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[Typhon] The First Look

Posted on Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 4:49am by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Captain Raymond Kelly & Captain Cressidia Lane & Lieutenant John Williamson & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

899 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Various
Timeline: After "Staff Meeting"


Operations Deck

Kelly took up residence at the MSD table in the middle of the Operations Deck floor, scanning the system readouts. Still no sensors. Not surprising, as he'd only left here thirty minutes prior. Miracles were in short supply currently, and he wasn't entirely certain he wanted the universe to burn one on letting him see. Especially now that they all had a plan.

John walked in and spotted the Captain. "Sir, sorry for my rudeness earlier. I never really reported in to you, did I?" He asked as he walked up.

"No," he shook his head, eyes not moving from the display. "But in truth, until Commander Lane summoned me from the vacation deck, no one had a reason to. I've been in command three hours now, Lieutenant. I think you can be forgiven for not observing protocol."

"Well, in any case, I might have an idea that could shed some light on what happened." John pulled out his PADD and pulled up an image. "Sir, take a look at this. This is a graph showing the sensor status of the ships docked with the Typhon. It shows that there were 3 ships running a deep spectral analysis at the time of the event. We should look into which ships these readings belong to and check what they found."

"You run that through Commander Adams?" He asked. "I know she was looking for something similar; make sure your leads aren't her leads. Even so, let me take a look."

Jane was fast becoming familiar with the science station on the starbase. She knew what to do, but she hadn't really spent any time at this position, preferring to leave it to other scientists while she took care of the arboretum.

But, with the Chief still trying to get himself on track and get his bearings, it was now up to her to take on his role. Even though the job was getting easier, she looked forward to getting back to her beloved trees.

Kelly looked up at the lieutenant at the science station. "Lieutenant. We're going to need eyes from the science division on these scans. Spare a few minutes?"

Jane nodded. "Of course." She started another scan and walked over to the Captain.

She took the PADD and began to look it over. One of the images appeared to be a reflection of another one, but that still left two clear sensor readings while Typhon disappeared. "Let me see what I can make of this," she said, taking it back to the science station to analyze.


Cressidia remained in the shuttlebay when the others left, since she would be staying here to organize the teams that would be manning the shuttles. She waited to see who else would be there.

Otto walked into the shuttlebay fully kitted out and walked up to Cressidia. "Ma'am, all the Air Wing's Recon birds have been launched and the Combat Air Patrol has been established. Need a co-pilot?"

"Yea, that would be great. Are all the marines ready, they won't need you here?" Cressidia wanted to make sure she wasn't taking anyone away from the base that they would need here.

"No they should be fine. They all know their jobs." Otto said.

"Good, then we can head out." Cressidia said, doubtful that any other officers would be joining them. The officers would probably be working on getting the actual sensors up and running. She entered one of the larger shuttles, since it had sensors that went just a little bit further than some of the other models, and sat in the pilot's chair, waiting for Otto to be seated.

Otto climbed onboard and settled into the copilot seat and booted up his side of the operation. "One of the benefits of being from a Special Forces unit. I can fly just about anything." Otto said tapping controls "Thrusters are primed. Docking clamps ready to be released. Pre-flight is green lighted."

"Releasing the clamps, life support is online, as are shields and deflectors." Cressidia said, going through some of the more essential systems. Everything else looked ready too. She carefully manouvered the shuttle out of the shuttlebay. Almost as soon as they were out, there were dozens of sensor reports flying through from the marines. She took a glance at each one, before sending it in to Typhon. Ops would certainly have a lot of readings to sort through.

Raven spent most of her time in her office, pouring over scans from various ships, Athena shipyards, Typhon and from Khiy. She'd already removed any trace of Khiy's information, making it look like a simple case of ghosting. However, there was one thing she still had to clear up. The new Intel officer, Lieutenant Williamson, had obtained information on the ships that were running scans. She needed to find out where he obtained his information and why he dind't bring it to her first.

She tapped her combadge. "Adams to Williamson, could you please come to my office?"

While she waited for him to arrive, she set about tracing his steps and removing any and all information about Khiy and Trans-Galactic Trading.


Captain Raymond Kelly
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant John Williamson
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp


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