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Security Status Report

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2012 @ 8:37am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Buck Ducati

343 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Main Security Office
Timeline: Current

He was making the rounds and his next stop was security. Krang walked in and found Commander Rayon in his office. Krang knocked lightly on the door frame. "Anyone home?" he asked.

"Hi chief- I mean Captain." Leo said. "I'm just here momentarily as I am assisting Commander Adams with her investigation. Sir."

"I figured as much. I don't want much, just checking in. You surviving the new job?"

Leo sighed. "Surviving," he echoed then smiled.

Krang nodded, "Anything you need from my office?"

"This office?" Leo asked gesturing to the chief of security's office they were standing in. He smiled.

"No. I meant is there anything from the command office. Anything you need from me to help you with your duties."

Leo had to think. "Oh could you upgrade my security clearance when you get a chance sir?"

Krang looked confused, "I thought I had already taken care of that. My apologies. Let me remedy that right now." He moved to the desk and rotated the terminal. "If I may?" he asked but didn't wait for an answer. He tapped a series of commands and then gave a quick nod. "There. All sorted."

"Thank you sir," Leo said. "Is there anything forthcoming that I need to get security ready for?"

"Not to my knowledge, but then that's what makes security such an adventure."

Leo nodded. "I'll give you that one point sir," he said.

"So," Krang continued. "Is your department having any luck with the explosion investigation?"

"Following on from what you put into motion already sir, I have directed that we check the AV logs of Operations for at least 2 weeks prior to the explosion as whoever it was had to have been present to install the explosives." Leo paused, "However, I have security investigations on developing what other means could someone cause the explosion."

"Sounds good. I'll leave you to it, and check back with you in a day or two." Krang answered.

~I just hope I have something for you then,~ Leo thought and nodded. "Aye sir." He said.


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