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Holiday Gala Brought to You By the 21st Marines

Posted on Sat Jan 7th, 2012 @ 7:16am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Alvar Walder & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Miral Annhwi & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta

1,981 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Typhon Grand Ballroom
Timeline: Christmas Eve

--72 hours before--

TO: All Availlable Station Personnel
From: Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

Subject: Holiday Gala

Friends, the holiday season is again upon us. Due to our duties here most of us will be on station during the Holidays. The 21st Marines are hereby sponsoring a celebration on Christmas Eve in our ill used Grand Ballroom. This event will be considered Black Tie, meaning full dress uniform, suit, tuxedo, formal evening dress etc.. A formal string band will be on hand along with a buffet, eggnog, champagne and other holiday activities. Security for this event will be provided by the Marines. Please join us help celebrate this holiday far from home.


Wilhelm looked over the empty ballroom one last time and made sure everything was in its place as guests would be arriving soon. The honor guard and security detail was in place the buffet table being stocked, and the band was warming up. Finally believing everything was in its place he looked over his uniform quick to make sure it was spotless. Dark green jacket and black pants were fuzz free, red sash and family saber properly affixed, decorations and ribbons including his Order of the Black Eagle in the proper order. Now to go pick up his date for the evening. Wilhelm made his way out as the guests started to enter.

Arriving a few minutes later at Jane's door he hit the chime.

Jane was dressed in a dark green velvet gown with a sprig of mistletoe in her hair. When the door chimed, she eagerly opened the door.

"You look especially handsome tonight," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Why thank you Jane. You look beautiful as well." Wilhelm says and holds out the crook of his arm. "Shall we?"

"Surely." She smiled and slipped her hand into the crook of his arm.

Krang readjusted the jacket on his dress uniform. He hated wearing it, but at times you had to do things you don't when you're in charge. He entered the 'grand ballroom' and looked around to see who else had arrived yet.

Atwood entered, in a dress-dress. Not a dress-uniform dress, but a proper dress. The ditzy woman, Lyra, had managed to convince half the Engineering team, not only to go to the ball, but to do so, in a dress. Atwood did not wear dresses. Were it not for her husband being present, she would have neither attended, nor worn the dress. With her husband's arm crooked through her's, she had a slight scowl, as she entered the room.

Lyra, on the other hand, had broken both the high-heeled parts of her shoes, and had thus, decided, to go barefoot. Sirgei didn't seem to mind, as he entered.

In her Marine dress, 1st Lieutenant Lorrieta scowled. She'd been pretty much forced to come to the ball by the adorable little klutzy woman. Sadly, of course, her beau couldn't be bothered to come all the way out to Typhon, for a silly ball. She was just here for food, and drink, anyways.

Skylar, dressed in a Tuxedo, similar to Sirgei's, followed. In fact, it was Sirgei, who had tailored the suit, where the replicator failed him. He smiled, nodding to a few, as he walked in, with Raven's arm crooked in his.

Raven wore a slim-fitting gown in her customary black, this time trimmed in red for the season. A sprig of holly held back one side of her long hair. She smiled warmly at Skylar. "Just don't abandon me tonight, okay?"

"If he tries, I'll kick his ass." Atwood said, as she walked past the two.

"I would not, in any case." Skylar said, looking indignant. "And you are welcome to attempt that, prior to being thrown in the brig, Mrs. Thomas."

"I know you wouldn't do it on purpose," Raven assured him. "I just don't want you running off for an emergency and leaving me here alone."

Krang sighed to himself. "I should have worn a tux." he thought, "Then on second thought, I guess in my uniform I'm safe from 'monkey suit' jokes."

Wilhelm and Jane enter the Ballroom and Wilhelm notices the band has already started playing and several people have arrived so far. "More then I thought would've come." Wilhelm says to Jane "But I guess it is the only show in town." Wilhelm then spots Krang still hovering by the entrance, "Ahh Captain pleasure to see you made it. May I introduce our resident botanist Jane Porter." Wilhelm said indicating the lovely woman on his arm.

Krang gave a slight bow. "Miss Porter, the pleasure is mine."

"Hello, Captain. Congratulations on your promotion," Jane said politely.

"Thank you. I'm still adjusting. It's still pretty different."

"Not to worry, Commander Adams." Sirgei said. "If anyone were to have to leave, we can send Atwood, and the 1st Lieutenant, out."

"That would be appreciated," Raven said, smiling her thanks to Sirgei. She squeezed Skylar's arm as they continued into the room.

"He needs a day off. You'll not get him to admit it, though." Lyra said, with a giggle.

Skylar didn't quite smile.

Raven grinned at Lyra. "Now that you mention it, I haven't taken a day off in a while. Maybe I'll have to spirit him away for a day."

Krang crossed the room and made his way to the table to retrieve a drink.

Wilhelm looked over at Jane, "So do you care to socialize some more or grab a bite to eat or drink?"

Sergeant Otto arrived wearing his dress uniform and scanned over the crowd. "Hmmm there is something potential in here." Otto said quietly to himself.

Wilhelm seen Otto walk in and smiled and said in German over to him "Behave yourself..."

"I don't know most of these people, so I'll leave the decision up to you," Jane said quietly.

Basil sauntered in, smiling cheerfully. He was dressed in a pair of jet-black slacks, Patent Leather black Wellington boots, a white tux shirt, Red velvet vest and matching bow tie, and a full-length black leather greatcoat. "Good evening, all!" He boomed as he waved to the crowd.

