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Another shaggy dog story

Posted on Fri Jul 13th, 2012 @ 12:30am by Ralph Wau Wau
Edited on on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 8:16am

425 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: promenade
Timeline: Present


Ralph was tired. His tongue lolled to one side, and he panted, indicating thirst and discomfort at the warmth of the station's temperature controls. Sometimes being a dog had its disadvantages. He'd been wandering the promenade without a leash (he hated leashes, even when he was required by human sensitivities to wear one) for hours, trying to find Jake's Place. He knew he'd find it eventually, but he was getting impatient. Had Jake hidden it too well?

He wasn't really looking where he was going, and was not at all surprised when he bumped into a human. Looking up, he recognized the uniform as belonging to Security, and hoped they didn't have this century's equivalent of an Animal Control Officer. The badge read, "Officer Zandrell". He wagged his tail, hoping the human would buy the "friendly puppy" routine.

Vince walked along the promenade. He wanted to get a feel for the station before he officially settled in. He kept quiet, lightly touching others minds for only a second to pick up anything unusual. Always observant and watchful. He was surprised to have bumped into someone, but was even more surprised when he looked down and saw a dog. "Well, Hello?" He smiled, crouching down slightly. The dog reminded him of his own dog, Wolfgang. "Surprised to see animals roaming around freely. Wolfie and Cassie would start to love this place." He slowly held his hand out to the animal.

Ralph approached the man, sniffing his hand experimentally. detecting no fear or hostility in the man's scent, he allowed him to scratch behind his ears, exposing his collar, which was engraved with the words, "Jake's Place".

He brought his hand up and scratched behind his ear. Vince looked down and noticed the engraved collar. Slowly he moved it until he could read it, making sure not to startle the animal in any way. "Jack's Place?" He looked up slightly and then around, seeing if he could spot a location by that name. "Seems you have a home, just not one around here." He looked down to Ralph, holding a bit of a smile. "How about you lead the way to Jakes place?"

Ralph trotted off, occasionally sniffing, picking up Jake's scent and eventually winding up in front of Jake's Place. "Danke", he said with a German accent, and walked into the bar, leaving the dumfounded security officer behind him.

Lieutenant Commander Vincent 'Voz' Zandrell
Security Investigations Officer
Star Base Typhon

Ralph Von Wau Wau
German Shepherd,
patron at Jake's Place,
Star Base Typhon


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