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Posted on Wed Dec 4th, 2013 @ 8:07am by Captain Cressidia Lane & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: After Home Again, Home Again Jiggity-Jig


After a brief visit with Jane in the Arboretum Wilhelm made his way up the levels to Operations. Entering he notices a lack in personnel along with a couple burnt out consoles. "Borg sure had a hey day here he mumbles to himself. Walking over to the Captain's Ready Room he notices the lack of a guard or yeoman. Shrugging he hits the chime and enters.

"Colonel von Hackle.." Wilhelm stops stunned to see Cressidia behind an overworked desk.Recovering, "Reporting for duty ma'am." He says and smartly salutes, even though he technically outranks her she is still the Typhon CO. "Glad to see you Cressidia. I understand you had an interesting trip." he said.

"Interesting is one word for it." Cressidia smiled. "It's good to be back. Things that work were getting to be in short supply. Has anything big happened around here while we were gone?"

"Not much at all. Borg on Tiberius IV. Borg on Tiberius V. I'm thinking about opening my own pest control service for the pesky buggers. Otherwise pretty much business as usual at Athena." He said with a shrug.

"The Borg are everywhere it seems, they were responsible for taking us on that little journey." Cressidia frowned slightly. "But we did get a whole bunch of samples from the converted Borg, and of their nanites that we can study. Perhaps if he hey show up again, we will start with the upper hand."

"Always nice. Though I hate keeping any Borg tech around even with triple safeties and all other controls." Wilhelm said then changed the topic, "As to my Regiment. So far, it looks devastated. With the 75th SFMEU coming online and expected to go into combat getting replacements is going to be tough. On a good note the initial report on the Marines equipment and munitions is good. I just need bodies."

Cressidia thought for a moment. Well supplied. But lacking staff. At least there was a good side. "Is there anything I can do to help with that? Everyone is understaffed these days it seems, but I see no reason that Starfleet should be the only one getting more people." She didn't know if there would be anything, but perhaps there would be a chance.

"What's left of the Regiment is just going to have to work more closely with the Station Security Personnel until more trained Marines are available. We can still do our jobs just on a smaller scale. I can get a Battalion, plus some, manned and ready for action now and that's still more then plenty for most things."

"Though I did see the 78th Mechanized is being taken out of the rotation so hopefully I can get some from there, plus the regular green troops from Boot and the Academy." Wilhelm said then had an idea, "Actually I need to place a call with Exeter. They owe us a favor."

"You can use my office if you need." She stood, and offered him a seat at her computer, after pressing the lock key to protect her more important files, though she had it set up so that it would still function as a regular computer when she did so. Not that she didn't trust him, it was just a habit. "I'll make sure security knows that you will be working closely with them. If anyone gives you problems, send them to me."

Wilhelm sat down at the desk and started typing out a message. "I'll even ask if we can get some trained crewmen to help make up on some losses temporarily." Finished after a couple minutes he sent the message on its way. "At least it should help us get some replacements until Starfleet bureaucracy catches up."

Cressidia nodded. "I'll see who security can spare and send them over to you. Anything else you need while you're here?"

"No that should be all, and Security probably has there own problems to deal with. I've been meaning to run an exercise with the troops from Exeter anyways." Wilhelm said. "Good day sir." Wilhelm said with a bow of his head and exited.

"Good bye." Cressidia said as he left, making note of all the requests in her PADD


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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