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Open for Business 2

Posted on Tue Jul 10th, 2012 @ 12:44pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Jake Stonebender & Ralph Wau Wau
Edited on on Sat Aug 11th, 2012 @ 5:30am

716 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Jake's Place, Promenade
Timeline: Present


Jake refreshed the commodore's drink, noting with satisfaction the increased glow in her cheeks. There was a reason Andorian Absynthe was contraband...

Eddie sat down at the piano and tackled a difficult barrel house version of "Hey, it's Good to be Back Home Again", and was awarded the supreme accolade: a hail of beer nuts. He grinned sheepishly and flicked the nuts off the keys without missing a beat or a note. The place was getting a great kick-off.


Into the middle of the festivities, a lone German Shepherd trotted in. He looked as if he knew the place. He went straight for the bar, where Jake greeted him enthusiastically. "Hey Ralph! I'm sorry you missed the opening toast! Will you have the usual?"

The dog wagged his tail, and Jake filled a wide glass with Heineken, which the dog began lapping up with relish. Jake looked around with a complete poker-face at the Starfleet personnel to see how they would react.

Wilhelm looked at the dog and shrugged and lifted his fresh beer in a salute.

"I've never seen a place like this before," Jane told Wilhelm. "Have you?"

"Design wise, I have back on Earth, but the...eccentricities are quite unique. It does remind me of a place I'd been to quite awhile back when I was a Captain." Wilhelm replied.

Ralph Von Wau Wau finished his beer and looked at the Commodore as he drank her drink. "I would like to make a prediction, Jake." he said in a markedly German accent. His eyes didn't leave the commodore. There were shocked looks from those who did not know Ralph.

"Okay, Ralph, I'll bite." Jake said with a smile while Eddie groaned at the pun. "What's the prediction?"

"Mein Gott, Jake, that vass terrible even for you!" Ralph literally barked with laughter. "But here iss my prediction: As the night wears on, Our dear commodore will become increasingly affectionate."

Jake knew what was coming, but he wanted to give Ralph his moment. "Why do you way that?"

"Because, mein freund, Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder," the dog deadpanned.

Jane groaned at the bad pun. "So, Wilhelm, how are you doing?" she asked quietly.

"I've been busy. Keeping a Regiment in fighting trim is a hard job. Then you throw in dodging volley fire from Redcoats and Tirailiers and putting down dinosaurs and I find I have no personal time." Wilhelm said with a frown and leaned closer towards Jane. "How's the arboretum? Been awhile since I've been in there..."

"The arboretum is well. Except for the one incident, it's been relatively peaceful. More peaceful than the dinosaurs." She smiled softly at Wilhelm. "I've missed you."

"And I you." Wilhelm said.

Jane placed a hand over his. "I'm pleased to hear it. Would you like to join me in a walk through the arboretum? The moon will rise soon. Then, perhaps, a drink in my quarters?" she asked.

Wilhelm smiled. "I could definitely do with a pleasant stroll." Wilhelm said and finished his beer. "Shall we?" holding out his arm after putting a ten credit chip in the cigar box.

Jane took his arm and smiled back. "Lovely."

Jake nodded approvingly, then turned to the commodore. "Well, commodore, how do you like my place sofar?"

"You sell contraband drinks to Commodores, and let dogs drink ale in front of customers. It's almost like I was back home with mum, and dad. Dad, more than mum. Mum was too goody-goody of a Fleety for that." Ongaku-Chi said, with a chuckle. "If you've got any whiskey, I'll take a few shots of those, but I cap myself at two contraband drinks of Absynthe or better."

Jake grinned. "Coming right up. I may have to ask for your shuttlecraft keys..."

"Unlikely. I don't fly it." Ongaku-Chi said, with a chuckle.

Jake rounded up two shots of Bushmill's Best and placed them in front of the commodore. "Well, as drinking among the stars goes, this just got Sirius..." He said it loud enough to be overheard.

Ralph picked up on the pun, and added, "Only if you're drinking Betelgeuse..."


Commodore Lauren Ongaku-Chi
Commanding Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Jake Stonebender
Owner, Jake's Place

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Ralph Wau Wau


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