Wilhelm glanced over, "Good evening Doctor." he said with a smile.

Jane smiled at the doctor. "Hello."

"Looks like quite a shindig, Colonel!" Basil grinned. "Hello, Jane. How are things?"

Selith ducked into the ballroom, wearing his dress uniform. He looked around for a bit, and made a beeline for the food. After his day, he was hungry and not in the mood to socialize much. Hopefully he could fill his belly, wash it down with a nice drink, then retreat to a comfy bed.

Sirgei and Lyra moved to the banquet table.

"Hey! It's the operations guy. Hi operations guy." Lyra said, with a smile.

Selith grimaced, then fake-smiled at Lyra. "It's Commander, or Selith, Lieutenant...uh...Happy Holidays?" Selith said, the words feeling strange in his mouth.

"Happy Holidays?" Lyra asked. "There are holidays this time of the year?"

"I'll explain later, Lyra." Sirgei said, silently.

Selith looked at them confused for a moment, then decided to just walk away. I wonder if anyone has spiked the punch yet, he thought, heading for the punch bowl.

Tara stepped into the ball room, wearing a form fitting black cashmere dress, with lace on the arms. It went all the way to her neck, showing no skin until the half sleeves ended. A pearl necklass, one of the only gifts her real father had ever given her, lay around her neck and she looked around. Seeing the Colonel, she nodded politely and slipped to the side, away from the people. She hadn't celebrated a yule holiday since before her cryo chamber had failed, leaving her and her mother to watch her Father sleep in icy bliss.

Wilhelm was talking with an Andorian ambassador noticing Jane showing little interest in the conversation when he heard the band strike up a formal Waltz tune. "Dance?" Wilhelm said to Jane already leading her towards the dance floor.

Otto noticing the tune and thought "Why not..." Otto went over to Lyra and put on his award winning smile "Care to dance Miss?"

Sirgei glowered at Otto. "It's rather rude, to cut in, you know." Sirgei said, in a tone that the friendly, and not to mention, rather cowardly, Chief Warrant Officer, was not used to having to use.

"She's spoken for." Atwood said, looking towards Otto with a warning glance.

Lyra shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Marines are meanie-heads." She said, holding on to Sirgei's sleeve. "I won't dance with one, without my mittens on."

Otto give a small bow of dismissal. "No problem." he said then started to scan the crowd for a different target.

Although Jane tried to keep up with the conversation between Wilhelm and theAndorian, they quickly becme intrenched in a discussion of military tactics in frozen climates and she had a very hard time keeping up. So she was grateful when Wilhelm asked her to dance. She slipped into his arms happily as they began to waltz.

Raven watched the couples heading to the dance floor. "Care to dance?" she asked Skylar.

"Of course." Skylar said, with a quirked eyebrow. "Why else, would one go to a Gala?"

"TO COMPARE DRESSES, OF COURSE!" Lyra exclaimed. "Pretty dress, Raven lady."

"That is Commander Adams, Lyra." Skylar corrected.

"Pretty dress Commander Raven lady." Lyra said, and then stuck her tongue out at Skylar, and walked away. "You too, Jane." She didn't clarify which Jane.

Atwood looked at Porter. Then down her dress. "You better have been talking about me."

"Whoever is least scary." Lyra added, as she followed Sirgei back out to the dance floor.

Atwood, apparently satisfied, collected her husband, and followed them.

Miral wasn't quite sure what to do at a Christmas party, but she felt it important to make an appearance. Sadly, Khiy was out on another business trip so she arrived alone.

She got herself a glass of eggnog and stood where she could have a good view of the room and the couples dancing.

Miral couldn't help but notice Lyra. The blonde was ... unique.

Otto came up next to Miral, "Happy Holidays Ambassador. Are you enjoying the evening?"

On the dance floor Wilhelm glanced over at Otto momentarily and almost missed a step in surprise. "That pyromaniac better not be doing what I think he's doing...." Wilhelm muttered then looked at Jane following his lead. "You dance beautifully. Hope I didn't almost trip you as well back there. I think my Sergeant wants to play with a warhead."

"It's fine," she assured him. "I like dancing with you. Even when you get distracted by one of your Sergeants." She danced for another moment. "Do you need to go deal with that?"

"No." Wilhelm said, "He knows enough to not get his fingers in the cookie jar." Wilhelm said and continued dancing.

"Good," Jane replied, smiling softly. "Because tonight I would like your company."

Noticing Lyra's tendency to step on Sirgei's toes, Atwood scowled, as her husband was doing much, the same.

"How do you put up with that?" Atwood whispered, when they danced near enough.

"Shoes are made out of pliable Carbon fibres. They bend, slightly, but will easily hold her weight, without crushing my toes, if she mis-steps." Sirgei said, with a chuckle. "As you may have guessed, I'm rather big on preventative measures."

"That may be a touch more information than necessary, Mister Bobgdonovich." Jacob Thomas noted, dryly.

Lyra looked confused. Neither Sirgei, nor Atwood, would clarify, either.

"OUCH. That's it. Time to go break in my new liver." Atwood muttered. "Besides, there's someone looking a bit glum over there."

The party continued well into the evening. Finally the crowd started to thin, the music faded and the hospitality staff started their duties.


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