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Traders? Something's Off.

Posted on Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:35pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Lieutenant Commander Kimberly Dallas~Truman~Kahn MD & Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Captain Warren Grey [Lane] & Captain Marrin Grey [Lane] & Lieutenant Valerie Mira PhD & Ensign Raven Wicked
Edited on on Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:39pm

2,478 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Multiple Locations
Timeline: AFTER "New Guests On Board"

After all the excitement with meeting all the senior staff and other important individuals on Typhon, Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati was informed by an operations officer that the Trader ships were currently under repairs.

He decided to go to and check up on how those were progressing. By the report it looked like Marrin's vessel was closest to completion and so would be his first stop.

Buck hadn't met these traders yet and was hoping to learn more about them as something was odd about them coming to Typhon for repairs. He would find out where they had come from then the nature of the damage they received.

[[Docking Bay 5, Junebug]]

Eco cursed. The valve was stuck. Grabbing a hydrospanner, he fitted it around, and tried to wrench it open. It worked too well, popping off and spraying hydraulic oil over his uniform.

Cursing louder, and longer, he wrestled the valve back on, and proceeded to cast about for a rag.

Buck entered the vessel and looked around it, damage control personnel were working everywhere. He searched for Saul's face among them, "Commander Eco?" He called.

'Back here, Commander!' called Eco from one of the corridors. He emerged, covered in hydraulic fuel and holding a rag. 'What can I do you for?'

He did somewhat find greased engineers attractive, he wasn't sure why but quickly pushed the thoughts aside and put his hands behind his back. Buck approached Saul. "How goes the repairs?"

'I think fluid says it all,' replied Eco with an irritated chuckle. 'Luckily with this one it shouldn't take too long - there's not much too complicated wrong with her, and provided the rest of the station doesn't throw something up we could have them out in a week perhaps.'

Buck eyed Eco, with a sly smile. "Please don't jinx it, Commander, so a week? That's good. What about the Mayfly?"

'A little longer - the damage is more severe. But as the Junebug is restored, I can assign more of our personnel to work on her. At the moment ... about fourteen days I should say.'

"That's alright, they can wait," Buck giggled. He went serious again. "Keep up the great work Commander, if you find anything that I need to know please tell me at your convenience."

'Sure,' replied Eco with a nod. He lowered his voice slightly, leaning in towards the XO, 'say, you don't know what happened to the freighter? She looks pretty beaten up.'

Buck shook his head then gestured to Saul. "I was hoping you could tell me. Though I'm yet to actually question our guests since I have been a little busy, but I think it is time I do." He nodded. "Very well Commander, keep me posted." He headed out and decided to find the Trader captains.

[[Kindness's Place]]

Krang was making his rounds and had to, of course, check out these traders. He needed to get a feel for these people that seemed to be making such a big impact on the station.

Marrin and Warren were in Kindness's Place, enjoying a pair of scarlet drinks, though they looked black since they were in dark blue glasses. Marrin whispered something in Warren's ear, and they both burst out into very loud laughter.

Krang decided to order a glass of iced tea and stood at the bar taking in the scene. He was watching the new people but was trying to not make it obvious.

Warren was oblivious to Krang's entry, and to his observations. But Marrin was not. She noticed the large N'gagi almost as soon as he entered the room. She nudged her husband, and he too realized the situation. "Hello Commander! Come and join us." Warren said, using the man's rank, since he didn't know his name.

Krang accepted the invitation and made his way over. "Greetings. I did not mean to intrude. I am Krang Darkmoon, the stations security chief."

Lady Ebele did the Good Hostess as Business called for, her place was coming along well; almost to the point of making a profit so early in the day, Ebele had to think of what to do. Her usual inclination was to just make the place happy but that sometimes added to the profits.

