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An unexpected meeting.

Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2012 @ 9:34am by 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta

2,209 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Admiral Ongaku-Chi's Yacht/Office

T'Yuna entered Admiral Ongaku-Chi's office, pondering the significance of her off-schedule summon.

Admiral Ongaku-Chi was always OCD about her daily schedule.

And, Ongaku-Chi was aware that T'Yuna was very similarly oriented.

It was 0600 hours, and T'Yuna had literally gotten out of bed, when Ongaku-Chi summoned her.

Approaching the Admiral's Office, which was actually the Ready-room of her privately owned vessel, docked at Typhon, she nodded to the Admiral's Assistant.

"She's expecting you, ma'am." The assistant said, then looked up. Then she giggled.

Which was understandable. It's not often that an Admiral's Assistant comes across a Captain, in near-full uniform, except for the soft yellow slippers, shaped like ducks.

Especially not if given Captain is Vulcan.

T'Yuna did not grasp what, precisely was so funny, until she walked in to the state-room.

Admiral Ongaku-Chi chuckled, and shook her head. "Captain T'Yuna. Welcome. We've got some interesting business to discuss."

T'Yuna nodded, and took the only open seat. The lighting in the room became sufficient for her to recognize the people present.

She quirked an eyebrow.

Along with her, and the Admiral, Commodore Watkins, and, of all people, 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta, there were several civilians present, two of whom, she recognized, and an either Operations, or Security Ensign she did not recognize.

"Now then, let's get started." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "In attendance, we have Admiral Ongaku-Chi, Commodore Watkins, Captain T'Yuna, Ensign Selan of Starfleet Operations, 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta, Doctorate of Sciences T'Pik, of Vulcan, Doctorate of Temporal Theoretical Physics Janine Franklin, and lastly, Boondock County Sheriff Sovik, of Boondock County, New Kowloon, co-founder of Walsh & Associates. We shall begin with a statistical review of facts, as issued by Starfleet Operations."

It was not, however, Commodore Watkins, who stood. Ensign Selan did.

"As most of you are aware, various newer, or recently retrofitted vessels are equipped with locator beacons which are several thousand degrees more accurate than, and more capable of handling unexpected phenomena, than that which is installed on standard Starfleet Vessels. Approximately two months ago, the USS Edison disappeared, here." Selan said. The table brought up a holo-projection of a cluster of sectors, including a marker dubbed 'Edison last known position'. There were a total of three planetary systems in the group of clusters. Two were populated, the third, called Karsid IV, was not.

"Approximately two hours ago, the vessel was located, here." Selan added, pointing to a new icon that appeared to be steadily heading in Typhon's direction. "The issue with this, of course, is that the sectors it is immediately leaving no longer correlate with temporally appropriate time-stamps. If you'll note, the two stardate beacons note a difference in either the past, by as much as 70 years, and the future by as much as an hour, and the Edison's locator beacon, itself, notes only three days have passed, since the Edison has left Stardock. I will now hand this over to Doctor Franklin."

The slight, civilian woman, stood, and nodded. "The target system the Edison vanished in, called the Karsid system, has had some unprecedented changes, once theorized, to be known as a Chroniton Cascade, or a solar system, that goes nova, in such a manner, that it tears a rift through time, and space, rather than just space. The greatest issue, here, is that these types of Nova, are fueled, by distortions in space, or time, and the Edison is escaping it at Warp 9. As most of you are aware, the very nature of Warp speed twists the very fabric, of space, and time, and near as we can tell, the Edison is travelling from the direct epicenter. Based on available extrapolations, I calculate that this rift will extend to both populated solar systems, and may cause minor temporal incidents, if any vessels were to approach them, which are not appropriately shielded against temporal incursion."

"And, now, to Doctor T'Pik." Commodore Watkins said, with a nod.

T'Yuna ground her teeth, as her half-sister took a stand.

"Quite right." T'Pik said, with a nod. "The biggest concern, is that these planets will be completely unshielded from temporal occurrences. For some time, the Vulcan Science Academy, has been considering the uses of metaphasic shielding, and have come up with the concept that a network of metaphasic satellites could be established around said planets, to permit them to continue a normal life. The USS Intrepid, is currently loading 32 such sattelites, from the Vulcan science academy's manufacturing center now. It is theorized that a network of 16 satellites, in appropriate orbit, will inhibit any temporal incursions that would be disruptive to these planets' natural growth."

