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A new start

Posted on Thu Jan 14th, 2010 @ 11:17pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,213 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: Current

The shuttle transporting Krang to Starbase Typhon had been in a holding pattern for nearly an hour. The traffic in and around the station was amazing in its quantity. Krang was beginning to get really claustrophobic when the pilot finally announced that they finally had landing clearance. A few moments later they had finally landed and the large rear hatch hissed open.

"I thought we were never going to get here." Krang grumbled as he stepped off the shuttle and stretched his arms high about his head.

He reached back into the shuttle and grabbed the two duffel bags that contained his few meager possessions. Hefting them onto his shoulder, he pulled out the PADD with his transfer order on it and made his way over to the security check point.

The young crewman manning the check point desk took the PADD and looked it over, then compared it to the information that was on his terminal. "Looks like everything is in order Commander, welcome aboard the Typhon."

Krang gave him what passed for a smile and accessed the wall terminal. He instructed the computer to locate Captain Fannin.

The computer reported that the Captain was in his ready room. Krang had studied the layout of the station during the seemingly endless shuttle trip, but he was still uncertain of where the nearest turbolift was. He pulled up the map on his PADD and realized that it was near by. He entered the turbolift and ordered it to deck 12.

It took quite a while for the turbolift to make the long trip. The door finally slid open and he made his way across the deck to the door of the ready room. He readjusted the straps of the duffels on his shoulder and then rang the chime.

Fannin was trying to make sense of a Engineering report... Thankful for the distraction..

"Please enter."

Krang stepped through the door and placed his bags by the door and came to attention, or at least the best impression he could do of attention. "Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon, reporting for duty, sir."

"Ah Commander Darkmoon, Come on in and have a seat." Fannin stepped from behind his desk..

"Thank you sir." he said, taking the offered seat. "Things are pretty crazy around here. I thought we were never going to get landing clearance."

I wish I would have known you were out there, I could have got you in sooner. But at any rate I'm very glad your here. I have many concerns. I've really had no one to confide in with these security issues."

"I can imagine that with a port this big, you would have some interesting issues. Since that's why I am here, I am interested to hear all of your concerns." While he was speaking, he was thinking about how long it had been since his last cup of coffee.

As if on cue Yeoman James entered with a large urn of fresh coffee and a set of mugs.

"Well, I'm having issues in the outer ring, Seems there's a lot of missing cargo. As you may see security is not my strong suit Commander. I have heard comments about areas on the lower decks that may be of interest to you also."

Krang nodded slowly. "What kind of staff do I have available to me to take on these 'rumors' that you speak of?"

"You are fortunately fully staffed with three hundred officers and ratings. Your immediate staff of course shall be up to you."

"Give me 48 hours and I will have a complete duty rotation set up and submitted for your approval. We should be able to start making some head way in the outer ring areas by the end of the week."

"Thank you, I was having concerns with supply with it as we haven't found the bulk of our stores yet. I've had security checking all outgoing vessels but none of the incoming ones. I fear their could be a considerable amount of theft and smuggling going on."

"A station as big as this one, and as busy as it obviously is, I wouldn't doubt that smugglers would see it as a prime target." Krang looked directly into the captain's eyes, then looked over to the replicator and then back to the captain again. He was dieing for a cup of coffee, but decorum wouldn't let him ask for it. That would just be rude.

Edward walked over and poured his chief of Security a cup of steaming coffee, I'm very confident of your abilities to get this station under control."

"I will do my dead level best to live up to that." Krang replied. He weaved his fingers together and flexed to crack all his knuckles in a loud crackling noise, then reached out and took the offered cup of coffee. "Thank you. I can't tell you how bad I need this." he said with a smile.

"Commander all you need to do is ask, My leadership style is very open. I pride myself on empowering my staff."

"Sounds like a system I can work with. While we're talking about leadership styles, I feel I should let you know. For the first month or so that I am here, you are probably going to get a long lists of complaints about me being hard on people. I like to make a really intimidating first impression. I find it makes it easier to maintain law and order in the long run. My staff will likely be doing some whining too."

"Krang, it's your show. Your judgment here in security matters are above reproach as far as I'm concerned, just keep me in the loop. I would also recommend the Intel department and our new chief counselor who would be an excellent source for you."

Krang looked a bit confused. "The intel chief, I can see where they would be useful, but what use to me would the head shrinker be?"

"Commander Vrel will be able to give us feedback on how the crew is adapting to the discipline we shall be placing on them. A station this size has a different crew culture due to it's sheer size."

"Yeah, people think that the place is so big that there's less of a chance that someone is actually watching what they're doing. If I do my job correctly, people are going to be constantly looking around for a gold uniform, no matter where they are." Krang said, savoring another sip of his coffee.

"Exactly, the crew will adjust quickly to the discipline, all the civilians here are a different matter, some I fear do not have very good intentions."

"If they have less than honorable intentions, then they will find themselves no longer at home here. I will not let this station become a welcoming environment to that sort of negative influence."

Fannin smiled, "I'm sure your the right officer for this duty here. I also believe you shall be very busy."

"If there is nothing else, I believe I will go get settled in and get to work." He finished off his coffee and said "Thanks for the coffee."

"Anytime Krang."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon


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