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Marine Escorts

Posted on Fri Nov 8th, 2013 @ 11:05am by Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Colonel's Office.
Timeline: Concurrent


Ebele was not all that intimidated by Marines; she knew they are a tough lot and well earned in their reputation, but they also need a place to cut loose, or bring a date to impress.

She wore teh dark Gray Long dress with thick black waist sash and the black shoes with a slight heels. The gold necklace with a pendant loke a sun with rays extending and her ear rings were modest gold dangling ones.

She entered 'Marine Country' and sought an audiance with the Colonel. She had a small gift; a bribe to some and 'proper respects for another, in a box clutched close. It was no so easy to get but with any 'propwer introductions' of a sociall nature it is good to be proper.

Also she wanted the Colonel to know the 'refined' tastes of her spirits and how she goes out of her way to get the real stuff. The best way to prove a point is in the 'tasting' and she just hoped her being a little forward with her intent might not be taken badly? She is a new place among many and to stand out she needed a reputation and she will let her 'gift' show how she ran her palce.

She was ushered to the Colonel's Office and she waited politely for her entrance.

Wilhelm looked up from his mound of paperwork. Having accumulated up in his absence to assignments in the Tiberius System. "Enter..." He said without looking up expecting a Company Commander who had 90 percent of his unit Borgified. "Need to make some time to see..." He muttered then looked up and seen the newcomer, "Can I help you Miss?" He said half standing up.

"I am Lady Ebele, the propritor of Kindness Place." She offered the small bottle to him. "I know the marines are honorable men and could use a place that allows them to entertain and maybe cut loose." She curtsey. "I brought a sample of our Schnaps, i get it fro a person that deals in the harder to get 'spirits' andit is the real thing. As are thedrinks in my lounge." She smiled. "I always ask forcustomers to try my new place and find that it is a free sample to show the quality." She nod. "Also I am not a ferengi Male so by Tradition I annot have profits, I run a palce that is for the enjoyment of my patrons."

Wilhelm took the little bottle uncorked it and took a sniff, "Hmmm. Smells like home." He said with a smile, and put the cork back on. "I would love to sample it now but sadly I'm on duty. Though I do think I shall try it later. Just a warning: You do know what Marines do when they 'cut loose'?"

"I tend to add to the over head and earn a few IOU's from the exchange, but I also have two very large Klingon bouncers in the event things get nasty." She smiled. "I have Klingon customers that stop by when in the sector. Lucky for me I run a 'not for Profit' place and have had 'rowdy' before; Marines are like others and just want to have fun." SHe curtsey slightly. "I do serve good food as well so not just a bar but a place to talk, with certain safety as no 'prying ears about." SHe grinned with more human than Ferengi teeth. "I have arranged that what happens in Kindness' Place tends to stay there."

"Very well then ma'am." Wilhelm said with a nod, "Sounds like it could definately be some fun anyways. I thank you for the introduction and the sample. Will there be anything else?"

"No Colonel." Ebele bow slightly. "As Commanding Officer your first visit will be given a discount." She smiled. "Out of respect for your rank and honoring my place with your patronage." She look at him. "I thank you for your time."

"Certainly ma'am." Wilhelm said with a nod. "Any of my boys get to rowdy just let my Sergeant know and he'll square it up. Good day."

Ebele turned to leave as she had hopefully given the proper professional impression as she left.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


Lady Ebele
Business Owner


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