Admiral Ongaku-Chi nodded. "While Commander MacLeod was trusted with command of the USS Edison, it was on the theory that non-Engineering Officers would be best left in charge of the SCE team attached. Based on what I've seen, I find this original theory to be invalid. Especially given that, for the first time in recorded history, a specialty vessel is being given a task-force leadership role. Commander MacLeod is being transferred back to the special projects division, to continue work with Walsh & Associates."

T'Yuna wondered why she was required to be at this meeting.

"Now, this, quite obviously, leaves two issues." Ongaku-Chi continued. "Starting with the fact that the USS Edison will be needed, to assist with the various technologies on a Federation Outpost, on Velur IV. Thankfully, this planet is largely aquatic, as are it's inhabitants. However, it is the leading research center in aquatic technology, and they are practically defenseless against any temporal happenings. The Intrepid is due to arrive at Velur IV in 2 days, however, from Velur's point of view, this could be several days, months, or plausibly, years. The Edison, with minor shield modifications, which can be done inside about 20 minutes, will be sent to assist with any issues immediately arising, and to assist any temporal mis-fits, which may be found."

The Temporal Theorist nodded. "Yes, quite right. Once that satellite network is on-line, any non-local temporal travelers will be trapped on Velur IV."

"This, of course, is a great issue, if the ship's Commanding Officer is being transferred. Which brings us to our sole good piece of news to write up in this briefing's notes." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding.

Commodore Watkins stood, and T'Yuna quirked an eyebrow. "Quite right, Admiral, quite right. Now, when I first laid eyes on Captain T'Yuna, here, she was a spry Ensign, who has yet to age a single bloody day, since then. She was a little naive, however, her tendency to think outside the box, including the time that she saved the warp-core from blowing, by wiring the cooling units into a Shuttle's micro-warp core, has saved my posterior, and Admiral Ongaku-Chi's, on no less that half a dozen incidents. She has spent a great deal of time, over the past few years, in positions of authority, from Acting Chief Engineer, to SCE Team Leader, to Executive Officer, to Captain of SCE Dispatches. This, however, should be an interesting concept for her to grow into."

T'Yuna was nearly frozen, when she finally clued in to what Watkins was saying.

"Captain T'Yuna, it is the decision of Starfleet Command, and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, that you are to be promoted, in rank, to that of Commodore, and reassigned to command of the USS Edison, and that of Task force 23-C." Admiral Ongaku-Chi said, smiling.

1st Lieutenant Lorrieta raised her hand.

"Yes, 1st Lieutenant?" Ongaku-Chi asked.

"All due respect, ma'am, but none of this has any real bearing on the Athena Project, save it's obvious change in command, hence, my curiosity to my presence." Lorrieta said, quietly.

"I'm very glad you asked." Watkins said, with a nod.

"Though I'm not sure you will be, miss Lorrieta." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding. "We've got an interesting issue, on the Edison. The Chief Engineer has been killed, and we've got no one available, who is available for easy transfer, who isn't on emergency reactivation."

"And..." Lorrieta asked, proddingly.

"We would like to offer you this opportunity to properly re-enlist, as an SCE Engineer." Ongaku-Chi said.

"And if I refuse?" Lorrieta asked.

"Then you have a honey-moon significantly overdo." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding.

Lorrieta looked from Ongaku-Chi, to T'Yuna, and back again. "My husband has been... rather distraught, over my transfer."

T'Yuna looked down.

"He's filing for divorce. Provided I've only got Ship-board repairs to handle, I could use some busy-work to keep my mind busy." Lorrieta said, nodding.

There was a mischievous glint in T'Yuna's eyes. Her sister was sitting there, dumb-founded, despite careful concealment. Her father, impressed. And Lorrieta was coming with her.

"Very well then, 1st Lieutenant, you're being field commissioned as Lieutenant, and we'll be issuing you with your altered security clearances once we're done. Civilians, and Commodore Watkins, thank you for your time. Those of you who are briefing for the SCE Conference, Commodore Watkins will be assisting with your clearance cards, and temporary residence." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding.

"Ensign Selan, please collect all required information, and have it ready for myself, and Lieutenant Lorrieta, pertaining to the Edison's status, upon arriving." T'Yuna said, with a nod to the Vulcan Ensign.

