get an accurate picture of the atmo conditions above."

After a couple minutes the roar stopped and Otto accessed the data from the probe. "Ok..... Good news: There is an atmosphere up there. Bad news: The atmoshphere is so polluted we will need to wear the suits and establish the force field to equalize the pressure. Buckets on ladies and gentlemen." Otto said and put on his own helmet and sealed it. After a minute everyone else had as well. Otto looked at the deck, "Raise the field and equalize. Cutters engage when ready." With a flash the force field came up and the cutters began torching a very large oval outline.

Within minutes the roar had ended as a scorched clear outline could be seen. Otto looked to his tricorder and keyed a command. With a jolt, the cutout section screamed and started coming down on top of a heavy lifter, along with a fog of smoke. Wilhelm looked to the rest waiting to enter and said, "Marines first to make sure there is no more explosives. After the all clear the medics then the rest." he finished as the deck screamed as ladders were latched into place. Then came the trample of boots as the Marines went up the ladders. After a tense couple of minutes a Marine stuck his head over the hole. "CLEAR! Hurry some are still alive up here!!"

Wilhelm looked up "Medics get up there on the double! Security check out the adjacent offices and spaces starting with the Captain's Ready Room! Make sure to check for decompression before you open any doors. I'll get some gurneys lined up to help haul out the wounded."

The medics scrambled up the ladder, and began triaging the wounded. Paramedic Nichtnommen was is charge of the group. He was all business, and got his team in and working quickly. "This one's got a gut wound! Stabilize him, stop the bleeding, and get him on the gurney! He's lost a lot of blood, and needs surgery STAT! Send him to Sickbay right away!"

The security team followed the medics up the ladder. Once they got the all clear, they started to fan out. It only took a few minutes to do a room by room search, and when they finished, they had found nothing else significant.

Nichtnommen turned to the Marine sergeant. "Sergeant Krupp, could you spare a Marine or two to transport the wounded? My medics need to stay here and stabilize the rest for transport."

Otto nodded his head in agreement. "Watkins, Silvia, Mitchell, Tohama, your strecther duty!" Otto then opened his combat tricorder and started his scans. Hitting his COMM, "Colonel I'll let you know what I find within the hour."


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