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Land Fall

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 1:05am by Commodore Edward Fannin

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: Current


It was a rare event, the landing of a city. On Nal Ta the cities only left during the worst of natural disasters, which usually occured every ten to twenty years, maybe more. Today, two such cities would make land fall on their new home and a pretty big crowd had gathered to watch.

"Afternoon captain" Will said as he came up to the captain on the Destiny's observation deck, "gonna watch em' or ride one down?"

"Today I think I shall just be a casual observer to the event."

"You'll miss the fun sir" Will said, heading off in search of the transporter room, he'd just dropped by up here to get a good look at the cities before they hit dirt and water.

[Transporter Room]

After a bit of wandering, the engineer finally found the transporter room. Unfortunately, this ship had come after he left home and there were quite a few design changes. Ahead of him the transporter pads were packed with the academy cadets, apparently taking a close up look at it all. Before he could say anything they were gone to one of the two cities, which one he had no idea.

Will stepped up and was beamed to the forest city, Mirar, all around him plant life from home covered the buildings to some extent or another. The engineer headed out through the mess and found a good spot on the upper observation deck, just below the command center.

"Blue alert, blue alert, all hands stand by for landfall" came echoing through the corridors and almost immediately after flames could be seen building up around the bottom of the city shield. It would be a very fast and extremely bumpy ride coming in, unfortunately the line up for their spot on land would require more power to stop than a water site and that left them with little power for inertial dampening.

"Alert! Alert! Echoes inbound, all squadrons emergency deployment!" Governor Varg said into the city wide coms, within miliseconds the message would be taken to the other forces.

Will headed up to the command center and found every screen showing a siege of fighters coming in. =A= Couter to Fannin, that pirate problem just got a lot worse. =A=

Captain Fannin was walking towards the bridge when the message came in...

"Commander Couter what type incoming aircraft are you looking at? We don't show them on our long range scans." Fannin had the 97th put on standby...

=A= Orion of all configurations, everything from small fighters to moderate cruisers. We've got four Neyel battleships moving to intercepts, the Destiny is watching our flanks and both the cities are getting ready to intercept. =A=

"Commander Couter I have been asked by Vice Admiral Burke if the Neyel are requesting Starfleet assistance."

"Not just yet " Will said, "I'm just passing the word on that the problem out here is worse than we thought. There should be a combat center on the Destiny, it'll give you a good look at the mess."

"Very well commander, Please keep us advised, Admiral Burke shall be arriving here on SB-347 within the hour."

"Keep a good guard on him" Will said, "no idea what these pirates will do when they find these cities aren't going to bend over for them."

"Affirmative all our defenses here are ready, The Admiral has been briefed. Eight hundred Marines and Four Fighter wings are standing by. Two Capital battleships are on station, The USS Endeavor and USS Orion. We're covered here."

"Captain, we're going to lose coms soon, our decent is taking us through a nasty pocket of ionization" Will said into the coms, knowing by now it would be breaking up. "Will contact when we're through."

Fannin sat down in his chair and waited, the next message would be from Tiberius Five or the Fleet High Command...

[Mirar City - Command Center]

"Ion density is peaking!" an ops officer yelled as sparks started ripping from every console in sight, "power failures on levels ten through seventy."

"Disengage all systems except for shields, sensors and flight. Boost all power to what we've got left" Varg ordered as the ride just got wilder and wilder. That ion cloud very well may have doomed an entire city and the additional colonists crammed inside.

[Planet Surface]

A fireball could be seen streaking across the daylight sky, it competed to outshine the sun as it and a twin behind it rocketed through the air. As it got lower it seemed it would level the entire forest, then, after what was months of fear crammed into seconds, the fireball resolved into a glass, metal and plant structure coming from the skies calm as could be.

"Lock down all drive systems, power to combat systems just in case our friends show up" Varg ordered, taking the city from peaceful flight into base in a warzone.

[Aurorus City]

"All hands, brace for impact!" Paron yelled as the city slammed into the ocean, sending waves flying in every direction. It went under and then bobbed to the surface, water running off the shields as they collapsed around them.

People on all decks were scrambling out to every balcony to see their world with their eyes rather than with sensors. For them it was truly magnificent.

[Mirar City]

"Couters to Fannin, we've made it, reports are coming in that the Orions have been sent to a full retreat with no casualties on our end" Will said as he walked out onto the balcony around the command center.

Captain Fannin was very relived the issue was returning to a somewhat normal situation. "Operations please notify Admiral Burke the crisis has passed for the moment and I shall be waiting for her arrival. Also inform Commander Couter we shall leave our Wing on standby if he needs it. Lets increase our deep space scans out another Ten light years.

Will watched as their triumphant fighters returned, doing fly-by's right along the command tower. There were no pilots in the planes, but it was still a sight and something worth watching. One by one the craft buzzed through either to land or make their way back to their ships in orbit.

It was a battle one, a home made and much more, all in one day. Their would be challenges that lie ahead, but for now the forces at work enjoyed victory.



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