"And get me the technical data on that metaphasic shielding thing." Lorrieta said, nodding. "I'll want that looked over by a Fleet-certified Engineer."

"Are you doubting my technical capacity, Lieutenant Lorrieta?" Doctor T'Pik asked.

"Actually, Doctor, not only is she required, to make sure all of the applicable data are safe to be used on her assigned duty station, but if she did, she would be following the distrust of her immediate superior. If you have an issue with it, I suggest you take it up with her." T'Yuna said, with a very stern expression.

"T'Yuna, behave yourself in front of the Admiral. That's your sister." Sovik said, speaking for, perhaps, the second, or third time, this meeting.

"Sheriff Sovik, you've been dismissed." Ongaku-Chi said, in as stern a voice, as T'Yuna's. "As has Doctors T'Pik, and Franklin. I do not care why Commodore T'Yuna, nor Lieutenant Lorrieta, have reason to distrust any of you, all I care about, is that you are now infringing on my personal living space, and I'm getting tired of having to be civilian-friendly, and not issuing orders. So, I'll show you out, as I have to find the little girl's room."

T'Pik was momentarily shocked. Nodding, she followed the other civilians out of the room.

Watkins smiled. "I always knew you'd catch up to me in rank, some day, T'Yuna." Watkins said, as he watched T'Yuna reviewing some of the PADDs that Ensign Selan had deposited in front of her, and Lieutenant Lorrieta.

T'yuna didn't quite smile. "I did not." She said, plainly.

"Bet you didn't think you'd be put in command of a ship, either, Yunie." Lorrieta said, with a chuckle. The nickname had been picked up, by most of the Engineering staff on Typhon, since T'Yuna's arrival. It was much nicer than the usual jokes, referring to a fish with a similar sounding name.

"That's Commodore T'Yuna, Lieutenant." Watkins noted.

"Not in private company, Watkins." T'Yuna said. "So long as she does not do it in front of non-familiar staff."

"Commodore, that's not really appropriate, is-" Watkins started.

"Neither is a relationship with a Lieutenant Junior Grade, nor is it appropriate for the Starbase's Engineering department to be as scantily staffed as it is, considering the current duties assigned to it. As one of the Operations Commanders, for this sector, perhaps you should stop harassing my staff, and go handle your own job, Commodore Watkins." T'Yuna said, with a stern voice.

"Uh... right, T'Yuna. Right." Watkins said, with a bit of a start. He'd never had T'Yuna interrupt her, and neither, did she countermand his requests.

But, then again, Watkins didn't out-rank her, anymore.

He nodded, and left T'Yuna, Lorrieta, and Selan, to their own devices. He bumped into Ongaku-Chi re-entering, but said nothing.

"Oh good," Ongaku-Chi said, nodding, as she observed the haste that Watkins left. "You got him to leave you alone. I was wondering if he was going to be able to do that, after I left, given how invested he's made himself, in your career. How'd you get him to leave?"

T'Yuna quirked an eyebrow.

"She politely told him to but out of her business, and do his own bloody job." Lorrieta said, with a chuckle. "She was real nice about it, though."

Ongaku-Chi nodded. "Excellent. Now about wearing ducky slippers to a briefing with an Admiral, a Commodore, and two specialists-"

"Yes, Admiral?" T'Yuna asked.

"Keep it up. People need to know you don't have to be a regulation-bound stick in the mud, just because you are a Commodore." Ongaku-Chi said, chuckling.


Admiral Ongaku-Chi
SCE Dispatching Officer
Starfleet Command, SCE Department

Commodore James Watkins
Deputy Director of Information Resources
Starfleet Command, Operations

Commodore T'Yuna
Commanding Officer, Task Force Commanding Officer
USS Edison, TF-23-C(Respectively)

Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta
Acting Chief Engineer
USS Edison

Ensign Selan
Operations Officer
Starfleet Command, Operations

T'Pik, PsciD
Theoretical Physics Specialist
Vulcan Science Academy

Janine Franklin, Doctor of Temporal Theoretical Research
Temporal Specialist
Cochrane Institute of Applied Physics

Sheriff Sovik
Sheriff, Co Founder
Boondock County Sheriff's Department, Walsh and Associates(Respectively)


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