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Diplomats, and Incontinent Commodores

Posted on Thu Jun 28th, 2012 @ 2:16pm by Miral Annhwi & Alvar Walder
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 8:33am

1,528 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Commodore Ongaku-Chi's Briefing Lounge

Ongaku-Chi had, more or less, gotten settled in to her new job. It was largely paperwork, though she did have to spend uncomfortable amounts of time, on the bridge.

It also covered another area, which she was familiar with, though wasn't very well versed in: Diplomacy.

Her new secretary, who she hadn't actually met yet, had been kind enough, to schedule the meeting with the two diplomats. She patiently waited in her private briefing lounge, a luxury only Starbase Commanders seemed to enjoy.

Miral Annhwi was the first to arrive. "Greetings, Commodore Ongaku-Chi," she said, bowing formally to the woman. "I am Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi, Ambassador from Romulus."

Ongaku-Chi bowed, in return. "I've heard a great deal about your attempts to smooth things out, between the Federation, and the Rihanna, Ms. Annwhi. I find your file impressive, and appreciate your being here."

Miral bowed her head in acknowledgment and appreciation, but said nothing.

Puffing slightly at the gravity, Walder was the last to arrive. Might need to look into getting some artificial exo-skeletal support for the old legs. He smiled warmly at the Romulan Ambassador, and extended his hand to Ongaku-Chi.

'Commodore, a pleasure to meet you. Alvar Walder, Ambassador to Typhon. And Madame Ambassador, it's gratifying to see you once more.'

Miral nodded her head in greeting to the diplomat, giving him a small smile in return.

"Ambassador Walder." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "I thought a proper introduction, appropriate, given my new position. It is not often, that I've had to handle diplomatic situations, in the past. Clever orchestrations of events, and Engineering-related mission dispatching doesn't leave much, in the way for diplomatic conferences."

'"Clever orchestrations of events" seems to sum up the diplomatic world as best as I can think,' replied Walder warmly. His breathing more under control now, he felt himself relax. 'I take it though that it's not merely a social call if Madame Ambassador is also present?'

"Not entirely." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "At this time, I'd like to unveil that, one, I do more than just Command Starbase Typhon. I have a great deal of other, slightly more clandestine, positions. And two, another is required to be here. Jarvis, let Mister Zandrell in, please."

The door opened, and the man was admitted.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Zandrell. He's both a security, and intelligence investigations officer, hence why he's ranked the same as his immediate superior, in Security. Recently, however, he's come across an interesting individual, from Tiberius V. I've brought you both here, today, because, several unrelated investigations have led me to consider the concept that a member of a foreign union is attempting to lead at least two of the major factions in this quadrant to face off against each other." Ongaku-Chi said, with a sigh. "And no, before you ask Ms. Annwhi, that was not an accusation, that the Rihanna are responsible. Jarvis, play the footage."

A small holo-display popped up on the screen. It faced all four participants, and played a video displaying an interrogation of one of the individuals, suspected in a recent bombing on Tiberius V.

"Which is unfortunate timing, as the Colony's head, Mister Williams, has requested a diplomatic conference, to discuss just such unrest. Mister Walder, as the ranking diplomat, present, I'd like to send you, along with Mister Zandrell, along with quite a few marines. Ms. Annwhi, given that my sources suspect this may spill over into the Rihannsu Empire, I will offer you the opportunity to join him, should you see fit." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod.

'They asked for a Federation Ambassador to mediate?' asked Walder cautiously, clarifying his duties.

"They asked for a diplomatic conference, with Starfleet to organize the security, and a Federation Ambassador, to mediate." Ongaku-Chi clarified. "I'll be sending quite a few marines, and a couple of technicians, to assist the conference. You can also request any individual you believe may be helpful."

"I would like to be in attendance," Miral said quietly.

"Greatly appreciated, Madame Annhwi." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "It's a delicate situation, and the more cool heads we can bring to the table, the better."

