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So we meet again.

Posted on Wed Nov 6th, 2013 @ 4:35am by Jade Monroe [Lane] & Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher [Folami]

1,168 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: A bar.

Jade looked at her wristwatch, then at the clock hanging above the bar, then back at her wristwatch. When was that petty officer who had helped her earlier going to get here. It was five minutes past the time they had agreed to meet, and he wasn't here yet.

Rick consulted his watch. Fashionably late, he concluded, and swaggered down to the bar where he'd promised to meet Jade Monroe. He made it a point never to arrive on time, but painstakingly calculated his routine so that he would turn up just at the moment before his date's interest at his enigmatic lack of appearance turned into vexation.

"You're late." Jade said, a slight frown on her face. He seemed to have forgotten that she was a teacher, and that lateness was not acceptable in her books. She flagged down a bartender. "I'll have a synthale, whatever variety most people here like best," was her order. When she received her drink, she thanked the bartender.

"Fashionably," Rick stressed. "Fashionably late. Scotch on the rocks, barkeep, please. Thanks." He took his drink and swirled it, hearing the ice clink.
"So, Miz Monroe. Jade, if you don't mind my forwardness. What does a girl like you do for kicks?"

"I read. And late is not fashionable." Jade said, an annoyed look on her face. "Or write letters to my children."

Rick shrugged, quietly amused by Jade's irritation. "Read anything good lately? I myself favor the ancient Earth classics."

Jade raised an eyebrow. That was a stretch, even for her. As much educational value, and sometimes even interest, as the old earth classics had, they were often very tedious to read. She doubted this eager ensign would have the time, energy or interest for them. "Eica Pernder's Brother Tyme was quite exciting. Time travel is always fascinating after all." She said, referencing one of the newest hits that had come out several months ago.

Rick laughed. "Nice. I haven't read it. Heard it was a bit... dry." This was quite false. He had read it, and found it rather stimulating, but he wanted to know her opinion of the pop-culture hit. He wanted to find out if she was trying to appeal to his man-about-town manner, or if she had actually read it and liked it, and would defend it to the death. It could tell what kind of a good time she liked. Normally Rick used another indicator, but this one was readily available and he didn't want to cook up a different personality-revealing scheme.

"Really, it's a wonderful story. The main character, Tyme, was so very well written, all the intricacies that one should expect from a good author. You really should read it sometime." Jade said, completely interested in the conversation now. A new perk had come to her voice as she spoke of the book, one that indicated engagement in the topic at hand.

Rick arched an eyebrow. "So you're a literary critic at heart? I like it. Not many girls nowadays know how to dissect a piece of literature without making a mess. Tell me more."

"I'm a teacher. It's my job." Jade said, the annoyed tone returning. Why did she agree to meet up again in the first place? Oh right, he was helpful. She waved for the bartender to refill her drink, and took a sip.

Rick made an imperceptible face. "Might have seen that one coming," he muttered into his glass. "All right then. Sounds good. So, in class are you a strict disciplinarian, or are you... flexible?" He raised his eyebrows rakishly.

"I have strict discipline, and I uphold it. However, I don't go out of my way to make things hard on the kids. There are no rules that require anything out of the way, and as long as they are properly warned of the consequences of rule breaking, they generally don't do it. There are always trouble makers, but they fold to the rules eventually. You just can't make a big deal out of them, that's what they want." Jade explained, looking utterly bored.

Rick set down his glass, exasperated. "Lady, you really are by the book. I'm trying to proposition you. So my options stand as follows: I can either get you totally smashed and rob you of your virtue, charm my way into your affections, or throw in the towel and pretend none of this ever happened. I was hoping to avoid option one, because I'm no cad. So let's cut the small talk. Are you busy tonight?" He put emphasis on the "tonight" portion of his inquiry.

Jade raised an eyebrow and pulled her face back a bit, slightly raising her hand. The thin gold band wrapped around her fourth finger glinted in the light. "I was going to make sure that my quarters were ready for Greg to arrive. Though it seems he won't be here tomorrow given our current location. But I don't think that matters, so yes. I am busy." Jade finished the last of her drink, and set it down on the bar hard.

Rick recoiled from the ring so fast that he fell off his barstool.

Jade laughed, despite a slight repulsion over Rick's flirting. People falling off stools did that to you. She stood up, and stood over Rick, still laughing. "It was coming to you. Now get up, no need to lay on the floor kid."

"I'm good here," Rick croaked. "Don't let me keep you." He realized, distantly, that he had escaped the diluted Scotch and ice cubes that had exited his glass has he flipped over. He also noticed the light giggling and occasional badly-concealed chortle from the other patrons at the bar at his supine position.

Jade reached her hand down, and nudging him with the side of her foot. "Come on you, off the floor." She was still holding back laughter, despite his immaturity, Rick was surprisingly amusing.

Rick took her proffered hand with good grace, conceding that this was a battle he had lost. He supposed he was actually having too much fun to be cross that Jade, despite being already spoken for, was the first girl in about three years to elude his irresistible charms and man-tastic wiles.

"You had better get back to your quarters, you've had enough for tonight." Jade shook her head, still smiling.

"One Scotch, thanks very much," said Rick. "Not even. I spilled most of it when I fell off my chair." He gave her another rakish arch of the eyebrow, but it was more subdued. "Still. I'm done." His lips twisted in a defeated smirk and he tipped an imaginary hat to Jade and made to leave the bar.

"See you then." Jade said, waiting a few minutes, since leaving so soon might draw attention. After kicking the ice cubes under the counter, she left, headed to get some sleep.

Jade Monroe
Starbase Typhon

Rick Meagher
Ladykiller/Transporter Specialist
Starbase Typhon


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