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Moving In

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2012 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Thu Feb 16th, 2012 @ 12:10am

795 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Typhon
Timeline: Current


Walder looked around his quarters in disbelief. Though his assignment here had presumably been passed on to the senior Starfleet officers that ran the station, it seemed they had not had his quarters done on time.

Bits and pieces of the furniture were missing - some tables, a desk and his bed. A little frustrated, and tired after the long voyage, he irritable addressed the Computer.

'Computer, who is the Chief of Operations for Starbase Typhon?'

A moment's pause.

'Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir.'

Walder muttered to himself before opening a channel, composing himself, and addressed the man. 'Commander Vi'ir, Ambassador Walder here. I was wondering if you could take the time to pop down to my quarters. There seems to be some items ... missing.'

Selith just barely managed to keep his sign from being picked up by the mic in his commbadge. "Sorry, Ambassador, I'm afraid I'm a bit swamped. Can you come to my office?" He finished up a report, and began to pull up some records. One could hope this mystery could be solved quickly.

'Of course Commander. I will be there momentarily. See you then.' Walder cut the channel and quickly studied a map of the station - of course, if he got lost he would be able to call on the Main Computer for help, but he did not want to be in that position.

Leaving quickly, he took a turbolift up to the Admin level, and searched out the Chief of Operations' offices. Once there, he pressed the chime and politely waited for a response.

Selith was glaring at someone on his computer screen when the door chimed. "Listen, and listen well. The Star Empire abandoned ME. I WILL NOT help you, or them. I'm even tempted to report this contact. Goodbye." He said, slamming his hand down on the 'END' button.

Taking a moment, he composed himself, went over to the replicator to order a hot chocolate, and stretched his hand while he waited for the cycle to complete. Once it finished, he grabbed the cup and walked over to the door.

"Hello. Please, come in." He said to the Ambassador. Oh boy, my favorite. He thought sarcastically through his well-rehearsed smile. Infiltration wasn't the only thing the Tal Shiar had taught him. "Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir at your service," he said, holding out his hand.

'Ambassador Walder. A pleasure, I'm sure,' replied Walder with a small smile. 'I trust I'm not impeding too much on your time - it's just I've had a long journey from Cardassia, and I just want to go to bed. I figured I'd come to the top dog for my solution.'

"Well, I'm rather busy after recent events, but let me pull up some information and see what I can find. What ship did you some in on?"

'Starfleet Courier Shuttle, from Cardassia via Alpha Centauri. It changed flight numbers several times. By the end I wasn't quite sure of it, I'm afraid,' Walder gave the man his most winning smile, 'but I'm sure you'll be able to help me.'

Selith tapped a few controls, bring up the baggage tracking system sorted out, with more difficulty than he liked. Typing in the man's name, he found the flight, then the items. Or, at least he hoped he did. "I think your things got put in storage by accident. I'll get someone to send them to your quarters." Closing his computer again, he resisted the urge to tell the man to get out. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

'No thank you, that's quite sufficient,' said Walder quickly. He paused a moment then regarded the Romulan. 'If you'll pardon me though ... a Romulan in the service of Starfleet is still a rare occurrence. May I ask what prompted this?'

Selith stared at the Ambassador for a moment, pretending to evaluating him, although he actually knew what he was going to say. Then, he said "Sorry, classified."

'Never mind then,' smiled Walder easily. Interesting. 'Well, I hope you're enjoying your time here. If there's nothing more you can help me with, I should imagine your time would be better spent elsewhere I'm sure.'

"Thank you. I hope you find everything in order. Please let me know if I can help further." Selith said, ushering the man out of his office. Once he was gone, Selith turned around and walked back to this desk...or rather...where it had been. After looking at the blank space confused for a moment, he tapped his commbadge. This was not amusing...

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon SB-347

Ambassador Alvalr Walder
Federation Ambassador
Starbase Typhon SB-347


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