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State of the Station?

Posted on Wed Dec 28th, 2011 @ 5:04pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

1,388 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Current

Krang was on a tour of the station and decided to 'kill two birds with one stone' so he asked Vi'ir to meet him and Skylar in engineering.

He found Skylar 'knee deep' in reports and projects. "Commander Skylar, can I have a moment?"

"Take a seat." Skylar said, nodding. "If you can find one. Kindly refrain from moving the PADDs. They are currently organized by means of necessary. This, is today's paperwork, on my desk, that, over there, is project Athena, and I'm told, through various sources, that the SCE wants to host a conference here. That all, of course, is before considering things, like officers requesting promotions, and this delightful concept that Starfleet Command has designated as 'performance reviews'."

"All that considered, I think I'll just stand on this small square of carpet over here." he said taking one small step away from directly in front of the door.

"Give operations 1.7 minutes. That's the next expected deluge of paperwork." Skylar stated, with a shake of his head. "It will be gone, shortly."

"I know the feeling. I haven't been able to see the surface of my desk in a week. I put a PADD on my yeoman's desk this morning and the desk collapsed under the weight."

"I have a desk, I think." Skylar stated. "I have vague recollections of it."

Krang gave a laugh. "I think I am going to out-law paper work for a week." then he looked at his wrist chronograph, "I wonder what's keeping Commander Vi'ir?"

"I second that motion, Captain." Selith said, rounding the corner with a large stack of PADDs precariously balanced in one hand. "You needed me?"

"Yes, Commander, come in. I wanted to touch base with the two of you to see how things were really progressing. All the other departments can 'polish the apple' so to say, but you two know where all the worms are."

"The arboretum, I would hope, considering the efforts we went to ensure the miniature ecosystem that was set up there, would not contaminate the outside environments." Skylar said, with a quirked eyebrow.

Krang nodded, "Quite right, but I was not intending to be quite so literal. I apologize for the confusion. I meant to say that you two know what really is right or wrong with the station as whole. On a physical level even."

"For example, the air vent to this room is being pushed to dangerous levels, due to excess PADDs, and humanoids present." Skylar said, nodding. "And, apparently, three of the vessels in dock, are wasting my time, with paperwork, for repairs on things like 'Right Turn Signal is out', just to stay in dock, for the proposed SCE conference. To my knowledge, it's not even officially happening, yet it is getting ridiculous, and out of hand. The SCE vessel, Tesla asked me to put a rush on the repairs to a random ship, as they actually have a reserved dock space, and need repairs, given that they are missing seventy percent of their saucer section, and command staff. I told Lyra to replicate a right turn light from an old automobile, and bring it up, in person, to the Captain of the Franklin, and make him sign the paperwork for it, then tell him to fix it himself, and get out of reserved docking space."

Krang stood, quiet, not sure how to react to Skylar. "Alright then." he finally added. "So I should expect an angry message from the Captain of the Franklin, thanks for the warning."

"To the contrary, Captain Darkmoon, it is you who should be sending angry messages, to three docked Captains, for excess waste of station resources, and generating undue paperwork." Skylar stated, handing Krang the offending PADD, that listed the issues with the Franklin. Broken right tail-light. Solar sails need adjusting. Flux Capacitor needs tuning were some of the highlights.

"Understood." Krang said with a nod. "Let them know that if they are not underway within twelve hours, health and safety searches will commence without warning."

"They're being given 30 minute notice to vacate reserved, and required, docking space. The Tesla has serious repair requirements, and their staff are, supposedly, slated for temporary reassignment for Typhon, and I have already included, with Lyra, a reminder that Typhon's docking ports are for vessels in distress, first, and foremost. Also, there was something about an Admiral and a Commodore authorizing their in-flight command staff audit. Turns out, you can only have one of those, while in flight." Skylar said, with a raised eyebrow. "SCE Captain T'Yuna has some creative solutions for problematic issues like Captain LeClaire."

"Sounds like you have the situation well in hand, Commander." then he turned to Vi'ir and said, "And how goes things with Operations?"

"Interestingly. We've got a number of deficient areas due to a lack of personnel, but I've been please with our progress nonetheless. The main problem we're having now is coordination. We have a lot of moving part, but not enough people to make sure everything is going where it needs to." Selith explained, recalling the visit from an ambassador he'd just endured.

"I've tried to requisition more staff and they keep telling me 'office of personnel management is doing what they can.' and then hanging up on me." Krang said obviously frustrated.

Selith smiled slyly. "I think I may have gotten an ally in that battle. In exchange for helping Commodore Watkins and Admiral Ongaku-Chi to put on that SCE Conference, they said they'd look into pulling some strings and get our personnel situation remedied. It means more work for us in the short term," Selith said, motioning toward Skylar, "but it should mean we see some relief in the long term."

"So you're the source of that conference?" Krang asked with a glance to Skylar. "I have had no end of complaints about stupid stunts people have pulled to stay here for that conference."

"Special commendations to the Franklin, for asking for a time machine parts." Skylar said, nodding.

Lyra entered the Engineering Office. "The Franklin left the dock. Sirgei said to let you know that there is an emergency repair team in place already."

"For what?" Skylar asked.

"I tripped, onto the explosive decompression handle control, for their docking port." Lyra said. "Sirgei said we're 'no longer a five star establishment'."

Skylar shook his head. "How long until the docking port is clear, for the Tesla? It needs the repair bay."

"Uhm..." Lyra said, with a finger to her mouth. "I don't-"

Skylar tapped his commbadge. "Skylar to Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich-"

"It'll be fixed in 20 minutes." Bobgdonovich's voice came over the comms.

"As long as it's being taken care of." Skylar said, nodding.

"Well, that's one way to handle it." Krang said with a chuckle.

"You certainly deserve points for style, Lieutenant." Selith said with a smile, then turned to the captain. "I'm afraid I am the source of the conference. I hope it's not cause too much trouble. I was promised help with the personnel issue and some toys for the engineering department once the conference wraps up. That, and an Admiral and a Commodore is a hard group to say 'no' to."

"We've also been promised assistance in... other... areas." Skylar said. There was the faintest taint of a mischievous look in his eye, briefly. He looked towards the door, as Lyra left. "Just do not ask of it's methodology. I do not believe your interpretation of Starfleet Protocol would approve of some of the 'authorized methods' that were given to certain members of the Typhon's Docking and Repair facility staff members, by a specific deputy director of information services."

"How...Romulan of you, Commander." Selith said with a sly smile.

"I am completely sure I don't want to know." Krang said with a shake of his head. "Anyway, I just wanted to check in with you two. I have my report, now I am going to retreat to the relative safety of my office. Good day Gentlemen."

"Captain. Commander." Selith said, nodding to each, then turned to leave.

"Captain. Commander." Skylar parroted.

Captain Krang Darkmoon
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon SB-347

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon SB-347


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