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Information is Power

Posted on Thu Apr 10th, 2014 @ 8:38am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Buck Ducati

679 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Intel Office
Timeline: AFTER "New Guests On Board"

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati thought it wise to meet with the Second Officer, who happened to be Chief Intelligence Officer Commander Raven Adams and a Typhon veteran officer since she has been one of the longest serving individuals left on board.

He tapped the chime at the office door and waited.

Raven was still playing catchup with everything she'd missed while she was gone. There was a great deal of Intel to be sorted through and staff to replace. She still hadn't managed that dinner with Khiy -- she would have to find some time soon.

When the chime rang she closed out her data file and turned to the door. "Come in."

Buck entered and smiled. "Hello Commander, I'm Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati. The new First Officer." He offered his hand as he approached the woman.

Raven stood and took the man's hand. "Hello, Commander. Welcome aboard. I hope you've settled in."

"Thank you. Yes, just meeting all the senior officers and V.I.P.s then sorting out housekeeping around the station." He sighed. "I didn't realise how much work running a starbase is." Buck smiled slightly. "How are you doing?"

"Indeed. It's quite complex. As an observer, I find the intricacies of juggling so many civilians and Federation personnel interesting," she said. "How are you settling in so far?"

Buck nodded. "And it is my job to help make the juggling easier for Commander Lane as much as possible, not to mention run this place." He laughed uneasily. "I would appreciate any assistance you can give being Second Officer?"

"What sort of assistance, specifically, do you require?" Raven asked. "Because, although I'm second officer, I generally spend my time here."

"So you have no experience in running a starbase?" Buck asked surprised.

"Technically? No. I've been in charge a few times, but I don't call that experience. I wasn't in charge long enough for it to really count for anything," she said.

Buck raised an eyebrow. "I would have assumed that being Second Officer, you have some administrative duties should neither the CO or XO was available during your time serving on Typhon?" He asked. "But that is only because of my previous assignments the Second Officer was proactive and sometimes annoying." He chuckled. "I mean no offence Commander and I am not judging your abilities to command as I have not seen them.. Wait man I gotta stop rambling on." He stopped.

"Yes, I've helped in the past. I've stepped up to cover for the XO, but I'd hardly call that command experience. I've never acted as the commander of the base. Just the first officer."

He nodded. "Any leadership advice is appreciated Commander," Buck smiled. "You know the senior officers and hopefully some of the regulars who frequent this station which can be an insight in how I am best to help understand them in order to work with them." He paused for a breather. "I am aware that I will be taking most of my time getting to know everyone but anything you can tell me, nothing I shouldn't know of course, can help me be a better leader to them." He asked.

"Make your own first impressions," she advised. "Then, if necessary, I can fill you in. There are a few people on the station who've been here for a while. I know the most about those. Honestly, though, I'd rather answer questions than give you information," she said politely.

Buck nodded again. "Yes, you're right. Thank you. Do you have any questions for me or needs that I can help you with?" He asked.

"Nothing at the moment," she said. "But I will let you know if I have any questions in the future."

He smiled. "Excellent. I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in so I will get out of your hair. Thank you and nice to have met you Commander." Buck said.

"Likewise," Raven replied as the Commander departed.


Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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