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[Columbia] Jamie Wants Big Boom

Posted on Fri Dec 28th, 2012 @ 8:44am by Miral Annhwi & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati
Edited on on Fri Dec 28th, 2012 @ 8:47am

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: The caves of Tiberius IV


Kara pushed her hover cart filled with Borg who were once Calypso Marines into the main cavern, careful to act casual and avoid drawing attention to herself. She'd seen several Borg who still looked human working at various stations, so it helped her and Beckinsale to go unnoticed.

She heard footsteps approaching and turned to see von Hackleberg and Annhwi. Good, they weren't too late. Kara made eye contact with the two and turned to head back to the rest of the group.

By now, Cam had started to wake up as the effects of the phaser blast wore off. His head was pounding with a massive headache that amplified every voice and sound ten fold, "can you guys keep it down, I'm trying to sleep off a headache here!!" He called out from his position laying on the hover cart

Kara almost stumbled at the sound of Cam's voice. "Cam? she asked telepathically. Now was NOT the time to speak out loud.

She continued to move through the chamber. Ten more yards, then the tunnel and they would be safe. She hoped.

"Kara, wha....what's going on?" Cam whispered, trying to make as little noise as possible, "did I get drunk on shore leave again?"

"I'm not sure I want to hear that story," she whispered. "No, you didn't get drunk. You ran into the Borg. Don't worry, we'll take care of you."

"The Borg?" Cam asked, his memories repressed. Focusing his thoughts, He reach out with his mind, hoping to reach Kara, what have they done!!

"It's okay, Cam. I've got you and we're taking you back to the Calypso."

"Ma'am, I don't wanna tell you how to do your job or how to treat your friends but maybe it's best if we sedate the Warrant until we get back to the caly?" Amarylis said breathing heavily as she pushed the cart of her own towards the shuttle.

"If he becomes a problem, I'll cold-cock him," Kara assured the Sergeant. "For now, I can deal with him."

They joined up with the others moments later. "We must leave now," Miral warned. "We will not reach the surface before the charges go off." She looked down at Cam, silently urging him to not sit up and try to assimilate her.

"Everything went well?" Ronnie asked.

"Yes, and we have more Borg to reclaim when we get to the surface." She picked up her gear and moved quickly to the hole. They would have to run once they got to the upper level or they would rick being caught in the explosion.

Ronnie tapped her combadge, pleased that she reached Eamon. "Grab everything important and run for the shuttle. Don't wait for us."

Eamon didn't want to leave them behind but did as Ronnie told him. "Right," he said and grabbed what he could before running to the shuttle.

Mandy too ran with the everyone else back to the shuttle, her medkit strung over her shoulder in her haste. Explosions were not her thing.

Ronnie quickly followed the Romulan and the others who were now scrambling back up the hole.

Wilhelm kept running behind the group to pick up stragglers and glanced at his watch. "This is gonna be loud." He mumbled to himself.

They got back to the lake and found nothing but a few larger crates and some supplies. Ronnie stopped long enough to get her data on the "ghosts" and the scanners and tricorders she'd been using. Then she ran up the tunnel to the upper cavern that, according to what she'd been told, led to the shuttle on the surface.

Miral didn't wait for any of them. She ran up the tunnel, determined to get to the shuttle and let them know to wait for the others.


Eamon made it and dumped the stuff he was holding then rushed to the pilot's console. He began pre-flight checks. =^= Rayner to away teams please hurry to the shuttle, =^=

"We're moving as fast as we can. As soon as you get a transporter lock, beam us aboard and get us out of here. This whole rock is likely to collapse when the charges go off."

"No, wait" Cam said, trying to sit up a little, "we're still linked to the collective, they can track our location. You have to leave us behind to ensure your safe escape" he said, looking up at Kara "it's the safest way"

"Not a chance, buddy," she said, barely giving him a glance. "I'm not leaving you behind. Besides, the Doc will be able to take care of that transponder. Right now, just relax and hold on."

Kara was running as fast as she could, keeping the hover cart in front of her to make sure no one fell or jumped off. Her main goal was to get to the shuttle before the caves collapsed on top of them.

"This is gonna be a close one." Amarylis said looking back worried about the little time they had left to board and avoid being fried by the charges.

Damion ran up the ramp and into the shuttle. He leaned against the wall and aimed his rifle outward behind the incoming crew. He made sure to keep his eyes opened for anyone or anything following them all the while trying to push his own problems behind. He had already gone a long period of time without his medication and it was takings its tool. Damion had stayed in the background since after his fight and was expecting a backlash when they got back to the Calypso.

tag all

Wilhelm came running into the open and watched the rest of the people board the shuttle craft. Taking a last quick look out the door to make sure no one was left then closed it and looked at the pilot. "Hit it!"

Before the shuttle could launch they felt the ground rumble. "Can you say nick of time boys and girls?" Maria quipped.

The shuttle lifted off from the rock just before it shook violently and then collapsed, sending a plume of dust into the air.

Wilhelm watched as the mountain fell in on itself, "That. Was impressive. Fairly even drop it looks like too."

"Quite impressive," Miral admitted. The Marines redeemed themselves by executing the destruction of the Borg facility with aplomb. "A Romulan could not have done it better."

Ronnie sat down next to Eamon. "I'll send a coded message to the Calypso, informing them we're on our way." She looked back at the group. "And have medical on standby."

Once the shuttle lifted off and was in the clear, Damion slide down against the wall into a sitting position. He closed his eyes and put his head down trying to keep himself together and avoid any outbursts that wasn't an act. All he could do was focus on his mental block and keep reminding himself of Ronnie and what she meant to him.

Maria watched out the window as the shuttle left the planet. "That was cutting it far too close. A few seconds longer and we'd have been chunky salsa."

Ronnie turned to the other scientist. "I think we all realize how close we came. Thanks for the imagery."

Maria, unrepentant, grinned. "Any time, Lieutenant."

Ronnie shook her head and turned to Eamon. "The Calypso sent an encrypted message with the location. Coordinates have been entered into the computer. Let's go home."


Staff Sergeant Kara Melo
Alpha Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Master Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Delta Platoon Leader
USS Calypso

Sergeant Amarylis Beckinsale
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Damion Wolf
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Eamon Lynx
Chief Security OFficer
USS Calypso

Ensign Mandy Lane
USS Calypso

Miral Tal'Aura Annhiw
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Damion Wolfe
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Calypso


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