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Meeting the Marine

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 1:05am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

752 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Corridors and Jeffery's Tubes
Timeline: Minutes before "Meeting the Boss"


Work, run into someone old, work, run into someone new and repeat. That seemed to be the cycle of life aboard a starbase, the manifest was in a constant state of flux as people came and went, somehow you wound up meeting them all anyway.

Will was on the run towards the dropship Celestial, colonization was going ahead as usual and the ship was just out here to pick up a load of supplies plus one unplanned passenger. On his way through the halls the engineer all but barreled over someone as he rounded a corner. Apparently walking and planning out the next four months of engineering work was not a good combination.

Wilhelm was working his way through the maze of corridors looking for the command center when he approached a corner and someone came around the corner and ran straight into him. As both men hit the deck from the force of impact Wilhelm lets out a fairly unpleasant curse. Standing back up, Wilhelm looks at the soon to be spaced indivdual who ran into him. Noticing Lieutenant Commander pips and the yellow shirt Wilhelm realizes a well deserved spacing may be out of the question. "Sorry about that." Wilhelm says, extending a hand to help the other person up. "I'm Colonel Wilhelm von Hackleberg. You would'nt happen to know where the command center of this tub is?"

"At least a thousand decks up" Will said, shaking his head for a second before getting up. "And people wonder why I go everywhere through the Jeffery's Tubes."

"Well whats the quickest way there? What turbolift or do I have to take the Jeffries across half the station. I suppose I could break down and just do site to site transport..." Wilhelm replies.

"Well, if you can handle the climb, it is actually faster to take the tubes" Will said, "then again, I've spent my whole life climbing trees."

"Can't be as bad as the old "Jungle Gym" back at basic." Wilhelm replies rubbing his knuckles.

"Oh, you'd be surprised" Will said, looking around for a second, then spotting an entrance into the Jeffery's tubes, in the floor. He bent down and lifted the hatch up, then jumped in, "right this way."

Wilhelm followed the Engineer into the tight confines of the Jeffries tube. and came to a ladder leading straight up and down. "This'll hurt." Wilhelm thought to himself, "Maybe I should've just spaced him...."

"Colonel, I heard that" Will called down from a good two hundred decks overhead, "and I don't think it would have been pleasant for you in the long run."

"Probably. For one, you'd leave me in this tangled mess." Wilhelm calls up.

"I could do worse" Will said, slowing down and wedging himself between the opposite bulkhead and the ladder. "Well, if anyone ever captures the base, this is probably our best bet to get it back."

"You know, that would be true..." Wilhelm said catching up with Will. "In that case I would probably have to draft you into the Marines."

"Tell that to starfleet" Will said getting back on the rocket-speed climb up, "I started as a marine and then they made me an engineer for making too many improvements to my phaser."

"Well I might just have to let you have a go at my armory. Just make sure you don't blow yourself up in the process..." Wilhelm replies with a little bit of exerction.

"I'm kinda afraid to know what they do to engineers for upgrading phasers" Will said, coming to a stop several decks overhead. He pushed against a hatch in the wall and climbed out onto a deck just below the command center.

"Well I'll let you play with my personal arsenal, hand and rifle phasers, TR weapons..." Wilhelm said crawling out the hatch into the open air.

"Command center's just up the round stairs" Will said, "cap'n's office is all the way on the right up there."

"Well thank you for the "inside" tour. Hope you get turbolifts moving properly." Wilhelm replied.

"They move, just not as fast" Will said, "to date, I've never been outrun by a lift."

"Handy to know. I just might have my marines start doing their workouts in there. Well if you'll excuse me. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again." Wilhelm said with a small bow and started walking towards the stairs.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Will Couter
Chief Engineer
SB Typhon


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