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Posted on Thu Dec 1st, 2011 @ 11:01am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

998 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Next morning after the Explosion in Ops

Wilhelm walked into the Arboretum and inhaled deeply of the fresh, simulated morning air. As always he was amazed by the day-to-night cycle of this very, very large Arboretum. Wandering down the path, Wilhelm laughed inwardly as early morning joggers and the like made wide circles around him. This Wilhelm knew, was due to the fact that he was in his combat BDU's, minus the body armor, but still armed with his side arm and a compact Phase Rifle slung around his back. He thought, "Sorry. Emergencies dictate combat readiness."

Within minutes Wilhelm made it to one of the numerous flora gardens where he could see Jane busily doing her work. Straightening his beret he went over to Jane, "Good morning...."

Jane stood, thrilled to see Wilhelm. Her smile faded slightly as she noticed his attire. She walked up to him. "What's going on?"

"You didn't happen to feel the deck shake about three hours ago? There was an explosive placed on the upper decks. I led some Marines and medics into the blast zone to look for more devices and survivors." Wilhelm said with a sigh and sag in his shoulders. "So, how is the gardens this morning?" he said with a smile.

Jane moved closer to him and placed her hand gently on his cheek. "I felt the explosion. We're far enough away here that we only felt a little shaking. I am fine adn hte gardens are fine. I'm more concerned with you. How are you coping? What can I do to help you?"

Wilhelm put his hand gently holding Jane's head, his palm open along the jaw, fingers going through her hair. "All I want is some company. Some reason to know why I keep doing what I do amidst all the death and destruction." Wilhelm said then kissed Jane gently. "Now I know why." he said with a smile.

Jane smiled softly. "I'm happy to keep you company. And if it brings you back to me, all the better."

Wilhelm smiled, "Well you do give me excellent incentive to come back...all digits included." he said chuckling at his joke. He then took a step back and put a serious look on his face and looked into the patch Jane was working with "So what's on the agenda today? Weed removal? I have the perfect tool for the job!!" Wilhelm said patting his rifle.

"Weeding is every day," Jane laughed. "And you will not shoot that thing in here. It'll shock the plants and the patrons." She smiled so he would know she wasn't angry. "As for my schedule, it is my own. You are welcome to help me, if you wish. Or if you wish, we can go somewhere else and talk."

"I think I better give you a hand." Wilhelm said looking into the patch. Moving towards the patch he took off his web gear and pulled the power cell out of the rifle and set them on the ground within close reach. "What is what?" Wilhelm said looking a little bit dumbfounded, "You sure you don't wish for a fresh start? My greenthumb might possibly have the same results!"

Jane shook her head. "I don't wish to start over. I wish your company. So, I will give you a lesson in gardening 101."

For the next half hour she taught him how to identify a weed and how to cull runners to keep the garden from being overrun by certain plants. When they were done, she brushed off her hands and shook back her hair. "Would you like to stay for tea? I have an office in the back or we could go to my quarters."

"Sure Jane. Either spot is fine with me." Wilhelm said with a smile while brushing dirt off his hands and collecting his gear and putting it in the correct places.

"Then the workroom will do fine." She turned to lead the way and stopped to turn back. "Thank you for letting me know you're safe."

"I try any excuse to see that smile." Wilhelm said walking beside Jane.

Jane kissed him on the cheek. "All it takes is your presence."

She led him into her workroom. A large wooden table sat in the middle of the room. A long couch filled one wall. A folded blanket and pillow were piled on one end. Three chairs were pushed against the other side of the table.

"Have a seat," Jane said. She walked over to the replicator and replicated a tea set and an assortment of cakes. She set them on the table and poured a cup for Wilhelm.

"Thank you." Wilhelm said taking the cup, adding a teaspoon of sugar and mixed it in and taking a look around, "The holiday Home?" Wilhelm said with a chuckle, "No worries, I keep a cot in my office as well."

Jane grinned sheepishly. "Sometimes I think I spend more nights here than I do in my quarters. At least the couch is comfortable." She poured herself a cup ot tea and added three teaspoons of sugar. "Do they know what caused hte explosion?"

"Terrorists probably. Some kind of explosive device detonated in Ops."

"Is there a chance of more attacks?" she asked, concerned for his safety. "Don't terrorists like to lay traps for the rescue workers so they can do more damage?" And kill more people. She put her hand over Wilhelm's.

"Yes that is a standard tactic of terrorists." Wilhelm said nodding, "At least a Marine's armor gives us some protection, more so in an EVA suit. As to more attacks? Who can say one never knows with these types of......" Wilhelm muttered a curse in German, then realized his company, "So sorry...."

"As long as you are safe," she said. "And protected."

Wilhelm took a sip of his tea. "I sure try my best."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon


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