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A not very Brief, Briefing. (Part II)

Posted on Thu Jun 28th, 2012 @ 2:07pm by Admiral Kathryn Burke & Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Basil Hart & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 8:37am

956 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Shipyard Athena - Fleet Command Briefing Lounge


Basil sighed. "I for one am ready to proceed, Commodore. I regret what has happened, but we must all soldier on, correct?"


"Quite. This does tend to negate the effect of the announcement that was planned." Ongaku-Chi said, with a frown. "Captain Darkmoon was to be discharged, over an incident involving an Admiral, and one Morgan Damron. Setting that aside, Command of Starbase Typhon was to revert to Starfleet Engineering, to continue, and watch over, the Athena project's repairs, and maintenance of ships, at large. Much of Typhon's day-to-day activities will be governed by either their respective department heads, Starbase Security, or the Executive Officer, except, in matters in which it may impair, or impede, other activities conducted by my office."

If Burke had her way, this would be temporary. She was uncomfortable with Ongaku-chi, with her history in the Federation, being placed in charge of the Starbase. And she wasn't pleased with Willoughby's actions. Ordering an investigation was within his right. Removing Darkmoon for insubordination wasn't. Not without a formal ahearing. She wasn't particularly impressed with Morgan Damron, either.

Wilhelm nodded, "Very good ma'am. The 21st will continue on with our Garrison duties and stand ready for when we are needed."

"Oh, don't let them get too laid back. I'll be needing a security force for a diplomatic meeting on Tiberius V, and your men know the terrain better than most others, I'm told. I'll want your recommendations for the team, by this time tomorrow." Ongaku-Chi said. "And tell them to pack well ahead of time. The person flying the ship is big on punctuality, and when she says the ship is leaving port, with, or without stragglers, she means it."

"Yes sir." Wilhelm said, "We also have Camp Stonebreaker on Tiberius V. There is a Company worth of Marines there as well we can call on."

"Ah, yes." Ongaku-Chi noted. "About that. How shall we put this..." She thought for a moment. "Shall we say that the local government has taken a dislike to Starfleet, and by extension, the Federation's only interest in their planet, to be the home of a marine base, and has requested it's removal, to appease a growing separatist group that has gotten to the point that, as their words are being heard, and understood, on the streets, but not in the planetary senate, they are beginning to make threats of a rather unpleasant nature."

"It's not just the Marines," Burke added. "Thus the need for talks."

"That can't be good," Basil said unnecessarily.

"Now, then, let's try a bit of good news." Ongaku-Chi said. "Lieutenant Commander Skylar, please stand."

Skylar looked up, sharply. "Yes, ma'am?"

"For your considerable efforts to get Athena working, without any real form of assistance, save a half-hearted attempt by a few of the folks at the SCE, you are hereby promoted to Commander, and have been transferred, with several members of your staff, to the Athena shipyards, for which, you have been appointed Command-level access to." Ongaku-Chi said.

"That does not include Ms. Atwood-" Skylar began.

"No, she's been granted a dishonorable discharge." Ongaku-Chi noted. "Lyra, is however."

Skylar nodded. "I will make do."

Cressidia sat quietly while everyone was talking, listening to what everyone was saying. She smiled when she heard that Skylar had been promoted, and against her will her smile widened a bit when she learned of Atwood's new situation. She hoped Skylar would do well with Lyra, he seemed like a very good officer to her.

Raven smiled broadly at the news. "Congratulations. The promotion is well deserved." And I'm glad you'll still be close by, she added telepathically.

"Now then, are there any questions?" Ongaku-Chi asked.

"I am assigning three guards to the team but they will be reminded to maintain their distance unless the team is threatened in any way." Leo stated.

"I asked for questions, not commentary, Mister Rayon." Ongaku-Chi noted, pointedly.

Leo eyed the Commodore. "Unless you have specific orders for the security team?"

"I trust you to do your job, Mister Rayon. Redundant commentary isn't required of you, however." Ongaku-Chi replied, pondering whether or not Rayon was razzing her, and how entertained the folks in Operations would be, reading the paperwork of how the Security Chief was told to arrest himself for being insubordinate.

"It's not redundant, I am simply informing you of my plans since I couldn't get it in before now. However, yes you can trust me to do my job." Leo said with a nod.

"Then act it. Your strategy is your own decision." Ongaku-Chi said. "This is a briefing. And it is now at end. Those of you who do not have duties to attend on Athena, are dismissed."

Wilhelm came to attention in his seat. "Aye Aye sir." He said then moved to exit the briefing. He thought of the work he had to do, a Platoon for escort plus possibly reinforcing Stonebreaker quietly.

~A simple, 'thank you Lieutenant', would have been just fine,~ Leo thought annoyed and once he heard the word dismissed stood before exiting the briefing room.

Raven stood, looking at Skylar. "Do you need my help for anything?"

Skylar winked at Raven. "Nothing pertinent to either of our current duties." He said, semi-cryptically.

Ongaku-Chi watched the crew leave. She heaved a sigh. Few seemed happy to see her, in charge. Admiral Burke, most definitely not.

Not like it was her choice. She scowled, and left the conference room last. After all, it was time to change her adult diapers.

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Commodore Lauren Ongaku-Chi
Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Commander Skylar
Commander Cressidia Lane
Commander Basil Hart
Commander Raven Adams
Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon


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