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A long-awaited reunion

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2013 @ 6:54am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

802 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Directly after Home Again


==Shuttle bay ==

Wilhelm exited the shuttle and looked around not seeing much change except for a lesser amount of people and some scorch marks on the wall from weapons fire. Looking around he seen Otto and a young, butter bar Marine Lieutenant marching up to meet him.

The both stopped and saluted "Sir." the young marine said. Otto followed, "Welcome back sir. You missed quite a party." Wilhelm returned the salutes. "I can only guess Otto." Wilhelm then looked at the LT, "Who's been in command of the Regiment since I've been gone? Where's Major Haverth?"

The young officer got the look of he was going to meet the business end of a firing squad, "Um... I am... I think. We had some Borg infiltrators.." Wilhelm cut him off, "Save it for your report Lieutenant." Wilhelm said realizing he had some serious issues. Turning to the Marines behind him, "Captain O'Hara. You just inherited Regimental XO. I want full reports from Otto and the Lieutenant. Along with a full roster of Marines still on the station, KIA, WIA. Also, inventories on all our equipment, vehicles and spacecraft, weapons and remaining munitions, and I want it all on my desk by 1300 tomorrow." Wilhelm said knowing it would take awhile to compile all that information.

"Also Captain, send a message to the Starbase CO that I am aboard and will report in as soon as I can. Now gentlemen, I have other business to attend to. Dismissed." Wilhelm said and marched off toward the turbolift taking a glance back to see two more shuttles land and disgorge Marines.

Walking into turbolift he closed the door. "Computer. Location of Lieutenant Jane Porter." he said hoping for a second nothing bad has happened. The computer responded, "Arboretum." "To the Arboretum then." He ordered, and took off his helmet and put on his dark green beret. Looking down his tactical armor and weapons were scuffed looking but not dirty. "It'll have to do, besides the armor might protect my ribs when she sees me."


Wilhelm stepped off the turbolift and looked around seeing not much has changed here and started walking down one of the paths that led to the work rooms.

A soft bell chimed in the workroom, notifying Jane that someone had come into the arboretum. She dusted off her hands and looked at a small viewscren on the wall. For a moment, no one was in sight, then a familiar form came into view.

Jane squealed in delight and ran out of the workroom.

She threw her arms around Wilhelm and hugged him tightly, unable to say anything for several long moments.

Hugging Jane, Wilhelm kissed her on the forehead as her head was buried in his chest "Hey stranger. I'm looking for this Botanist I know. Used to work around here..." He said with a smile.

Jane chuckled softly. "I think she's a little busy right now. Give her a week or two and she might be back at work; but for now she has ... other plans."

Wilhelm had a look of mischief on his face, "Hmm, sounds like that might take some effort I better help out....After I go talk to the station CO." Wilhelm said with a frown, "However, that shouldn't take long and then I'm free till noon tomorrow. Perks of command." he said.

She looked up at him, a twinkle in her eye. "Hopefully, the effort is worth it." She put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him.

"Mmm...I do believe it will be." He said with a smile. "Now," He said regretfully pushing away and saying with a frown. "I have to go report in to the Boss." Then he put on a wicked little grin. "Continue this conversation in say... one hour and see what we can do about these 'other plans.'"

Jane caressed his cheek, delaying his departure for another moment. She couldn't help grinning from ear to ear in her happiness. "I'm glad you're back and that you're safe."

"I'm glad your safe as well considering the Station's little adventure."

The expression in Jane's eyes grew sadder. "Yes. I was fortunate that the Borg found the arboretum of little interest. I spent most of my time in here." She looked at the trees. "It was one of the few safe places on Typhon." Then she smiled again. "But we are back and most of us survived." She kissed him on the cheek, and blinked away tears of happiness that he, too, was safe. "Go see the Captain. I'll be here when you're done."

She watched him leave and then went back to her workroom, humming softly to herself.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon


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