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Trying to Find Answers

Posted on Sun Feb 12th, 2012 @ 4:21pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D.

651 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Command
Timeline: Current

Having gotten the equipment she needed from the infirmary Izzy was now headed back to command. She started running the scans outside in main operations and saw nothing unusual as she once again approached the yeoman outside the captain's office still running scans.

"What ever it is, I didn't do it." Anne said in a half serious tone.

"I didn't think you did." Izzy replied, "I'm just making sure there is nothing in the air system up here that shouldn't be. I need to check in the Captain's office as well." She added.

"He's just finished a meeting and doesn't have another one scheduled for about an hour so go right in."

Izzy stepped through the doors, "Sorry to bother you sir. I have the equipment I need to check the air in here to make sure there isn't anything here that shouldn't be." Izzy said.

"Not a bother Doctor, do come in." Krang said as he pulled a carrot out of a basket on the cabinet behind his desk.

Izzy started running scans and smiled, "Do you eat a lot of carrots?" She asked.

"Oh, yes. They are a vice. My girlfriend used to ply me with them. It's how we started dating actually."

"I'm sure that's an interesting story." Izzy said as she moved to different areas of the office checking all of the vents.

"I don't know if I would call it 'interesting' but it is sort of funny. She saw me eating carrots and brought me a basket of carrots and apples. What she didn't know is that a gift like that is an opening courting gesture in my culture. When I explained that, her response was along the lines of 'I hadn't planned on that, but it sounds like fun.' and we've been dating ever since."

"I guess you got lucky then." Izzy smiled, "I've only had one serious boyfriend and I haven't seen him in more than a year now. Haven't heard from him except briefly. He's on some kind of assignment where he isn't allowed to contact anyone." She said, "I hope to find someone else some day."

"You're young, you're pretty and as you're a Doctor I would assume you're pretty smart. You'll find someone I'm sure."

"That's what people keep telling me but maybe I unintentionally intimidate them. They are afraid I'll just blow them off." Izzy answered with a shrug. "I'm just settling in though, I'm sure that will change a bit once people get to know me a bit more."

"Most likely." he said with a nod.

"I'm use to being alone too though so either way I'll be fine. I have my cat to keep me company at night and being here on a Starbase I'm sure I'll stay to busy to think about it much anyway." Izzy said then looked at the readings. "I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary in your air systems. I would question the carrots but I heard the voices earlier too and I haven't eaten any of them."

"So, it's not my carrots and we're not being gas lighted, so what are your other theories?"

"At this point I don't have any other theories unfortunately." Izzy said with a sigh. "I can check medical records and see if anyone else as come into sickbay reporting hearing things but other than that I have no other ideas."

Krang nodded, "That sounds like a good idea. Go with that."

Izzy nodded, "I'll get to work on cross referencing those reports and see if anything comes up then sir. Do you need anything else from me right now?" She asked.

"Not that I can think of. Be sure to keep my apprised of anything you might find." Krang replied.

"Yes sir," Izzy replied, "Hope the rest of your day is a quiet one." She added as she turned to head back to the infirmary.


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