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[Columbia] Setting the Charges

Posted on Wed Dec 19th, 2012 @ 5:03pm by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Wed Dec 19th, 2012 @ 5:04pm

874 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: The Caves of Tyberius IV


Miral led the team back into the main Borg complex, this time with an eye to the best places to place the explosives. The timers had been set to go off in twenty minutes. That would not be much time if they got caught by another Borg patrol or were delayed in any way.

They came to a split in the tunnel and Miral turned left, signaling to the Colonel to go right. It would be easier to avoid detection if they were in smaller groups and they'd cover more territory in pairs. The sooner they got out of the complex, the better.

Wilhelm nodded and moved to the right and moved slowly. He kept an eye out for points that would cause secondary explosions or structural weak points. He seen movement up ahead and ducked into a side tunnel motioning for the person behind him to follow and let the patrol past.

Miral looked carefully at the equipment, this time with an eye to what would cause the most disruption. If she could take down their computer network, it would take the Borg a while to fix it. Plenty of time for troops to clear out all the tunnels. If she could also cause damage to the Borg themselves, she would count it as a bonus.

A patrol came around the corner and she stepped up to a console and pretended to be hard at work. She almost wished she were telepathic. If she were, she could listen in on the Borg -- if that were possible. Then again, she'd never heard of telepaths being able to read Borg, so it was probably not likely. It would be interesting to see if there were a way for non-Borg to connect to the collective. It was an idea she'd have to broach at a future time.

The patrol passed and she carefully attached a charge to the bottom of her console. It was a good, central location that would do significant damage. One down.

"For trying to be perfect they sure are dumb." Bauer commented.

Miral nodded. "Their arrogance is unchanged. We are not significant enough to draw their attention. Therefore, as long as we do nothing untoward, we should be successful." She moved down to another console about ten meters away and looked it over. "We do not have the time or resources to get to the main computer core. But if we can do enough damage here, the chain reaction will do the rest." She continued

"Just tell me where to set up and i'll be more than happy to blow this place to hell" Sargeant Hernandes said

Wilhelm moved along and seen a large column up ahead. Looking at its foundation and the roof he could tell it was a structural support. He put a charge in an optimal spot and moved on.

Miral found a small space behind a large bank of computers and squeezed behind it. "Just in case they find the others," she said. She'd learned long ago to be prepared for anything because you never knew when things would change.

While she was back there, she noticed a main power coupling. She turned to her companion and grinned. "I do believe the elements are on our side."

Miral and Bauer followed the coupling down a tunnel and into a small cave that appeared to house much of the power for the complex. The two carefully set three charges to make sure there would be nothing left of the equipment. Pleased, the two headed back.

Wilhelm looked around and seen a distribution node placing a charge on it he kept going ducking past patrols and random borg going about on tasks. After going a couple hundred meters he came into a large room. Looking on one side he could see a large array pointing towards the roof, which he recognized as a large disruptor cannon for hitting ships in orbit. Placing a charge by the weapons humming capacitor cell he seen a row of Borg plasma torpedos ready for loading into a launcher. Placing his last charge he headed for the exit.

Miral reached the end and saw von Hackleberg coming towards her. She still had one more charge. Turning, she followed him to the entrance and placed her last charge there. If nothing else, it would keep the Borg from following them. At least from this exit.

"No problems I trust?" Wilhelm said looking to Miral then looking back towards the entrance.

"Surprisingly, no," she replied. "It went far better than expected. I hope the rest of the exodus goes as well."

"As do I. Now where the devil did our two other teammates slip off to?" Wilhelm looked at his watch. "We don't have much time."

Miral looked around for a moment before spotting them. "There they are." She waited until they were almost to where she and Wilhelm stood and turned, heading purposefully to where the rest of their team waited. Time was short and they had no time to dawdle.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Staff Sergeant Andre Hernandes
Marine Combat Engineer
USS Calypso

Sergeant Bauer
USS Calypso


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