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Check up

Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2012 @ 3:15am by Commander Buck Ducati & Commander Basil Hart

619 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I


In his quarters, Basil looked at his console. It beeped persistently at him. He tapped the screen in the appropriate location, and the computer spoke. "Commander Hart: This is a computer-generated reminder that you have an appointment for the physical examination of Lieutenant Commander Rayon in Five minutes."

Basil sighed, smiling. It was nice to have a routine checkup every once in a while. He much preferred keeping people healthy rather than patching them back together. He dismissed the message, deleted it, and headed to sickbay.

Leo walked in on time though he had assigned the time for the check-up in the security schedule he knew something might come up.

He headed to a nearby biobed and waited; the nursing staff were all busy and Leo didn't mind waiting in peace for whoever it was who would do his check-up to come to him.

Just then, Basil walked in. "Hello, Leo!" The doctor smiled. "Ready to be poked and prodded for no good reason?" Basil chuckled.

Leo just stared at Basil with a sarcastic look.

Basil just chuckled a little more. "Sorry, Leo. I'm just in a good mood. I don't mean to make light of what for you must be a tedious and unnecessary visit. Had any notable changed in diet or routine since your last physical?" Basil grabbed a Feinberger and began to run it over Leo's upper torso to get a baseline reading.

"Not really," Leo said.

"Well, you look okay on the inside and the outside. You're a little dehydrated, and your potassium levels are low. Drink more water, and eat some bananas. If that doesn't help, I'll give you a supplement." He glanced at his patient. "How are you sleeping?"

"I am well thank you very much." Leo said not believing a word.

"I'll be the judge of that, young man," Basil said lightly. "What I asked was how you were sleeping. How many hours, and do you sleep through the night?" He smiled, letting Leo know he was not upset, but also indicating that he would have an answer to his questions.

Leo nodded. "I sleep okay, I don't really take note of how many hours. Occasionally I get a dry mouth so I get a drink of water during the night."

"Well, that is consistent with mild dehydration," Basil shrugged. "Well, that's all I can think of to keep you here. Was there anything else you want to talk to me or ask about?"

"Nothing really, just wanted to get my check up out of the way so I can get to work." Leo said and sat up to get ready to get off the biobed.

"Fair enough, Leo. Just make sure you take care of yourself. There are a lot of things beyond our control that can be hazardous to our health, and I should think that we would want to pay more attention to the ones over which we have complete control." He walked over to the replicator, ordered something, and handed it to Leo. "Have a banana." He grinned. "You're free to go, Leo. Be good."

Leo accepted the fruit and stared at it for a moment before looking up at Basil with an expression that said. 'What-the-hell?-Are-you-serious?' Though Leo did like bananas so didn't say anything and hopped down from the biobed. "Thank you doc, you be good as well."

Basil watched the young man go. "I hope he remembers that bananas are an excellent source of Potassium," he mused. Then he returned to his office and the monograph he was reading on xenomorphic pathogens.

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security/Tactial Officer,
Star Base Typhon


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