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Rumors and Repairs

Posted on Tue Apr 1st, 2014 @ 6:04am by Captain Cressidia Lane & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco

792 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games


Cressidia was on her way to engineering for two reasons. To start, she wanted to see how repairs were going, since that section was one of the ones most damaged in the borg invasion. The second was to meet her new chief engineer somewhere other than in her office, which was starting to feel a bit stuffy. As she arrived, she found numerous yellow uniformed people buzzing around as they went about their work. There were a number of other colors present too though, obviously people who showed more than one talent helping out. Cressidia tried to find her new chief engineer among the groups of engineers working on, or arguing over, their individual sections.

'Yeah, yeah, that's good,' Eco called out as he ran a tricorder over a conduit. Behind its pannel (presently discarded on the floor) the energy pulsed through it. 'Looks like the frequency has stabilised.'

Entering the relevant information into the PADD balanced on top of his toolkit, he concluded, 'conduit Three-A is next, guys, let's move along.' The group clustered around him dispersed as they moved along to the next task. Sighing softly to himself, he grabbed his kit and followed them.

It hadn't occurred to him that the reason that Starfleet was so eager for him to transfer post-haste was that there were so many repairs to oversee and conduct. Typhon had taken a real beating. The interim team had been doing their best, but things really needed shifting along now.

Catching sight of the Commander he smiled and walked over, 'Commander Lane, a pleasure to see you again.'

"You too." Cressidia smiled. "I wanted to see how things are going down here?"

Eco gave an off-hand shrug, 'it's going. Your interim staff did a good job holding the fort - but we're making more progress daily. Engineering's mostly tidied up and functioning, it's mostly about power flow issues and secondary systems needing patching up by now.'

Cressidia nodded. "And how are you doing?"

'Very well thanks - the station's keeping me busy, so there's not been much time to see the sights, but I'm sure I'll settle in eventually,' he smiled and shrugged, 'I wasn't expecting her to be so big.'

"Starbases are much larger than ships, aren't they." Cressidia smiled, "But I'm glad you're doing well, it's a bit adjustment to make. Is there anything you need?"

'Ma'am, to be honest, the Engineering crew are doing a fine job, and there are more than enough resources at my disposal,' Eco ran his fingers through his hair, 'I could do with a recommendation on a good place to grab something to eat when my shift is over though.'

"Have you tried Kindness' Place? I haven't been there myself, but I've heard it's excellent. And new, they've only been here a couple of months."

'I'll check it out - barely had time to check out the station, but if the name's spread, it must have something to it.' Eco cocked his head, 'so you were the station's XO until recently, right?'

"Yes, I was promoted after our incident with the Borg a while back. The one you've been fixing up after." Cressidia smiled, "I've heard of you before too, you used to be my brother's department head... The Aurora wasn't it?" Her letters with Conner had not been on the top of her mind, but she remembered him saying something about Eco. It had been a long time, so she didn't really remember what it was.

'Yeah, Connor was a good hand, dependable,' smiled Eco, 'I like that in my subordinates.' His grin turned apologetic, 'I didn't make the connection between the two of you, I'm afraid.'

"Oh, yes. Well, we aren't biological siblings, so there's little resemblance. He was adopted, as was our sister Mandy." Cressidia said. "He's always been a hard worker. Around the house, at school. I wasn't at home much with him since he's so much younger, but we were relatively close given the age gap." Thinking that she had probably spent enough time bugging her engineer, "I've been keeping you away from what you were doing, I'll let you back to it. It was nice to meet you."

'It was nice to meet you too, Commander.' He shrugged, 'perhaps when all this has been sorted we can get properly acquainted - get to know what you expect of me in my position and your leadership style and so on.'

"Definetly." Cressidia turned to leave. "Until next time." She gave a small wave, and stepped into the turbolift.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lt. Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Typhon


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