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Home Again, Home Again Jiggity-Jig (part 2)

Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2013 @ 11:50am by Captain Cressidia Lane & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant Commander & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Admiral Kathryn Burke & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

1,495 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Alpha Quadrant/Typhon Expanse


Kathryn Burke woke to the sound of alarms on Athena. She went to her computer and pulled up her comm channel to the shipyard's command center. "Burke to Athena Command. What's going on?"

"Ma'am, Typhon is back."

Kathryn took a moment to assimilate the information. "Intact?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'll be there in five minutes." She closed the comm channel and quickly dressed. She wanted to be on hand when the first communication came from Typhon. It had been months without a word and she was eager to learn what happened.

"Report!" she said as she walked into the command center.

"They were attacked by the Borg, but they regained control and have all Borg in the brig."

She looked out the viewscreen at the Starbase and the Borg Sphere attached to it. "Who's in command?"

"Commander Cressidia Lane."

"Open a channel."

"Commander Lane here, glad to say we're back now." Cressidia answered the second hail since they had returned.

"What is your status?" Kathryn asked. "How is the station and your crew?"

"Very badly damaged, on both counts. We've definetly lost a lot of crew, including every officer over the rank of Commander. Most of the crew will be recovering from borg infection for quite a while." Cressidia explained.

Kathryn took a moment to digest the information. "I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you made it back. Take the time you need to get your crew in order. Report to me in a few days."

"I will, thank you for the time." Cressidia sat back in her chair, and bit her upper lip slightly. "Cressidia out." She said, cutting the communication. Four seconds. Then she stood, and began to go about getting the reports from each part of the station that she hadn't yet received.


Gregory was waiting in the line to get off of the recently docked shuttle when he realized that his eldest daughter was nowhere to be seen. He craned his neck over the crowd, and caught a glance of her blue shirt as she came out of the bathroom on the far end of the room. After that though, he couldn't see where she went.

Jan had stopped to go to the bathroom on her way out. However, when she came out of the room and found it full with the line of people and their things, eager to get off the shuttle, she was worried. She knew that her father would be cross with her for this, but there was no way she could get through the line. Perhaps one of her younger siblings could manage it, but Jan was 14, and she was getting too big to duck through crowds this thick. So she slung her bag over her shoulder and found the nearest Starfleet officer to stand next to. It was one of her rules, if you're lost or seperated, find Starfleet because you can usually trust them. "Excuse me, ma'am, would you mind if I joined you in the line?"

"Not at all" Emily said smiling down at the girl who stood next to her. "Is there a problem? Where are your parents?" she asked looking down at the teenage girl who decided to stand next to her. She was one of the few starfleet officers in her area and none of them seemed to have a clue of what was going on.

"No, I just had to go to the bathroom. But with the line and all, my father and siblings are just a ways up. What's your name? I usually go by Jan." Jan smiled up to the officer, noting her rank at lieutenant commander. Even better for her then, since in her mind, more rank pips meant more trustworthy.


Ebele had her 'hover' function of her steamer trunk in effect as she exited the shuttle. There was a crowd; she knew how to do this as it was like so many of the 'areas' she had been in before. Not all of them were so 'lawful, or places like this where she did not have to watch her back and things to keep from being robbed. She could move without really being noticed, despite her long dress and trunk she merely skirt the edges of the people keeping an eye on Gregory's children, a man who had a family deserved to have them together and well watched. Ebele smiled as the elder sister was waiting as she had been trained to do, another sign that his family loved one another, she was doing as her parents guide her.

Ebele smiled.

Katie was the one who noticed that Ebele was near the end of the line. Since she had only her small backpack, she knew she could make it back there easily. All these adults were so big. "Can I go talk to Ebele?" She asked, tugging at her father's sleeve.

Greg looked back, and saw a glimpse of the lady, then nodded. "But I'll be waiting for you and your sister right outside the doors, got that?" He looked at her strictly.

Katie nodded, then slipped next to the wall, and began weaving her way through the edge of the crowd. In a few minutes she had reached where Jan was. "Dad will wait for us, I'm going to talk with Ebele." The line was moving forward slowly, as everyone had their IDs checked. Since this shuttle was full of people to be living here, they were more careful about security checks. Jan nodded, and Katie slipped back a bit further to where Ebele was in line.

"Hello again!" Katie said cheerfully.

"Hello Katie." Ebele said with a smile. "You happy to be where you will be living from now on?" Ebele said and her eyes sparkled a bit. "I know I am looking forward to it." Offering Katie a place on the Steamer trunk to sit. "I hope I get to tell you more of the Princess?"

Katie sat and nodded enthusiasticly. "I can't wait!" She looked through the crowd, and estimated that dad would be almost through to the front now. Not much longer. "These lines are so boring. But there'll be so much space here, all sorts of fun people too. Daddy says there will be new rules though." She frowned a bit skeptically.

"You should learn the rules as it will tell you what you can and cannot do. If you learn it well it will tell you what you cannot do and outside that you can do as you will since there will not be a rule against it." She smiled. "In business we try to get everything possible in the contract so no one will take advantage of us. Rules are the same thing, once you know them you can know what they are looking at so you can avoid being caught."

"I don't know, I try not to break rules, but some make no sense." Katie shrugged. "Besides, we're almost there. I can't wait to find a good window for looking at stars. Did the princess ever see stars in her ship?"


Jane Porter stood in the back of the arboretum, looking out into familiar space. It had been such a very long time since she'd seen these stars, or so it seemed. She smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. Home sounded very good right now.

The first thing she did upon arrival back in the Alpha Quadrant was to make sure Wilhelm was alive and well. She'd missed him, even more than she'd missed being home.

She sighed and turned from the window. She wanted to find him immediately, but he would be far too busy right now. He had responsibilities and duties to the station that needed to be addressed first. But knowing he was safe was enough for now.

To keep herself occupied, and to avoid adding to the confusion going on across the station, she went into one of the workrooms to tend to the seedlings. The best thing to do, she thought, was remain calm and stay out of the way. Once everything calmed down, she would go in search of Wilhelm. Or he would find her.

Another smile spread across her face as she diverted to her office. A message was in order. Jane sat at her computer and wrote, "I am well. When you are done returning the ship to rights, you will find me in the arboretum. I missed you and wish to hear all about your adventures. Be safe, my love. Jane."

She sent it to Wilhelm and then went to the clipping room to tend to her plants. She had to stay busy or she'd end up going stir-crazy with anticipation. Work was definitely the better choice.

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Commander, Theta Fleet

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer

Gregory Monroe

Lady Ebele
Lounge Manager

Katie Monroe

Janice Monroe

Lieutenant Commander Emily Wolf
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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