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To be Kindness' Place

Posted on Fri Nov 8th, 2013 @ 11:05am by Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Captain Cressidia Lane

1,446 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Oceania Storefront


departing the Runabout she had her bag with her and the sea treunk, while no quarters yet she did have all she needed at teh moment. She could 'camp out' in her place if the need arised. She had requested quarters and as they weree in a not very functional' of the station she resigned herself to having to be here a couple of days doing things.

Ebele had a moble Illumination unit, an eletronic torch to augment teh limited light of her place. It seemed the Borg do nto really apprechate a fine meal and used it as a power relay. SHe flipped a few switches to get the minimal lighting, no need to strain the system as she walk around.

The place was abandon all right; the dust had more than just bunnies, it was quiet at the moment. Lady Ebele; as she fondly liked to be called, walk through the area, it was just about what she wanted; it had the kitchen of good size; a dining area and a lounge where she could set of a bar.

Being glad she wore an Earth tone skirt to her knee, the lighter blouse and dark ankle boots that clopped along the floor as she walk just added to her thinking.

The potential is what got her the most; away from the major restaurants; she did not have a pub near her and it also had close proximity to a Shuttle and docking station. People coming off a ship would pass her place.

The Station itself had gone missing and only recently returned; causing some superstition among some new business owners. The damage from the Borg encounter was being repaired and the Federation was quite happy to have new business. Now what had the hold up on her application was the 'Not for Profit' she requested as her rating. She wanted a place that would pay for itself and maintain a higher quality of clients on paper.

Well the application was a formality and once approved she could do as she really pleased so long as she did not break laws. Now came the problem; she did have to tread lightly here, the Laws of the Federation had restriction and the Ferngi Laws were stringent, but what was worst is how to keep the Grand Nagus out of her affairs?

In the back ; past the kitchen, there were lockers and dressing rooms, the storage facilities and her small office. she wiped her chair and desk before sitting, the small 'box' she kept had all she needed within reason.

She had less than two weeks to get this place up and running or the 'savings' she is using would appear as profit unless she dumped it into something?

"Now who could be of help now?" She opened the box to find the large amount of 'Napkin sized bits of paper; micro contracts often called "IOU's' by humans came into good use to her on many occasions. They ranged from a 'small favor to 'you owe me big time' with every level in between.

A female Ferngi having business connections was a novelty; a female having profits is illegal by Ferngi standards and Ebele only wanted to keep her business running smooth. She could tell the Grand Nagus too stick it by technicalities yet it might not be good to irritate the leader of a race like the Ferngi?

She needed contractors who will build what she needed; others that could do the job fast and then a supplier to stock her 'lounge' as well as her freezers.

Nearly a dozen small bits of paper lay in front of her as she look with a sparkle in her eye.

"Favors are worth more than latinum if you use them right." She said aloud to no one but herself.

[After opening, Later]

It was a rousting week and a half to get the renovations completed; at no small cost of Latinum or favors, and she had opened the doors. She had a slight reputation in some circles; and an IOU in the right place, had advertized her place well and she even found a staff on a station like this fast enough.

The place was the usual crowd and steadily growing; it is a new place and Ebele made sure to take the time needed to truly establish her place on the station. The mortgage was adding to her start up costs and overhead, the all female employee staff, uniforms and supplies went in the 'Red' profit wise. The biggest expense is opening the place and advertising; she had come and did not know anyone here, she admired the ease with which that worked in her favor.

The place was booming in an effect; the Noise Makers offered a privacy that few other places did; she had dunked a lot of her profit in those things. Her staff were a type of eye candy; why else hire an all female work force. Well, she did not trust males as they often had problems with Ferengi females so Ebele decided not to deal with them in her restaurant.

She had an eating establishment; she always had a well stocked bar attached to her business ad the rest was just a place for people to talk. Where is the best business done, over dinner and drinks. In her clientele she has Body Guards, Bouncers, drunks, business men, rogues and other types of clients. 'Kindness' Place' could get loud and even rowdy upon occasion. Another reason she did not hire men in her business was that the more power or wealth the had the more they drank because they could.
The occasional 'skiffle' would add to her over-head costs and a vast amount of IOU's by the perpetrators.

That is the way she liked it.

Her girls wore skirts with a slight pleat halfway to the knee, button up tuxedo style shirt and bow tie with tan tights and black ankle flats for a degree of comfort and keep the professional appearance to the place. They were around to serve the customers; they had very good ears for orders and men tend to be distracted by pretty females in shorter skirts and think barmaids/waitresses were brain dead people who could not get a better job.

Ebele likes 'Men' not males; there was a distinction that she held them to; she would listen to their promises but check them on their word. Her place had not been open long but 'reputation is faster than warp' in many ways. She had moved to the delta Quadrant to be as far from the Grand Nagus as she could; too many rules for a female to even squeak out a not for profit business.

The long sleeveless cream chiffon dress was her 'mood' tonight to give contrast to her auburn hair and green eyes. The clients were getting to know her; she liked them as they understood the significance of a good establishment for discussing business. She had a simple rule 'Don't bring crime into her place or you would 'Owe her big time.' and it is said that the devil is in the details and Satan sweats the details when dealing with Ebele. Her long hair was loose and the air circulation system could play with it a bit as she moved. Tonight she watched the doors; she had the feeling that things were going too well and it was going to hit a snag, usually in the form of a man according to her past.

Stacy tended the bar and knew her 'Boss' well enough to keep an eye out as well. The a warm bed and decent food rather than the replicated rations was a step up for her. Ebele never asked why Stacy applied, nor if that is really her name, she just listen to a short recalling of her life in Stacy's attempt to ask for help and not lose all her pride. "Lady Ebele' just smiled and asked what skills did Stacy have?

Stacy did not have to tell Ebele she was relieved no men were working here, not even the cooks in the back, all female establishment was part of the allure for sure.

Lady Ebele had a few things that she liked about owning her place; she did nto have to really do a lot as she had good delegations skills and her social skills were able to carry her a long way for the most part. SInce she was not out for Profit like most males of her heritage she got to relax more on the surface.


Lady Ebele
Kindness' Place Owner


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