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New Assignments

Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2012 @ 5:25pm by Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D. & Commander Krang Darkmoon

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Main Operations

Izzy had gone through many check points showing and reshowing her new orders and finally had made her way to operations to check in with the Commanding Officer. She had read his bio and was prepared for his species at least so she wouldn't be caught off guard there.

Izzy made her way to his office and spoke to the yeoman behind the desk. "Lieutenant Izzabelle Black, here to report for duty with Captain Darkmoon." she said.

"He's expecting you, go on in." she was told by the officer at the desk.

Izzy stepped up to the doors and they parted so she stepped through and saw Darkmoon behind his desk. "Lieutenant Izzabelle Black reporting for duty sir." she said.

Krang stood and offered a hand in welcome. "Greetings Doctor Black. Come in, take a seat won't you?"

Izzy took the offered hand then took the seat across from Krang, "I've been studying a bit about your species as it is unfamiliar to me so I'm ready if you come to sickbay." Izzy said, "And more specifically your medical record so I would know of allergies and such."

"Yes, my allergies. I'm sure that got at least an ironic chuckle when you read that. I am no doctor myself, but I have been told that our physiology is quite similar to humans." he took a sip of the mug of tea on his desk. "That however is beside the point. Was your trip in pleasant?"

"Uneventful, I'm ready for a new start though. There were too many memories both good and bad on my old assignment." Izzy said as she unconsciously rubbed her left arm.

"Having recently read your file and the associated reports, I can understand that sentiment. Things have been kind of crazy around here too. Doctor Hart, your immediate supervisor has been very busy and under a lot of stress. I am sure he'll be very grateful for some experienced help in the infirmary."

"Good because I'm wanting to continue learning as much as I can. Even though I have gotten my medical degree you can never stop learning." Izzy said with a smile.

"That's a very positive attitude." Krang said with a nod of his head.

"I want to help people. A lot of what happened to me is what made me decide to not settle for medical technician and to keep studying. I have a better understanding of what it is like to suffer some injuries and I think that has helped me be a better doctor." Izzy said, "Not that I'm perfect by any means." She added.

Krang gave a sound of agreement. "An admirable goal to be sure. Is there anything you need from me to make your transition a positive one?"

"Not that I can think of at the moment. I do have a cat but he was with me on my last assignment and I make sure he stays healthy and in my quarters." Izzy said.

"That shouldn't be an issue. We have other officers and families that have pets. It will be important that you do keep the animal under control though. We have a lot of different races and species here on the station and there could very well be those that see a cat as either something to be highly allergic to or in some cases, something to eat."

"My last room mate was that way. It was part of the reason I didn't have cat until after he was reassigned. I don't think he would have eaten a cat that was important to me but still I didn't want the temptation to be there." Izzy replied.

"Let me guess. Andorian?" Krang said with a soft laugh.

Izzy smiled and nodded, "Yes he was." she answered, "He was one of the first friends I made on that ship, even before I had gone to the academy when I was there with my parents."

The muted sounds of a conversation came from the other side of the office door. While the words were unclear, the conversation sounded heated. "Excuse me a moment Doctor Black." he said and made his way around the desk and opened the door. His receptionist looked up from her desk and said, "Yes, Sir?"

"Who was just out here?" he asked. "No one, Sir. Just me."

Krang turned to face Izzabelle, "You heard that didn't you?"

"Yes Sir, at least I think so. It wasn't exactly clear, sort of muffled." She answered.

"The first time something weird happened, I wrote it off as needed some sleep, but that's the second time, and you heard it too."

"Have you done any security scans since the first time?" Izzy asked, "Or maybe I need to run scans for possible hallucinogens in the ventilation system."

"No, I haven't. Both are 'not half bad' ideas." Krang answered.

"I've had a lot of experience with crazy things before sir." Izzy smiled.

"Helpful for now, so I refrain from trying to decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"It just means that sometimes it helps me to be able to look at the bigger picture." Izzy answered, "Think of things others might miss."

"Right then. I guess you'll have to 'hit the ground running' as they say. "Welcome to Typhon Lieutenant."

"Thank you sir, as soon as I get the proper equipment I will start the scans here unless you were somewhere else the first time." Izzy said.


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