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A Dawning Realization (part 4)

Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2013 @ 12:30pm by Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Buck Ducati & Chief Petty Officer Richard Meagher [Folami] & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter
Edited on on Thu Jul 25th, 2013 @ 3:52am

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: Various



"It looked like you needed some saving, tell me, was I right about that?" Ademi asked, first off. They could get details of what was down there later, but she had to know if her risk of appearing jumpy had paid off, or if she had just made an idiot of herself.


Rick nodded vaguely at Rayon and entered the coordinates for six more crew members. He'd almost fetched them all at this point. He had no idea what had happened to them, only that he had rescued them from it.

He looked over at Rick and smiled. "Thanks for the save Chief! I owe you one." He turned back to Ademi still with a defeated demeanor.

"Of course, Lieutenant. Thanks. There are assimilated personnel down there and they are playing with all systems. I expect that the Borg will be coming to complete the job and overwhelm us. We need to deal with them now." Leo said to Ademi, "any word on the command staff?"

"None, the shuttle still hasn't come into range." Ademi said shaking her head. "We were all hoping it would, but not yet."

"What shuttle?" Leo asked.

"The shuttle Commander Lane was on, with one of the military personnel. They were going to help with figuring out where we are, but there's been no contact since the shuttle left range." Ademi said, wishing she could remember the name of the other person who had been on that shuttle. Unfortunately it was not her strong point.

"The Borg could have taken over communications or simply scrambled the system." Leo said. "Until we see them again I suggest we get to work on disabling the drones on board and putting them in a secure room."

"Alright, any plans on how?" Ademi said, wondering exactly how many people on the station were left human. And if they could change those who were infected back.

Leo frowned kinda and looked down. "Sadly I got nothing, I could try and find some from Science and Operations to work on anti Borg weapons, well at least improve on existing ones." He said.

Ademi nodded, weapons were certainly a good priority. "We could try to find Jane, I'm not sure where she is, or if she's been captured though. I might be able to find her comm badge signal on the bridge, if it's still on."

"Good idea, get on it," Leo said. "I'll see about personnel." He added.

Ademi was quick to go back to her station, where she brought up the shipwide internal sensors. She began scanning immediately, but it was slow going and took several minutes. "Gottcha. She's in the arboretum." She whispered the first, but spoke the second out loud, so that Leo would know it was a success.


Jane had kept to the arboretum as the situation on Typhon grew more chaotic. But now she'd had to hide twice from people who didn't act they way she thought they should. It was as if they were looking for something -- or someone. So she hid in a small storage cupboard in her workroom until they were gone.

But now she was concerned that they would do actual damage. So she shut down the arboretum -- at least on the outside. The lights and sprinklers were set on automatic, the doors were closed, a sign was put out and the back rooms were secured.

Except, instead of leaving, Jane set up an office and couch in the furthest workroom where she was less likely to be seen and began to monitor computer activity.

After a while she began to notice a pattern. Starting at the lower decks, the computer was going offline for a few moments, then coming back online. When it did, it began to search for information and assimilate it, much like a Borg would do.

"Bloody hell," Jane muttered.

She sent a message to Raven, who knew a great deal about computers and would know what to do with the information.


Raven was back in her office working on a way to liberate the Borg on the Sphere. If she could make them function autonomously, she would be able to let them go on their merry way. It had worked for Hugh, it should work now. The Intel computers had data that was still classified, much of it due to research conducted after Wolf 359 and the return of Voyager from the Delta Quadrant.

When she saw Jane's message she stopped. "Borg have taken over Typhon?" That she hadn't expected. But thinking back, she should have. IF there was a Sphere in the area and it was responsible for bringing Typhon here, they would have a plan for taking over the station.

Now she needed to deal with the Borg on two different fronts, on the Sphere and on Typhon itself. Raven had her own information on Borg nanites as she had once reprogrammed a few thousand for a friend who wanted to rescue an assimilated family member. She was using this as her baseline. Now she needed to find a way to reclaim thousands of people on the station in a relatively short period of time.

It would take her time, but right now it was their best option. "Edgar. Find a way to disseminate the nanites throughout the station."

The raven nodded and turned to stare at the computer as he worked.


Rick, Ademi

Leonardo Rayon
Chief Security Officer

Jane Porter

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Computer Avatar


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