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Can You Give Me a Hand?

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2012 @ 6:10am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart

536 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Krang walked into sickbay, keeping his left hand tucked in. He was embarrassed enough to have hurt himself goofing off, but the pain was not going away and he was afraid he might have done actual damage.

He approached Helen's desk and asked to see Doctor Hart.

Helen looked up, smiling. "Hello, Captain Krang! What can I do for you today?"

"It seems that I might have broken my hand. I heard a snap and now I can't close my fist."

She gave him the resigned look of a mother who knows she can't keep her child from hurting himself. "All right, let's see that hand."

Krang held it out gingerly. "I fell on it."

She tenderly examined the injured appendage. "From what height, captain?" She questioned, a slight scold in her voice. She could tell it was broken. Tapping her comm badge, she contacted the doctor. "Sorry to bug you, sir, but it looks like you have an unexpected injury. I'll have Captain Krang set up in exam room one."

"Acknowledged. I'll be there in two shakes," came the reply.

Helen led Krang to exam room one and had him sit on the biobed. "Doctor Hart will be with you in a minute, captain. Just relax." She headed for the door. "And don't move your hand!" She tossed over her shoulder.

"I'll be right here." Krang said sarcastically.

He didn't have long to wait, for a moment later, in walked the good doctor. Without a word, Basil waved a Feinber over Krang's injured hand.

"Yep, it's broken," Basil said. He grabbed a hypospray and injected the hand with a local anesthetic. Within seconds, Krang's hand was numb. "You know, I'm going to need my own computer core just to store your medical record, my friend," he said lightly as he began resetting the bones and knitting them back together with an orthopedic regenerator. "What feat of derring-do were you involved in when it happened?"

"You not going to believe this. I was having a nightmare and fell out of my hammock. My hand got caught under me when I landed."

Basil chuckled. "You're right. I don't believe you. Come on, fess up. you know better than to fib to your doctor. Were you messing with the safeties in the holo-suite again?"

"Sadly, no. It actually was just falling out of bed. I haven't had time to mess with the holodecks lately."

"Well, if that's your story and you're sticking to it, I won't pursue the matter." Basil smiled. The regenerator had done its work, and the bones were knitted back together. "The bones are reconnected," he said, "but they are extremely fragile." He splinted and slung the hand on Krang's massive frame. "You will be on light duty for a week while the bones strengthen. I have changed your dietary needs in the computer to reflect an increase in calcium-rich foods. No strenuous exercise or heavy lifting." He placed a friendly hand on the anthropoid's burly shoulder. "Take care, my friend. I mean that. Now: off to your quarters until your next duty shift."

"Understood Doctor. I'll try to be more careful, thank you." Krang said and made his way out of sickbay.


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