Ebele noticed the married couple enjoying the drinks and the entry of an Officer. It is a Ferengi Rule to know your customer before they enter your establishment, on a station this size that was impossible and since she was female and 'a Ferengi without Profits is no Ferengi at all, all of this before she even put in her human half. She took pride in her hair; the storybook maiden Rapunzel always had a soft place with Ebele. To the point of having painting from the storybook of the maiden displayed near the bar.

"Welcome to Kindness Place, I am sorry for my not greeting you sooner as a business does have a lot to be seen to." She winked. "Please enjoy the warmth of Kindness while you are here, I thank you for coming to my establishment and in celebration of all the good people here..." She raided her arms as the calculation of the drinks that were present and doubling them as the consumption rate she noted thus far..." Drinks are on the house for seventeen minutes call it..." She started.

"Moments of Kindness...." The regulars reply as this was sort of a tradition.

Marrin turned to Ebele, and smiled. "That's a wonderful tradition, where did you get the idea for it?" She asked, trying to make conversation.

"Ferengi females are not allowed to have profits, one of the 'auditors' was at my old place and asked what my profit margin is?" Ebele took a sip from her ever present wine glass. "So to spite him I said 'moment of Kindness' and opened the Bar to free drinks..." Ebele laughed. "You will never see an expression of a Ferengi as you will when you give away free things and thank him for the suggestion."

"Well, that's certainly one way to pass an audit." Marrin said with a grin. "It really is too bad they prohibit you from profit, but for all of that, you seem to be doing very well around here."

"I make the ends meet and even able to spoil my staff to a degree." Ebele added. "I find if you show repect and even reward to the people you work with they are loyal and do a finer job in the business. She smiled. "And a large over head makes sure I do not end up with profits on the books."

Buck entered the Kindness's Place after asking the computer where the two freighter captains were. He had to use tact and he learned from his time with all the business owners, he shivered at the memory of Morgan.

He glanced around and found them walked over to them. "May I join you?" He asked deciding on the more social way.

"As I always say, Kindness is a place to feel welcome." She smiled. "The more the merrier, you have fifteen minutes left of Kindness... and free drinks, but the appetizers are still same fare." She teased a little and moved the hair around her ear, she did keep her hair a bit long as it was her 'human' heritage. "You will often find moments of Kindness in Kindness Place of course."

"Yes please, take a seat, commander." Marrin smiled. She knew immediately who it was who had just joined them at the bar. It was the executive officer, she had done her reading. A glance at Warren told her that he too recognized the commander. "I'd love another drink actually, something fruity would be good..." She downed the last mouthful in her current glass, "And not too strong either, I start singing when I drink too much. Nobody wants to hear that."

Buck sat down and was thoughtful for a moment. "I'll have a chocolate raktajino."

"We're very glad at the speed of the repairs on our ships. You have been so excellent here on the station, helping us and all." Warren said to Buck, "And we wanted to thank all of you who helped us, the businesses on this station, the senior staff, and we were thinking some sort of celebration when the repairs on the Junebug are complete. I'll make out invitations and do all the work of course, but I wanted to check with you first, since it would take the time of any crew that decided to come."

"I don't see why not, our engineers conduct repairs on many ships that come to Typhon. I do however recommend that the celebration include them and we do have a large mess hall that can house many." Buck said with a smile.

"We plan on using one of the larger cargo bays, add tables and whatnot." Marrin said. "I'll make sure to invite all the engineers, since they have done most of the work."

"I'll let the quartermaster know and the operations department can get on setting up at your direction, I assume you would like to be the one directing the bay's layout?" Buck asked.

"The help would be excellent thank you." Warren smiled. "Marrin always tries to do all the work herself, but I know better than to let her plan an event this size without an extra hand."

"I know an excellent Chef that can be used and catering service you can bet Latinum cannot be topped." Ebele said with a grin. "We only hire the best and Telsa had troubles being a female chef and was not shown the respect she earned so I brought her to Kindness Place and I could do without her on a project if you like, and her staff can be arranged by her of course?"

