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Board of Commerce Meeting

Posted on Thu Jun 28th, 2012 @ 2:20pm by Kira Martin & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Jake Stonebender
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 8:31am

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Starbase Typhon

Aeshia smiled, as she stepped into the room set aside for the newly formed Board of Commerce. She was smiling, partly because Atwood was discharged, rather rudely, from Fleet service, and partly because, Atwood was so busy trying to fix her ship, that she hadn't bothered to harass Aeshia for some time.

Kira walked in, dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a ight blue blouse and a white sweater. She felt that, for a business meeting, it would be inappropriate to come in a unitard and leg warmers. "Hello," she greeted Aishel in a soft Australian accent.

Jake Stonebender walked in, wearing tan corduroy cargo pants and vest, a light blue collared shirt underneath, and brown Wellington boots. "Well," he said smiling, "I guess that since I am the new kid in the neighborhood I should introduce myself." He smiled congenially at Asia and Kira. "My name is Jake: Jake Stonebender." He poured himself a shot of Bushmill's from a hip flask he produced from a cargo pocket.

"Hi, Jake," Kira said. "Welcome to Typhon."

"Thanks! I look forward to getting to know all of you. Drop by Jake's place after the meeting, and the first round'll be on me." He grinned.

Jacob Thomas walked in to the room, and nodded. He looked... grief-ridden. Likely Atwood-installed grief. "Ladies, and gentlemen." He said, nodding.

Jake noticed Thomas's grief. "That guy needs to visit Jake's place," he thought to himself. Jake knew that shared pain is lessened and shared joy is increased, and this guy could use a toast at the chalk line.

Khiy arrived dressed as he usually was in a loose fitting black button down shirt and dress pants. He opted out of wearing the jacket, not because it was warm on the station but because he didn't want to appear to be upstaging anyone else.

Quietly, the half Romulan made his was to a side wall where he leaned his weight against it. His eyes scanned the room and took note of the attendee's.

Jake looked around. "So who's in charge of this shindig?" he asked.

"No one, really." Jacob noted, with his crisp British accent. "This is, after all, a board of Commerce, and we have yet to agree upon a chairman. This is just a general discussion about the sudden, and somewhat unexpected change of command, and how it's likely to affect some of our businesses."

Aeshia shrugged. "Commodore lady drink tea. Monkey man did not. No concerns."

"Quite." Jacob said, with a slight glare at the Asian woman.

Jake smiled at the Tea Lady's simple assessment. "Well, in my limited interactions with the Admiral, I don't foresee any major complications as far as our businesses are concerned. Are there any extraordinary regulations specific to this station I should be aware of, like prohibition?" He joked amiably.

"Security tends to be exceptionally heavy-handed, regarding contraband material." Jacob noted. "Keep the books clean, and you'll not have a concern, really."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jake said. "No Romulan Ale. Got it." He chuckled. "Anybody got any other concerns about the commodore's style?"

"From what I've seen," Jacob said, "Few here, should. She is not nearly so harsh about certain regulations, as previous commanders have been. If anything, after the excessively by-the-book rulings of Hawkins, and Darkmoon, this should be, relatively speaking, business as per normal once again."

"Captain Hawkins' assistant was quite nice. She came to my place a few times," Kira had to add. "But it will b nice to be able to order in some exotic fruits without worrying about where they came from -- and if I have all the right forms."

"On the bright side, with Athena Shipyards opening, there might be a few more commercial docking ports handy." Jacob said, nodding. "Which has been a concern, for some of us."

"Do we have any bylaws, rules, or other regulations we need to address in order to adjust for the anticipated influx of new business?" Jake didn't usually like regulations, but he wanted to be sure that the other business owners knew he was a willing participant in the process.

"Not the foggiest. I expect we'll all be properly issued an expected code of etiquette, from her office, eventually." Jacob said, with a nod.

Jake grinned. "Just the way I like things: no micromanagement, little supervision, and good old-fashioned business." He looked at the others. "Anything else we need to talk about? I'd like to get back to the bar..."

"Quite." Jacob said, nodding to the others. "Are there any other concerns, which need to be addressed?"

"From what I hear the starbase is woefully short engineers. That's keeping starships away, which is keeping other traffic away. More berths isn't going to fix that problem. Is there any chance that the new Commander will bring in more engineers as well?" Kira asked.

"One would hope. She's in charge of Fleet Engineering, after all." Jacob said, chuckling.

"Well then, if anybody can do it, she should," Kira replied cheekily.

Jake grinned. "And engineers love to drink. I think my place will be pretty busy when they arrive."

"Hopefully, we all will." Jacob said, with a nod. "I suppose that's it then, let's not waste anymore of each other's time. Later!"

Jacob Thomas
Aeshia Dew
Jake Stonebender
Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Kira Martin


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