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Posted on Tue Dec 6th, 2011 @ 4:55am by Miral Annhwi & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

750 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Space


Rennad sat back in his command chair feeling smug. What was the human expression? Shooting fish in a tank? Something like that. He'd faced a dozen ships that could not penetrate his shields and had scant resistance to his own far-superior weapons.

How could the Federation even consider this people a threat? They were not only a threat, but they had, from what he'd seen, nothing to make him want to come back here. They refused to surrender. Even when shown superior fire power. Like swatting at gnats. They were annoying and a nuisance, but not much of a threat.

He would spin a tale of bravely and opposition to rival any Klingon tale. If he told the truth, he would be laughed to scorn.

He looked at Miral. He'd let her live, as it had gone according to plan. But he would not return to Yerdi space any time soon.

Khiy was filthy as he lay on his back repairing a blown station in engineering. His hands dug deep into the console as he fished out the affected section. With a yank he pulled out the fried board and handed it to his chief engineer who was standing over him with a bemused smile.

"Found her, did you?" The man said as he took the cooked hardware. "You do know i could have done that."

"Nothing like a little manual labour." Khiy said with a grin. "Especially if that was the worst of the damage coming out of a war zone." He stood from the panel and dusted his hands of the jet black carbon dust. "Have someone come by and replace the panel." He ordered with a nod.

The man smiled and said nothing as he walked away.

Khiy was in a decidedly good mood. For all intents and purposes his little campaign was a complete success. HIs ships and crews responded better than he could have possibly imagined and the prophet was left in power on the planet.

Khiy walked up to the bridge and sat confidently down in his chair. "Open a channel to the warbird." He ordered. "put it on screen."

"Commander Rennad. Congratulations on a resounding success." He gave the man a curt nod.

Rennad nodded. "Superior Romulan technology and ingenuity, Mr. Tal'ehrihn. I wish all battles were as easily won. Were you successful in your venture as well?"

Miral noted Khiy's filthy condition and hoped it didnt' mean he'd been injured. She said nothing but watched quietly to make sure.

Khiy nodded. "Nothing more than a few scratches between all my Birds of Prey. I can't say much for superior Romulan technology, but we did just fine."

Point of fact, Khiy was overwhelmingly impressed by the tactics and teamwork employed specifically between his two B'rel's. They would decloak and attack cruisers in tandem, always working off the other's success. The speed in which they did it often left the Yerdisian commanders scrambling to catch up. At best, they were only able to take fleeting shots at the cloaking ships, often doing little damage. Khiy resolved to give both their captains raises and offer them permanent command of their vessels.

"I can assure you that the prophet was very pleased with the work we all did. I'll be sure to send along a token of my gratitude for your contribution here today." Khiy smiled. He still intended to punish the man for his earlier remarks at Miral's expense.

"And what will he send me as a token of his gratitude?" Rennad asked smoothly. Yes, he agreed to come for the battle, but if he could gain from it, all the better.

Khiy betrayed nothing. "Soon." He then turned his attention to Miral who was sitting quietly in the back. "I'm glad to see you safe, Ambassador."

"And I you, Mr. Tal'ehrihn. I am glad your venture was a success." Her eyes did not betray her feelings as she would not show the Commander that there was anything personal in her words, but she was relieved to know that the battle was over and Khiy was alive.

"Is there more you wish us to do while we are here?" she asked the Commander.

He would very much like to ensure that neither she nor that fool Tal'ehrihn returned alive, but he didn't think that wouldn't happen. "Not at this time."


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Commander Rennad


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