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Taking Back the Station Again (part 1)

Posted on Tue Aug 27th, 2013 @ 2:01pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Cressidia Lane & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]
Edited on on Tue Aug 27th, 2013 @ 2:03pm

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


As the Borg Sphere arrived at the station, the shuttle emerged from the prison ship. Cressidia was flying the shuttle through the damaged areas carefully, since there was still many things that could damage a shuttle. Shortly after the sphere had come in, Cressidia maneuvered the shuttle into clear space next to the starbase.

Cressidia sighed with relief at the sight of clear space again. "Thank goodness, let's get home." She brought the shuttle to its place in the shuttle bay. She got out of the shuttle, and smiled, glad to be back where she knew how to get around. She headed for a window, wanting to make sure the prison ship stayed far enough away from Typhon when it exploded.

Staff Sergeant Otto was strolled off the shuttle whistling a tune and looked at his wristwatch. "About ten minutes till fireworks on that ship..." he said having dumped half the shuttles inventory of micro torpedoes on the way out like a trail of bread crumbs on delay fuses. "Pleasure flying with you ma'am." He called out to Cressidia as she left. He headed towards the Dock's Security Office to check in for duty to help get rid of borgified personnel if needed.

Khiy and Morticia had secured the Sphere to the starbase, Khiy using a tractor beam to tow the ship back to scrap it for parts and technology; Morticia flying close behind to make sure the Borg stayed asleep while her program ran through the ship, severing the Borg from their collective mind and basically making them inert until they could be beamed into the Typhon's brig.

She'd also used an old program to deactivate the Borg on the starbase.

However, she was still working with Khiy to study the technology on the Borg Sphere and see if they could use it to get back home.

Cressidia waited by the window, not seeing the ship, it was still cloaked, but knowing where it was all the same. If she tried, she could see a sphere docked with the side of the starbase... She would investigate that after the prison ship was out of the way. Sure enough, the ship exploded, just as planned. It was far enough from Typhon that they couldn't even feel the explosion. Cressidia smiled grimly, and headed for the bridge.


Khiy and the crew of the Khellian were busy patching up damaged systems to the best of their ability while still watching vigilantly over the sphere. They all knew that a couple good salvo's from the sphere would be enough to finish off the ship, but they wanted to be prepared in case Morticia's program failed.

Khiy, bruised and bloody, had his arms buried in a fried panel. He was hoping to scalp some cable from it to repair another relay which had cooked most of its wiring.

With a grunt he yanked out a cluster and examined it. "It isn't perfect, but make it work." He said to a waiting engineer who eagerly took it from his hands.

The engineer looked much worse than Khiy, but like everyone on the ship he didn't complain about it at all. Everyone had a job to do and they could patch up themselves up later.


Cressidia arrived on the bridge, and headed for the comm station. She had seen a ship escorting the sphere when she docked, one of the ones that stayed docked on Typhon, though she couldn't remember which one it was from the glance she had. After looking at the image of the ship on the small monitor at the comm station, she recognized it as Khiy's ship.

"Commander Lane to Khiy Tal'ehrihn, please respond if able." She spoke clearly after opening a comm link with the ship. The ship had appeared damaged, so she wasn't sure it would work, but it was worth a try.


"Communication coming in from the Typhon, Mister Tal'ehrihn." The comm specialist said.

"Open a link." Khiy ordered. He tried to smooth out his clothes to look more presentable but it seemed to no avail. He stood in the middle of the bridge and waited.

The view screen looked like a mess of static once it turned on and the audio was scrambled beyond recognition.

The comm specialist must have felt Khiy's eyes on her. "Working on it." She hurriedly tapped on her console and frowned when it wasn't responding to her commands. "Not today you don't." She grumbled quietly to herself before slamming a fist down on the panel.

Suddenly the image cleared up and the static seemed to, for the most part, dissipate.

"Link opened." She announced with an almost smug air.

Khiy would have laughed in other circumstances but today was not going his way.

"Commander Lane. This is the Khellian responding to your hail."


"Ah, there you are. I noticed as I docked my shuttle that you were docking something a bit larger, and I called to ask why? Nobody here seems to know." Cressidia spoke quickly, and had moved to a similar position as the one Khiy had assumed.

"Considering the issue of the Borg on the station I figured we could...request...their assistance in getting ourselves home. Tic for tac, as it were." Khiy gave an almost innocent looking smile.

"I see..." Cressidia said. She didn't understand how it would help, but if there was a way to get home on that sphere, she was good with it.

"I believe Commander Adams will have more information on possible ways we can capitalize on having the sphere here. I suppose I should also mention that I am claiming salvage rights to the sphere once we get back to the Alpha quadrant."

"I will see if I can hail her then, thank you." Cressidia smiled and cut the comm link.


Morticia was happily sifting through data along with Thing when she saw a reference to Starbase Typhon. "Isolate that data, Thing. Find all references to Typhon and copy them to a new file."

Thing did a one-handed push up and switched his focus from collating everything to searching for specific notations. Slowly the data in the file began to grow.

(To be continued...)

Commander Cressidia Lane
Executive Officer

Otto Krupp

Morticia Gomez
Independent Merchant (Hawthorne)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT/Khellian


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