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[Typhon] Asking for a favor

Posted on Tue Dec 18th, 2012 @ 6:23pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Raymond Kelly

694 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Raven wasn't sure how she could get the Hawthorne out of its private docking pad and out to search the area without anyone knowing what was going on. Or without opening Morticia to unnecessary exposure. But, due to the nature of their predicament, she thought it might be best to ask the Captain a few general questions and test the waters before taking him into her confidence.

She found him in his office and rang the door chime.

"Come in," Ray hadn't adjusted to the office still. But he'd found the replicator, and was thumbing through the choices for coffee, thinking to himself when Raven had rang the chime.

"Hello, Captain. Do you have a few minutes?" Raven asked, entering the office. It was still a bit odd not to see Darkmoon here. But then, it was also a bit of a relief. He was a decent security officer, but a bit too hardline for her tastes. "I have a...delicate matter I wish to discuss with you."

"Of course you do," he smiled, gesturing to the various empty seats in the office. "Go ahead and take a chair. Or a couch. Or stand. Whatever you prefer. Still getting used to the amount of room in here."

"Yes, there is a lot of space on Typhon," she said, choosing to sit on a couch. "I'm here about one of the residents. She likes to keep a ... low profile. Basically, she prefers that no one know she's here. Not that she's doing anything illegal," Raven hasted to add. "She's not. And she didn't before, but she would haul goods and cargo to places that others thought unwise. But that's beside the point. The point is that she has offered to take her ship out to have a look around -- under the condition that she go with a small group of civilians and only those who must know are informed." Khiy was going to kill her for this, but she felt that Morticia was the best equipped to go out and look around. Well, second to Khiy and his ships, but right now he had his own set of problems to deal with. So, she felt that it was in the best interests of the station to go out herself.

"Of course the Intelligence officer has a secret friend. I bet they're even Romulan, right?" He smirked at her, finally settling on a coffee order and keying it up into the replicator. It materialized and he scooped it up, moving to the desk. "Let me ask you something, Commander."

Raven chose not to answer that. Better to let him think her friend Romulan than know the truth.

He sat and sipped the coffee before speaking again. "If this is such a secret, your friendship, why didn't this friend simply volunteer as a civilian, and run this under my nose?"

"It's a little more complicated than that. She wants to do this off the record. She'll slip out with a friend or two, do some surveillance, then slip back. She doesn't want any record that she helped."

He raised an eyebrow. "Alright. And presuming I go along with this, what's expected of me?"

"Nothing. There will be no record of the shuttles going out. Nothing you need to do. I'm informing you in case anything goes wrong. If it does, I'll need your help to keep it quiet. That's all."

Ray smirked. "How rare. I'm not used to covert operations that warn me ahead of time to cover their tracks."

"Forewarned is forearmed," Raven smirked back. "Changing the subject, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Ray shook his head. "Nothing specific. Right now, I just want to know why we're here, and how we can reverse it."

Raven nodded. "If I find anything, or if Morticia finds anything, I'll let you know. I get the feeling that whoever brought us here has something planned and I'd really like to know what it is before it jumps out and bites me."


Captain Raymond Kelly
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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