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Johnson Checking In

Posted on Thu Jan 14th, 2010 @ 11:09pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,107 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: Late on Beta shift

Anna arrived and had a bag over her shoulder though most of her belongings would be moved to her quarters hopefully soon. First thing she did was to stop at a terminal and find out who she needed to check in with and where they were currently located and also if they were scheduled to leave soon so she didn't miss them. Once she knew where she was heading too she headed off once more to check in.

Anna made her way to a lift and worked her way through the station to the Ready Room. She felt at home on a Starbase as she had spent the last few years at another one. Once she arrived she pressed the chime and adjusted the pack on her shoulder while she waited to be allowed entrance.

Sheridan was laying back on his leather sofa, he sat up and slipped on his boots.

"Please enter."

Anna stepped through the doors and realized she had walked in on the captain trying to get some rest. She hesitated a moment then spoke and saluted as she came to attention, "Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson reporting for duty sir." She said.

Fannin smiled, returning the salute. "Please come on in and have a seat Commander, good to see you. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Coffee double light please." Anna said as she took the offered seat. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important." she said.

Yeoman James appeared with the beverages. Fannin stood and shook the Commanders hand, "Not at all, I do a lot of loafing around at times, you just caught me at it." He smiled as he drank his coffee..

"I can understand that. There were times I think my chief lived in her office on my last assignment." Anna said with a smile before sipping her own coffee.

Fannin popped on the view screen on his office wall, "As you can see we're already swamped with vessels and cargo. Ops will be very demanding here commander."

I fully expected that to be the case just from the activity I saw on my way here." Anna said. "Is there anything specific I need to know about?" She asked.

"Your staff here is First rate, I have been working with them for a few weeks now. So you shouldn't have any immediate training issues. My main concern is to prevent accidents here."

"I run a tight shift and I don't like to see people hurt either especially because of carelessness. If my crew keeps things running as they should then the number of accidents throughout the base should be minimal." Anna said.

"Outstanding, we have been lucky so far considering the crazies that have pulled in here to the station so far."

"I can imagine. The base I just came from was smaller than this one and even there things stayed busy. Some of the civilians that ran the shops were more demanding than the Starfleet staff.

"I have confidence in your abilities to control this insanity."

"I hope I don't let you down sir." Anna said as she sipped her coffee. "Is there a shift you prefer me to mainly work as the chief. I understand that changes if there is an emergency just wanted to know.

"No, You can keep the hour's that you need to I'm sure they will be long."

"Good to know that my office isn't too far from yours if I need something." Anna said with a smile showing she had be studying the lay out of the Starbase already."

"Feel free to stop by anytime commander" Fannin answered

"If I need anything I will be sure to let you know." Anna smiled and finished off her coffee.

Fannin smiled, "Please call me Edward, And I wish you luck here on your new assignment."

Anna nodded, "That may take some getting use to but I will. None of my past CO's gave me permission to call them by name."

"I have close relationships with my staff, always have. I don't see the need for strict communication between the senior staff. While in front of the crew is a different matter however." Ed walked over and fulled his coffee cup.

"Could I more as well?" Anna asked. She too kept a supply of coffee beans, cocoa and tea in her office that was part of what was in the bag she had with her as well as a few personal effects for her quarters that she didn't want put into crates.

"Of course please help yourself, As you get familiar with the docking of vessel here and such I would ask you check out the Outer ring on the base."

Anna poured herself a cup, "I was planing on doing a general tour over the next few days if there was no major work to do. Its one thing to study the Starbase on a PADD but another to actually be walking around it. I want to know the quickest ways to different sections from others so I can make the best use of my team." She said then added cream to her coffee.

"I ventured out when I first arrived here, took me a bit to get my way around. It is a very big world here."

"It is but that is part of what I like about. I have enough interest in science as well for a place like this to be perfect for me." Anna said, "Though my love is fixing things and making them better."

Fannin laughed out loud. "Then your at the right starbase then. I have reports here stacking up on maintenance issues. I will be glad to have forward those to your PADD, I just hope it doesn't overload the small device."

Anna smiled, "I have more than one with me." Her eyes twinkled with that statement. "I have found that its the newer stations that have the most glitches so I was prepared for that."

"I'm glad your prepared for the onslaught that,s coming"

"There have been times I've been tempted to sleep in my uniform. If I weren't so picky about it being wrinkle free I probably would." Anna laughed.

Fannin joined her with a chuckle. "I seem to recall having a few wrinkles myself."

"If there is nothing else we need to discuss I will head to my office and start getting the bugs worked on." Anna said.

"Very well Commander It was nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too." Anna said with a smile and leaving her mug on the tray.

Captain Edward Fannin, Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson, Chief Operations


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