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Breaking a Vault...On The Marine Decks?!

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2012 @ 3:58pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

361 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Next Door to the Marine HQ
Timeline: current

Wilhelm was finishing up some paperwork bringing some semblence of order to his desk for the first time in months. Clearing off the last PADD he blew a sigh of relief as there was not a PADD left. Getting up from his desk, Wilhelm yawned and started stretching out and thought it was almost time to go see Jane who decided she was cooking tonight, when he started hearing loud noises comeing from the small armory next door.

Wondering what was going on Wilhelm left his office and went into the armory. Upon opening the door he heard a very loud, very Irish voice cry out, "BLEEDING CHRIST!! Careful with tha will ye! Ya blow us all to Hell before we can get at the Tommies..." after that Wilhelm heard nothing but half whispers he also noticed the back wall of the armory resembled a very very old bank vault. Drawing his side arm he set it to heavy stun and the narrowest beam possible. Wilhelm creeped up and pointed his weapon and said, "Cease and desist at once. This is your one and only warning." Senseing no change Wilhelm took aim then suddenly the men stood up and started running towards him and passed right through him.

Surprised, Wilhelm turned around to see where they went and saw nothing. Turning back to the vault he seen nothing but a wall but an odd device was sitting right on the floor right by it. Holstering his weapon Wilhelm ran up to it and examined it quickly seeing four small white blocks linked together with wire. On one side of the blocks was a fast burning fuse. Reacting instantly, Wilhelm pulled out the fuse just as it burned the tips of his fingers. With a sizzle the fuze sputtered out on the floor. With the danger passed Wilhelm examined the blocks each was stamped: COMPOSTION B, PROPERTY OF THE US ARMY, HANDLE WITH CARE. On one of the blocks he seen a little graffitti that said: Berlin or bust! Wilhelm considered this and thought What in the world was going?

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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