"Whatever you need of me, Admiral. You know I am happy to serve the Federation." Vince finally sat down and leaned back in his chair. He took a moment to keep his mind locked and scanned everyone lightly. He picked up slight surface thoughts and emotions, but of course he kept it all to himself as he was always ordered to do.

Miral nodded to Ongaku-Chi and then turned her gaze to the new arrival. Zandrell was not what she expected, and if her sources were accurate, he would yet prove surprising.

"You'll be going with them." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding. "You'll be orchestrating the security arrangements, with the assistance of some of the marines."

Vince nodded in response. He picked up a PADD and made a personal note about it. He brought up the list of marines and set it aside to start looking through it. One of the things he learned in his experience in Intel, was it was all about who you trust and who you didn't. Keeping the ones you want in the circle and those you don't out. In the retrospect, he needed to make sure he had people there he could trust to do the job and wont cause problems.

"Also, Mister Zandrell, I'll be issuing you, and the Ambassadors the Columbia, under temporary command of a trusted member you and I have met, before. You will not call her by name, and she will not be recognizable to those who may know her." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "Cosmetic Surgery is such a useful tool. Ladies, gentlemen, may I introduce, and no, this isn't her real name, just call her it, anyways, Captain Jillian Claire."

A tall woman entered, she appeared harsh, and annoyed. "Bloody hell, Commodore, this face itches." The woman said, annoyed.

"That's just because it's artificial skin cells. In about a day, you're body will have accepted, or replaced them." Ongaku-Chi said, with a shrug. "Just don't bloody scratch. And don't talk about-"

"Him. I know." Captain 'Claire' said, nodding. "Ladies, gentlemen, the Columbia departs in 10 hours. Be there, or I'm leaving without you."

MIral merely raised an eyebrow. She was not impressed with the woman at all. But she'd be on board.

Suppressing a rolling of the eyes, Walder merely nodded. Experience told him that those who acted most assertive were usually unsure of themselves. As he did not know the person either, he had little interest in learning her real identity.

'We'll be ready.'

"Quite." Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "Jillian, kindly keep away from anyone who may... communicate... to specific people... that you are not who's face you are wearing."

"Of course, ma'am." Captain 'Claire' said, with a nod.

"And, whatever you three know, consider it a sign of trust, that I have shared as much as I have." Ongaku-Chi said, nodding. "Keep in mind, that few things are likely as they are meant to appear, from either side. There is suspicion that the separatist group has more influence on the planetary government, than they are letting on."

'They always do,' replied Walder with a shrug. 'Experience tells us this - they'll not want to broadcast their level of influence until the critical moment. We'll just have to watch for it.'

"However, the fact that they are making a move tells us they feel they have enough support and influence to believe they will succeed," Miral added.

"Which is why we're sending you a boat load of marines, dressed in Fleet standard uniforms, to assist. Starfleet Command thinks, and I agree, having sifted most of the Intel personally, that this smells like a trap. You'll be wearing some rather clandestine experimental SCE equipment, for safety. A specific jacket, actually. Rather stylish. It's designed to emit a type of energy-dampening field that will disable projectile, and energy weapons fire, directed at you. In disruptor-style weapons, it has a nasty habit of causing feed-back in the weapon, itself. Under no circumstances, are you to be on the planet, or in the presence of non-Fleet personnel, without that jacket on. Miss. Annwhi, I can't order you, one way or another, of course, so in your case, it's only a 'strong recommendation.' " Ongaku-Chi said, with a nod. "It's not so much a question of 'if' you will need it, but 'when'."

"I have no wish to die in a petty Federation rebellion," Miral replied dryly. "I'll wear the jacket."

"Good, now get out of my conference room. I have to go find the ladies room, and you all have to pack." Ongaku-Chi said, with a scowl. "Shoo. You have better things to do than watch a grown women urinate herself."

The general good humor that a few of them left with, was better than the mood they were previously in, so Ongaku-Chi felt her task complete.

Commodore Ongaku-Chi
Ambassador Alvar Walder
Ambassador Miral Annwhi
Captain "Jillian Claire"
Lieutenant Commander Voz Zandrall


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