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[Typhon] Starbase go down the hole

Posted on Wed Aug 1st, 2012 @ 5:13am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Basil Hart
Edited on on Sat Aug 11th, 2012 @ 5:28am

1,440 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Starbase Typhon Operations


Ongaku-Chi walked on to the Operations deck of Typhon, and nodded to those present. "Whoever's not busy, I could use a status report, so I can file my reports with Fleet Command. No hurry, I don't want to do it, anyways." She said, as she walked in.

One of the science consoles began beeping.

Sergeant Krupp looked around the Operations deck for anything unusual. He wondered to himself how he got pulled into duty on the Ops deck. Though at least he was standing at a Tactical consoles for a section of the vast weapon's arrays of the station. Without warning, something starts flickering on the targetting screen for his section of space.

Ongaku-Chi looked from one, to the other, annoyed. "Someone? Anyone?" She asked.

Otto looked over his screens trying to clean up his scanner's resolution. "Sir. There is some sort of graviton wave passing through the area. It's disrupting our targetting systems."

"Well, I was going to ask for a general report." Ongaku-Chi said, she looked briefly thoughtful. "But this sounds important. Someone with science background, kindly take the science console, and give me something that I can understand."

As so many scientists wanted to be on either Tiberius V or Athena, Jane was asked to take a shift in science. She walked onto the bridge just in time to hear Ongaku-Chi ask for a scientist. "I'll check, ma'am."

She logged into the science station and began to scan. "We've got an increase in graviton particles. A few tachyon particles and ... um ... they seem to be moving in a counterclockwise swirl."

Ongaku-Chi walked over to the science console. "How very odd. Very, very odd." She said. "Any clue what's causing that?"

"No. Some sort of spatial anomaly. I'll run some specific scans to see if I can isolate the phenomenon," Jane said. She really hoped it wasn't anything serious, but the particles were increasing in quantity and velocity. Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Ongaku-Chi's Comm Badge chirped. "Commodore, this is Doctor Hart. I'm seeing an increasing number of patients complaining of headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Anything going on I should know about?"

"Yes, I'm sure there is." Ongaku-Chi said sharply, unaccustomed to being harassed by people, unannounced. "When I know what it is, I'll bloody well tell you. Ongaku-Chi out."

She turned to Jane. "Get in touch with Athena, and correlate the sensor systems. We need to figure out what's going on. Someone also ask them if they've got anyone who can help."

A male voice responded, over the comm system. "Of course, ma'am. I will see to it personally."

"Bless you, Jarvis." Ongaku-Chi said. "All hands, red alert." She added.

"Checking," Jane said. She tapped into the Athena sensors to get an external scan of the starbase. "Commander, something is forming. It looks a lot like something from The Wizard of Oz."

"I was thinking something similar." Ongaku-Chi said, worrid.

'Intel to bridge. This is Commander Adams. I'm getting some odd fluctuations in my data retrieval. It's like we're getting interference."

Cressidia came to the bridge when she heard the red alert sounding in her room. She peered descretely over Jane's shoulder, looking at the readings on the science station. She was just as confused as everyone else seemed to be. Cressidia went over to the Commodore, and asked her quietly, "What's going on?"

"A swirly graviton wave seems to have settled on us." Ongaku-Chi said.

"Strange, are we holding position? 'Swirly graviton wave' sounds like something big." Cressidia said with a nod, knowing that on a ship, any graviton waves could cause all sorts of trouble with navigation.

"I have no idea. The traffic control officer is being remarkably quiet." Ongaku-Chi noted.

"Ma'am, according to Typhon's internal sensory network, we are off our expected orbit by 27.4 kilometers, and spreading. Athena's external sensors not it as an approximate rate of divergence at 500 KM/Hour." Jarvis's voice came over the comms.

That clicked it. "Oh, ruddy hell." Ongaku-Chi muttered. "My personal assistant is a hologram. I'll kill the fleet personnel department later. All hands, brace yourself for..." She trailed off, uncertain. "Hell with it. Just grab on to something."

Cressidia smiled, she couldn't help it with all the excitement, despite the fact that graviton wave could be dangerous, and grabbed onto a nearby handrailing.

"Something is opening..." Jane exclaimed as she grabbed on to her console.

Ongaku-Chi grabbed on to the nearest guard rail. "I suspect this is going to make a terrible mess. Notify operations, with my apologies."


A wave of nausea swept over Basil, but he held his lunch down. "Prepare for casualties! Set up triage as best you can!" he called out to his staff.

[Jake's Place]

Jake Stonebender grabbed on to the bar as the room spun wildly for a moment. He looked at Ralph. "I've been pretty drunk a few times, Ralph, but I never felt like that before..."

The dog nodded. "Ja. I vas chust thinking about our run-in with the cockroaches back on Earth. This station is moving."

"Why? We weren't supposed to, and I didn't think this station was equipped for sudden acceleration."

"No clue," the German Shepherd replied, worried.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the bar is now closed. Please return to your quarters until station stability is restored." Jake hoped everyone would get home safely.

== Intelligence ==

The static worsened. Raven couldn't get clear data from Starfleet Intelligence. She sent a message, reporting the anomaly and included sensor data. She hoped the message would get through. The starbase began to shake violently as if a child were using it as a rattle.

Skylar? The constant feel of his mind at the back of hers stopped suddenly. She could sense the other minds on the starabase but not Skylar's.

The shaking worsened and she held on tightly. Skylar!

Raven. The last of a desperate thought barely reached her.

== Operations Deck ==

To say, that Operations had looked worse, was not saying much, considering someone attempted to assassinate one of the previous commanders here, with an explosive device. In fact, everything seemed okay, it was the everyone, that seemed a bit uneasy. The Ensign at Flight Control seemed more than a bit uneasy, but that's largely because he had been impaled either by, or on, something, which Ongaku-Chi couldn't immediately identify.

She carefully touched her comm-badge. "I'm guessing I don't have to tell you, Doctor, but we could use a medic team up here." She said. She looked over to the Ensign. "And perhaps, a coroner officer versed in Bajoran customs." She added, in a slightly quieter voice. She lowered her head, and whispered something softly, and then turned, to survey the rest of the staff.

Cressidia had fallen into her chair when the shaking began, and due to a grip on the chair that had her knuckles turning white, she was only shaken around. She quickly called up a diagram of the station, which was already showing preliminary data on the damages done to the station. Soon it would start to show casualties and life signs, but most of that hadn't even been scanned for yet. She hoped that nobody had been on the upper levels of the promanade durning that, since there was a good chance that they could have fallen off during the huge amount of shaking that had occured.

Otto hung onto his console as the Base lurched around. Absentmindedly he hit the control for the siren for Red Alert to stop that annoying sound from hammering their ears in Ops. Looking at his display he seen things he did not want to see. "Shields are weakening! Adjusting to compensate. Hull stress on the outer docking ring is reaching danger levels."

The stars began to shake and blur, then disappear.

Then everything went silent.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ongaku-Chi heard a brief alarm, which she recognized as the long range sensors complaining about very poorly oriented star charts. "Anyone breathing?" She asked, in a slightly winded voice.

Cressidia let out a long painful sigh. "Yea..." She said, forcing her fingers to loosen thier grip on the arms of her chair. Her back and neck hurt quite a bit from being slammed against the back of the chair repeately. At least they were still now.

"Now the $64,000.00 question," Jane said. "Where are we?"


Commodore Lauran Ongaku-Chi
Commanding Officer

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Sergeant Otto Krupp

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Jake Stonebender
Owner, Jake's Place

Baron Bow Wow

Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer


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