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Keeping Businesses Busy (part 1)

Posted on Mon Mar 31st, 2014 @ 4:11pm by Morgan Damron & Kira Martin & Commander Buck Ducati & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: First Officer's Lounge
Timeline: AFTER "New Guests On Board"

As part of his responsibilities Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati had to supervise the commerce on the starbase.

Even if it wasn't he liked to keep informed as to how the various business owners on board were doing, and let them know they could come to him with problems.

=^= This is First Officer Ducati, could the following please meet with me as soon as possible: Khiy Tal'ehrihn, Lady Ebele, Kira Martin and Morgan Damron. Thank you. =^=

Once the channel was closed. Was that a little too forceful? He wondered and waited for whoever turned up first.

Lady Ebele had known that the Command chain were the best way to get a business off the ground; to show that she did not want to cheat or even do much more than break even would drive other Ferngi wild and help a reputation be formed.

There was an old Earth Motorcycle brand; a street legal racing bike is a truer sense of the name, called Ducati. She would remember to bring ha up as she met the gentleman; could be he had connections to the family name? It would set him apart from most having a famous name to live up to.

"Hello Commander." ebele said as she entered holding a careffe of wine. "I believe this is a gift, as I am a Not for Profit organization I know that a sample of a reputation say things best." She offered the Wine. "It is a good vintage and more of a sample to show you how we treat customers at Kindness' Place."

Buck accepted the wine and looked at the label. "Thank you. Not that I drink wine but I will try this one later. I'm on duty right now." He held up his hands after placed the wine down on the small table in front of them. "I'm not here to question your business Miss Ebele. I'm simply wanting to meet the owners and get a regular problem solving meeting going."

Khiy arrived to the Commanders office with a sour expression on his face. He was not a fan of being 'summoned' anywhere and even less so considering there was no apparent reason for the call. He wouldn't have shown up at all had it not been for Miss Damron also having been requested by the Commander. It would have been bad form not to show up.

"Commander." He nodded to the man. "What can I do for you?"

"I wish to learn about your businesses and about both of you," Buck said, he indicated Ebele as well. "The others have yet to arrive so we have time, please sit." He gestured to the arrayment of sofas in his 'office' but he preferred a lounge setting so people would feel comfortable when they came to see him.

"I would also like you two, being major commerce tycoons," he slightly chuckled at the word, "to help me with a few projects. I will tell you about them when everyone is here. In the meantime we can chat and have some nibbles," he motioned both of them to look at the table next to his door where all sorts of finger foods were displayed.

Khiy wasn't sure how to take the laugh after the commerce tycoons comment. Was it a slight against his business interests or something else? It mattered not to him at the moment anyways; he had made the trip here so he may as well see what the officer had to say. He took the proffered seat and waited for the others to arrive.

Kira walked into the room, a little out of breathe. "Sorry I'm late. I was teaching a class. Is there something you need?" she asked in her soft Australian lilt.

A large Samoan walked into the room looking less than pleased. "Ms Damron sent me. She's busy right now and wants to know what you want."

One look at the large man told Buck that he should be careful. He gulped in fear as an autonomic response, "Hi there." He turned to the teacher. "Sorry to interrupt your teaching, you could have replied via intercom that you would be late Miss Martin."

"That's quite all right," she said cheerfully. "I'm always willing to help out if it means more business for the shops on the Promenade."

Buck faced the Samoan. "I'd like to form a committee for all things commerce on Typhon. I need all the regular business owners, or operators, to be on the committee." He turned to face the others. "If you wish a representative to be on the committee instead of yourselves, that is okay but I encourage you all to take an active role in improving the shopping experience that Typhon offers to both visitors and residents." He took a quick breather. "It is also important to have this committee in order to keep businesses honest."

He wondered what those assembled in his lounge thought of his idea, not that it hasn't been a proven method of keep the peace between business rivals and kept the public happy with low costs but it may be hard for a group of businesses with little to no restrictions to implement this committee. Buck knew he may have to hold several meetings in order to better explain the purposes and benefits of a committee later on but the initial stage just began.

The Samoan snorted, not impressed by the idea of a Fleetie organizing civilian businessmen. However, the fact that Khiy Tal'ehrihn was in attendance was something she needed to inform Damron about.

Khiy raised an eyebrow. "Everyone on a committee? I'm sure you have information on how many stores and operators there are on the station. You would never get anything done with that many voices clamouring to be heard."

"Or as Humans say; anything with more than one head is called a monster." Lady Ebele commented. "I think a small committee that has one major head to make the had decisions would be best with others as consultants?"

"That's why the committee would be you four with me as the Senior member but not always as the Commanding officer may sit in on some of the meetings. The rest of the business owners would come to you four and you bring up the issues at the conferences. Remember that everyone will be able to bring their issues to the committee if it is related to the station." Buck explained.

Khiy frowned at this notion but said nothing. He looked at the other proposed members of this committee and tried to gauge their reactions. Did no one else have a problem with a military organization being the head of a civilian committee? Could they not see the implications?

Kira was uncomfortable with the idea. The man seemed nice enough, but he wasn't a shop owner and didn't know anything abut how they ran their businesses.

The doors opened and Morgan Damron breezed in, dressed in an emerald-green silk dress. "Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late." She didn't really look at the others but walked straight over to Khiy. "Mr. Tal'ehrihn, a pleasure."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Buck Dukati
Executive Officer

Lady Ebele
Owner, Kindness

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans-Galactic Trading

Kira Martin
Owner, Xanadu

Morgan Damron
Owner, The Damron Group

Morgan's bodyguard


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