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Meeting the Chief

Posted on Tue Jan 31st, 2012 @ 4:02am by Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D. & Commander Basil Hart

324 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Sickbay

Izzy walked quickly but safely through the different sections of the station making her way to sickbay. She needed to report in and pick up the equipment she needed to get back to the Captain's office and run scans.

She stepped through the doors and scanned the area to get her barrings a moment.

Basil noticed Izzy as she walked in. He left his desk to greet the young woman. "Greetings, Ms. Black. What can a humble physician and apothecary do for you today?"

"I just finished checking in with the Captain and something strange is going on. I suggested we scan his office for hallucinogens so I came to check in with you and get the equipment that will be needed to do so." Izzy answered. "Though if you want to get my check up done first then I guess we can send someone else to get it done." Izzy added, "After all I am your assistant."

"Let's take care of the captain first." Basil smiled again. Why the check for hallucinogens?" He grabbed the appropriate equipment and handed it to her.

"While I was talking with him there were voices. They sounded like they were just outside the door. When he checked the only person there was his yeoman and she wasn't talking. He said it had happened before. However, I heard it too meaning it isn't just something going on with him specifically." Izzy answered, "My first thought was possible hallucinogens in the ventilation system in his office." Izzy said.

"Make sense, Izzy," he said, matter-of-factly. Why don't you grab the equipment you need and take care of the scans, and we'll worry about your check up later?"

"Yes sir, I'll let you know what I find out." Izzy said as she moved to gather everything she needed then she left to head back to the Captain's office.

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Izzabelle Black
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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