"Then it's settled, let's get it organised. I better return to Ops, the starbase doesn't run itself you know. Oh and contact me if you need any further assistance." Buck said, grabbed his beverage and said his farewells before heading out back to the top of the station.

"Thank you." Marrin said with a smile. "We should head back too, it's late and our granddaughters are no doubt still up and about when they should be in bed." She had to drag Warren away from his drink, but managed to do it all the same.

[[Lt. Mira's office Deck 3 Room 398]]

Valerie worked at her desk going over the files that were sent to her from USS Marvin as the USS Marvin to scheduled to talk with the station in 2 weeks and the Captain would like the full crew to have a psychological update as the ship is to small to have a Counselor on it; and it has been over 6 months since the last psychological profile was done on the crew. As Valerie was going over the files she found something off in the XO's logs there was a gap of time between logs and her files where the one to have this gap.

Raven walked in to the main room of Lt. Mira's Office to go over her own files of the crew of the USS Marvin.

[[Starbase Main Infirmary Deck 45]]

Lt. Commander Kahn walked in to the Main Infirmary of Starbase Typhon to meet with her new staff and take inventory of the stuff in the Infirmary. Has Lt. Commander Kahn is the new CMO for Starbase Typhon has this not her first command of a Starbase Infirmary but it is her first on a Starbase with out her Spouse Major Kevin Truman.

[Kindness Place]

Raven decided to have a look at the new establishment on the Promenade, especially as their new guests chose to hang out there. She walked in and paused, taking stock of the place, then took a seat at a corner table and ordered a glass of lemonade.

"Lemonade?" Khiy asked as he took up a chair across from Raven and sat himself as if he was invited. "Looking for trouble, aren't you?"

"Of course," she replied with a grin. "Would you like something a little stronger?"

"Typically I would, but I have some business to attend to this afternoon and I would like to be...of sound mind." He added with a cryptically. He knew Morticia would understand.

Raven gave him a knowing smile. "Yes. You do need a clear head when conducting business. I have some of my own to deal with later." She raised her glass. "Thus the drink of choice."

"Greetings and Welcome to Kindness Place." Lady Ebele was making her rounds and saw the Commander and gentleman seated across from her. "Commander Raven, it is good to see you again, I a touched you came to my humble establishment." She courtesy.

Krang enjoyed the visit. "This is a nice place. I'll have to remember to come back often."

"I am glad to have made a good impression." Lady Ebele said with a smile, her 'Human mix' made the teeth less Ferengi like and not so pronounced to be a sinister grin. "Customers are a treasure at Kindness Place."

"Thank you." he responded, not sure how to take a compliment.

[Starbase Main Infirmary]

Has Kahn get done with the audit of the infirmary her two children came running up to her; yelling "mommy mommy" Kahn's kids are not know for yelling when they come in to the Infirmary. So Kahn take them in to her office just off the main room of the Infirmary. Kahn looked down at her girls Pandora & Olivia, You two take at sit and tell me why you are yelling; Pandora started "Mommy we can't found Daddy and the Starbase Computer say he is not on the base." Kahn started to say something when her desk link beeped. "Commander Kahn here" A young man come on screen and say "Commander we need a med team in Holo deck 2 Lt. Crush is hurt." "Take it easy I will send a nurse down to take a look at him. Replied Kahn
"Ok Girls we told Daddy was not stay on the Starbase this time." Said Kahn feeling there pain on missing there father.

[Lt. Mira's office Deck 3 Room 398]

Has Lt. Mira and Ens. Wicked get done with the crew files of the USS Marvin, they get the call that the ship as docking with the Starbase.

=/\= Lt. Mira to Captain Dallas, I need you to report to my Officer on deck 3 room 398 AZIP. =/\=


Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon..duh

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lady Ebele
Kindness's Place Owner

Lieutenant Commander Kimberly Kahn
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon


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